The Blue Marlin: a symbol of the sea

There are plenty of fish in the sea, or so they say. No doubt about that. The ocean is full of so many different species that it is hard to keep track. This is especially true in the beautiful blue waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean. Out of all the fish in the sea, though,…Read More

Where can you fish without a permit in Florida?

Fishing in Florida is incredibly popular. In fact, you pretty much aren’t a Floridian if you don’t try to catch anything once in a while. While you can have yourself a real fun time, as always there are some rules and regulations. You are going to need a fishing permit, even if you are just…Read More

Florida’s hidden gem: the 10,000 islands

The sunshine state is home to some of the best fishing anywhere in the world. With ample coastline, amenities, great year round weather, and waters full of fish, it is no wonder that people flock to Florida from around the world to dip their lures into the water. Although many places around the state are…Read More

The Mahi Mahi: the jewel of the ocean

Fish come in all shapes and sizes – some small and colorful, others large and shiny. Some have big sharp teeth, and some have no teeth at all. But of all of the fish swimming out in the ocean none are as beautiful as the mahi mahi. Although it is called the dolphin fish by…Read More