Going after sharks in the deep blue sea is not for the faint of heart. They are some of the toughest, baddest, strongest swimmers in the ocean. This isn’t your typical bass we’re talking about. Still, there are souls brave enough to chase them out into the deep water, and many come back with stories to tell. If you want to go out and get one, then you are going to need to know how to catch a shark. Let’s start off by going over what equipment you need.
Your reel and rod – You are going to want a real that can hold AT LEAST 350 yards of 20-40 pound test line and a rod that is about 10-12 feet for smaller sharks. These are ones in the range of a few feet long. This includes ones like blacktips, whitetips, and bonnetheads. We also recommend a fighting belt to make your life a little easier. For larger sharks, ones that are longer than 8 feet, you are going to want a large real that can hold 800-1500 yards of black test line. Also, a 5-7 foot fishing rod made of a metal alloy. This includes species like mako and hammerhead.
Your leader – this is the most important part about catching a shark. If you have normal line, and go after a shark, chances are they are going to break it. Your leader is another form of wire attached to the end that is stronger and more abrasion resistant. It needs to be long enough so that the shark can’t fray the line with its tail while fighting you. You are going to need about 6ft or more depending on the size of shark that you are going after, and it is recommended to have 10-12ft for larger species.
Choose the right hook – The hook is extremely important in landing the shark. We recommend a circle hook for many reasons. First, the landing rate for sharks is higher because it can hook them right in the corner of the mouth, and makes for an easy release. Let them set the hook themselves. Be sure not to bury your hook with the bait. Make sure it is exposed.
Catching a shark isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. Still, if you fancy yourself a pro or think you want to experience the fishing trip of a lifetime, then there is no better way than to come down and give it a try. Now that you know what equipment you need to catch a shark, the only thing left to do is get out in the water and give it a go.