Shelter Cove Fishing Report
April 6, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 30, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 24, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 17, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – There will be NO sport Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season here on the North Coast above Shelter Cove this year due to historically low returns on the Klamath River. Sherry will try to contact everyone that has a Salmon trip booked to let them know. If you wanted Salmon ONLY and you have not spoken to Sherry be sure to give her a call at 707-499-4925. There will be some salmon fishing opportunities from Shelter Cove South beginning in April. We will still be able to fish for Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific), Rockfish and Ling Cod, Petrale Sole (Sole, Petrale), California Halibut (Halibut, California) and possibly even Albacore. We will continue to run a full schedule of fishing trips beginning May 1st so give Sherry a call if you want to book a trip.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
March 10, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Started maintenance on the boat today to get ready for the season. If everything goes well it looks like the weather forecast for this weekend may be good enough to go looking for some Petrale Sole (Sole, Petrale). The Sport Show went well for us and we are starting to fill up for the 2017 season. No real word on Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) yet but we may get a little shot at them this summer.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
March 3, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are currently getting the boat ready for the upcoming fishing season. We will begin running regular trips on May 1st but we’re also keeping an eye on the weather in case we get some nice days where we can get out after Petrale Sole and Sand Dabs. We will be at the Anderson Sports Show at the Shasta County Fairgrounds this weekend. If you are in the area, stop by the Show and say hello. If you are heading out during a weather window to target Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) generally Lugworms, Sandworms, Bloodworms or Gulp Worms work well to hook them.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
February 24, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The main bite the past few days is the Redtail Perch (Surfperch, Redtail) to the North around Ward Avenue. Generally Lugworms, Sandworms, Bloodworms or Gulp Worms work well to hook them. We hope to see this improve when we get a bit more favorable weather.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
February 17, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The storm system has all but shut the fishing down this week. The rivers are brown and the ocean is stirred up. We hope to see Perch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) along with some Greenling and Lingcod once conditions are more favorable. Stay safe and use your Pro Angler App to plan your next trip on the water!

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
February 10, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather continues to be hazardous for anglers this week. Not a lot of people are heading out. The rivers are high as well. We suggest anglers stay safely inside and take this time to check out the other great features on the Pro Angler App including Regulations, Recipes and Fish to help plan your next trip on the water.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
February 3, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Perch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) can be caught off the jetty and towards Westport this week. Generally Lugworms, Bloodworms and Gulp worms will work well to hook them. Conditions are still a bit rough but you can find them if you can hit the water during a weather window. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
January 27, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has been tough as of late. Most anglers are staying inside until conditions settle down. Crabbing has been good when anglers can get out. The jetties are good places to crab however they are difficult to access. The rivers are turning a bit green. There are some Steelhead moving in. Shore based anglers can catch Surfperch (Surfperch, Redtail) when they can get out. We expect improved conditions for the weekend.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
January 20, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Despite the recent weather the Crab fishing has been phenomenal out of Humboldt Bay and in Trinidad when the ocean allows. Soak your pots for a few hours to get limits everyday. Not many anglers are Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred) fishing. Even the jetty is slow. The limiting factor has been the weather this year. Normally we would see Lingcod and Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) from the jetty. Up towards the border the Steelhead rivers are a bit blown out. The Smith River clears out the fastest for the most part. The big push is still coming with the recent storms. There should be more than enough water. We look forward to a great Steelhead run and for the local fishing to improve as the weather clears up.

Pacific Outfitters
January 11, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 5, 2017
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of anglers are crabbing this week. Inside the bay has been productive along with the boats heading outside for the bigger crab and larger harvests offshore. They are dropping pots past 50 ft of water. Otherwise anglers are casting snares and running rings. Steelheading (Trout, Steelhead) is just beginning. Check out Humboldt Steelhead Days for challenges and and more. Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred) are still being caught however the winter swell is pumping dirt into the surf so it may be difficult to find them.

Pacific Outfitters
December 27, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is proposing new saltwater regulatory changes to the Northern Management Area, which runs from Cape Mendocino to the Oregon border for 2017. These changes were established to bring state law into conformance with federal law for groundfish and other federally managed species. The changes, some good, some not so good, will allow more time on the water and open up more territory, but two of the main targeted species will see tighter limits. The season for boat-based anglers will now run from May 1 through Oct. 31 within 180 feet and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 with no depth restrictions. In 2016, the season ran from May 15 through Oct.31, with fishing off limits in water deeper than 120 feet. (20 fathoms) The toughest pill for saltwater anglers to swallow will be the reduction of the sub limit for Black Rockfish from five to three per day. The daily limit for Lingcod will also be reduced, going from three per day to two. Anglers can still keep up to 10 Rockfish per day, which includes a combination of Rockfish, Bocaccio, three Cabezon and greenling. New for 2017, anglers will be allowed one Canary rockfish per day, as federal fishery managers have declared Canaries recovered from depleted levels just a decade ago. Petrale Sole and Starry Flounder will also be allowed year round and at all depths. On Dec. 26 at 12:01 a.m., the commercial Dungeness crab season will open from the Sonoma/Mendocino County line north near Point Arena and from near Shelter Cove to the north jetty of the Humboldt Bay entrance. The opener in this area will be preceded by a 64-hour pre-soak period starting at 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. Steelhead season has started slow on the Smith, with a few being landed by bank anglers plunking last Saturday. The drift boats caught a few fish on Sunday, but it’s been slow since. You can expect the steelhead fishing to pick up as January is traditionally a really good month for the Smith. River levels are predicted to rise a couple feet on Friday, but should be fishable by Saturday. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Kenny Priest Fishing the North Coast
December 27, 2062
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is proposing new saltwater regulatory changes to the Northern Management Area, which runs from Cape Mendocino to the Oregon border for 2017. These changes were established to bring state law into conformance with federal law for groundfish and other federally managed species. The changes, some good, some not so good, will allow more time on the water and open up more territory, but two of the main targeted species will see tighter limits. The season for boat-based anglers will now run from May 1 through Oct. 31 within 180 feet and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 with no depth restrictions. In 2016, the season ran from May 15 through Oct.31, with fishing off limits in water deeper than 120 feet. (20 fathoms) The toughest pill for saltwater anglers to swallow will be the reduction of the sub limit for Black Rockfish from five to three per day. The daily limit for Lingcod will also be reduced, going from three per day to two. Anglers can still keep up to 10 Rockfish per day, which includes a combination of Rockfish, Bocaccio, three Cabezon and greenling. New for 2017, anglers will be allowed one Canary rockfish per day, as federal fishery managers have declared Canaries recovered from depleted levels just a decade ago. Petrale Sole and Starry Flounder will also be allowed year round and at all depths. On Dec. 26 at 12:01 a.m., the commercial Dungeness crab season will open from the Sonoma/Mendocino County line north near Point Arena and from near Shelter Cove to the north jetty of the Humboldt Bay entrance. The opener in this area will be preceded by a 64-hour pre-soak period starting at 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. Steelhead season has started slow on the Smith, with a few being landed by bank anglers plunking last Saturday. The drift boats caught a few fish on Sunday, but it’s been slow since. You can expect the steelhead fishing to pick up as January is traditionally a really good month for the Smith. River levels are predicted to rise a couple feet on Friday, but should be fishable by Saturday. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Kenny Priest Fishing the North Coast
December 16, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Metalheads, hardheads, steelheads – or whatever you want to call them. This beautiful chrome, sleek, silver bullet sure has a mind of it’s own. All of this bountiful water flowing through our pristine coastal rivers and streams, and yet, you’re nowhere to be found. I guess that’s what makes these sea-run rainbow trout so special. You never know what they’re thinking. Or when they’ll make an appearance. Or maybe we’re all just a little too excited given the fact we’re coming off one heck of a coastal Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season. So as we collectively take a deep breath and enjoy the holidays, let’s all remember the winter steelhead season really gets going after Christmas and is in full swing by the time the New Year rolls around. As the rivers begin to recede to fishable levels in the coming days, I’m willing to bet we’ll see the first wave of winter steelhead make its way into our North Coast rivers. At least that’s the plan. After a couple of extremely wet systems on Wednesday and today, several North Coast rivers are forecasted to reach or exceed monitor stage. The Smith, Klamath, Mad, and Van Duzen rivers are all expected to reach monitor stage today, while the main stem Eel at Fernbridge is forecasted to rise above flood stage sometime this evening. According to Reginald Kennedy of Eureka’s National Weather Service, the rivers will all be on drop by Friday morning, with only scattered showers remaining in the Smith basin.

Kenny Priest
December 9, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We have pulled all of our crab pots for the season. It really wasn’t much of one because the ocean has been so big for so long. It has been a steady diet of 10 to 20 foot swells. Even the commercial boats are having a hard time getting out across the Bar. It was another good season here with excellent Lingcod and Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown), good Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific). The Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) were a no show but some California Halibut (Halibut, California) showed up in the Bay. I KNOW that we have the best customers on the Reel Steel. We have been so blessed to have so many of you fish with us. We don’t know what next season will bring but we will post up the news of fishing seasons as the information becomes available.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
November 23, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Earlier in the week we snuck out in the morning ahead of the wind and were able to pull crab pots for limits. A couple of the pots had drifted a little in the big swell so we moved them to a (hopefully) better location.It lookd like bad weather for the next couple of days so we are hunkering down to wait it out. Recently it looks like the storms are lined up back to back this week so we pulled most of our crab gear and stacked it. The crabs were biting pretty good and we even got some for the skipper.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
November 19, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Crab season will be opening soon so anglers are excited for this. From shore anglers can fish for Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Copper) and Perch (Surfperch, Barred). Squid or Big Hammers are best to hook them during the day. Search the structured, rocky areas to find them.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
November 11, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week with a very brief lull in the ocean conditions we were able to blast out and set a few pots. We checked the pots after a few hours and they had 15 or 20 Crabs per pot. Most of the Crab were commercial grade and seem to be full. It looks like a big swell for the next couple of days so we are hoping that our pots stay where we left them. Just as we were heading back in we came across another boater with a dead engine. We were the only two boats out so we passed him a tow line and brought him back to the dock. More recently we made a couple of trips out to the crab grounds today. The ocean was nice except that it got pretty foggy for the trip in from the afternoon trip. We were able to send everyone home with limits of Dungeness crabs. The crabs are in good shape and now is the time to get some.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
November 4, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Crab season will open on time this Saturday. Unfortunately, no one told the weatherman and we will have big seas for a while. As soon as things settle down our crab gear is ready to go and we have plenty of bait. The Crabs out of Humboldt Bay all tested below the action level for Domoic Acid. Some other areas have tested above the action level and the California Dept of Public Health has issued an advisory to refrain from eating crab viscera ( guts and crab butter).

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 28, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week we took the day off to do some river fishing for Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) but we were back on the big pond for some bottom fishing today. There was a little breeze in the morning but it ended up being a beautiful day. I think we all got a little sun burnt. There was a fair amount of current and the fishing was kind of slow but steady. We never found a hot spot but pretty much caught fish wherever we tried. We got a lot of real nice Reds (Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Vermillion). And finished the day just one Lingcod short of limits for everyone. The ride home was nice on the calm ocean. Recently we got some good news on the crab season. The State has been doing their testing for Domoic Acid and it looks like our area will open next Saturday. Judging by the weather forecast, tomorrow will probably be the last fishing trip of the season. We’ll be looking forward to some fresh crab next week. Sherry is taking reservations for crab trips in November.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 21, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – It has been a rough week for fishing in this area due to the recent weather. We have finally been able to get back on the water into this week. Took the day off yesterday to do some river fishing for salmon(caught some dandies) but we were back on the big pond for some bottom fishing today. There was a little breeze in the morning but it ended up being a beautiful day. I think we all got a little sun burnt. There was a fair amount of current and the fishing was kind of slow but steady. We never found a hot area but pretty much caught fish wherever we tried. We got a lot of real nice Reds (Coppers and Vermilions). And finished the day just one Lingcod short of limits for everyone. The ride home was nice on the calm ocean.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 21, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – It has been a rough week for fishing in this area due to the recent weather. We have finally been able to get back on the water into this week. Took the day off yesterday to do some river fishing for salmon(caught some dandies) but we were back on the big pond for some bottom fishing today. There was a little breeze in the morning but it ended up being a beautiful day. I think we all got a little sun burnt. There was a fair amount of current and the fishing was kind of slow but steady. We never found a hot area but pretty much caught fish wherever we tried. We got a lot of real nice Reds (Coppers and Vermilions). And finished the day just one Lingcod short of limits for everyone. The ride home was nice on the calm ocean.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 14, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We took advantage of the calm before the storm to give the Bay a shot before the rain chases all of the bait out. We had no problem getting plenty of live Anchovies and soon made our way to look for some California Halibut (Halibut, California). It took about 20 minutes to get located but once we did it was non-stop action. There are still plenty of short (sublegal) fish around but we also picked up some keepers. We had enough bait to last until a little after noon and we probably had 30 or 40 fish to the boat with lots of missed bites. It was fun for the gang on board.
BAIT REPORT – Anchovy are swimming this week.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 6, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We did not fish today due to large swells. It looks like things are going to settle down for the weekend though. Right now we are full. Things are looking very good for crab season. If you want to go, Sherry is taking reservations now. Crab season opens Saturday November 5. They have been doing testing on the crabs and it looks like there will not be any issues this year.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 30, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Recently the forecast looked good enough for us to make a run to the Rockfish grounds. Once we got there the wind began to howl and we could barely get our lines to the bottom. After a few futile attempts we gave up and slowly plodded our way home through the slop. It was disappointing but fishing is supposed to be fun and it just is not much fun in those kind of conditions. It looks like the weather doesn’t get much better for a few days. (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion)

Reel Steel Sportfishing
www.reelsteelsportfishing.com https://proangler.us/capt/reelsteel.jpg
September 23, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week we switched things up today and did some Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion) fishing. It was fairly breezy but the fish bit well for us. We ended the day with limits of nice Lingcod and were just a couple of fish short of Rockfish limits with quite a few big Vermilion and Coppers. We also managed one Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) on a jig. Everyone went home with big bags of tasty fillets.. Recently it was an interesting day as we got back out on the ocean for some fishing. We have two days of assisting some marine biologists collect Lingcod for study. The goal was fairly lofty, 100 fish in two days. The fact that their permit allowed us to fish in some areas that are now closed but will reopen next year made it enticing. With two biologists and four anglers we made our way to some grounds that we haven’t fished in years. The conditions were nearly perfect with calm seas and modest current. We were able to compare the effectiveness of our own swimbaits to some store bought scampi type. Well, our swimbaits kicked Lingcod tail. By the end of the day we managed to land 65 Lingcod. It was educational and entertaining. The anglers all did a great job and the biologists worked their tails off.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 16, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reel Steel Sportfishing reported early in the week What a difference a day can make. The ocean was much friendlier with less swell and not much wind. The fish decided that they were hungry and bit good all morning. We easily had Lingcod limits plus plenty of nice Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion). Recently the hot Halibut (Halibut, California) bite continued with early limits for all on board. Congratulations to Bob Stewart for landing a nice one that went just over 65lbs. It was fairly breezy but with very little swell. The new(ish) boat does great in the wind so we didn’t have any issues with the conditions.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 9, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Early in the week while the fish came easy for us last week it was a different story. We ground it out in semi-sloppy conditions. At the end of it all we were two fish short of limits for everybody. Most of the fish were on the small side. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) are now closed. Recently we finished Salmon season just like we started, with limits for all on board before noon. It was a mixed grade of fish again today. Overall, I think that we had a pretty good Salmon season this year. We had fish most days and limits were common. There were some slow days of course, but they were more the exception. I want to thank all of the great people who fished with us this Salmon season. Everyone was very patient and kind. The Captain got a little cranky at times but we’re working on him. With the end of salmon season comes Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion), Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) and hopefully, Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin & Tuna, Bluefin). We will be off for a couple of days this week (weather) but we still have some spots available until the end of October and then we will be doing crab trips in November.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 2, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week, FINALLY! We were back on the water today. And what a day it was! The ocean was glass flat and the air was crystal clear as we made our way to the Lost Coast. As soon as we dropped lines in the water we knew it was going to be an exceptional day. The fish were biting like crazy and in just a couple of hours we had all of the big Lingcod and Black Rockfish (Rockfish, Black) we could legally keep. Everyone had a few big Vermilion and Coppers (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper) in each bag as well. The highlight was a beautiful 30 lb Lingcod caught by a young lady on a metal jig (the iron) The boat purred along smoothly the entire day. What a great way to get back on the water. Sept. 1 was the start of the five day Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) opener for September. We knew that we would have to look around to find some late season fish. We fished the area where we left them a couple of weeks ago but we were not having too much luck. We managed to boat one nice fish before we set off to explore new territory. We found an area with tons of life. There were birds working all around with bait boiling on the surface and even a Blue Whale. We dropped in our gear and immediately missed the next three fish. Then we caught some Mackerel on our salmon gear and then we started to put some fish in the box. They were mostly small fish but we were happy to get them anyway.We ended the day just two fish short of limits and cruised back in through the fog.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
August 26, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week we had another real nice day on the Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish Black & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Olive) grounds. Once again we easily got limits of Lingcod including some real beauties (if Lings can ever be called beauties) that were all over 20lbs. We also had plenty of Vermilions, Coppers and Quillbacks to got with the Blacks and Blues. The wind came up a little but the fish were biting so we didn’t care. We had a little overheating problem just as we got back to the dock so we will take tomorrow off and sort that out. It will be the first day we have lost in over 10 years to a mechanical issue. I suspect that we got some eelgrass somewhere it shouldn’t be. There has been tons of it floating in the Bay and sometimes it gets sucked up into the cooling system. Recently we are still off of the water for repairs. We are having to replace some parts and it seems to take forever to get what we need. The suppliers are being good to us though and we are getting close to being able to put things back together. I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. This is the first time in 10 years that we have missed time due to a mechanical issue.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
August 19, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – It’s been a bit rough the past few days so it hasn’t been easy for anglers to get out. Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) are coming up however Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) has been hit or miss. They are catching them close in the inshore. From the shore a few Rockfish and Cabezon are coming up. Squid, Shrimp or Perch are working as bait.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
August 12, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week as predicted, the ocean came up a bunch overnight. Besides the big swells the fog was so thick that you couldn’t see a hundred yards. We tried Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing for a while and we picked up a couple before a vote was taken and we headed back into the Bay to catch some bait and try for California Halibut (Halibut, California). We had lots of bites (LOTS) and hooked a fair number of small Halibut. We only ended up with two keepers though. One lucky angler caught both Salmon and both keeper Halibut. He was gracious enough to share some of his catch with the other anglers on the boat so everyone went home with some fish. Thank you Matt, that was a classy thing to do. I still maintain that we have the nicest customers on the Reel Steel. More recently it was foggy with a big swell this morning. It seems like the Salmon don’t bite as well when there is a lump on the water, at least when they are right on the beach. We worked all day to get seven salmon for five anglers.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
August 4, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Earlier in the week with an improved weather forecast we made our way out to look for Salmon (Salmon, Chinook). When we got offshore we found that while improved, the ocean was still not that accommodating. We had a couple of bites early that didn’t stick. We looked around for a while until the weather got to a couple of folks and we decided to head into the Bay for some hot California Halibut (Halibut, California) action. We had plenty of action but none met the legal minimum size so I guess it’s fish sticks for dinner. Recently after the nice weather we were hoping that the forecast would be wrong and it would be nice again. Well, it wasn’t. The trip was Pacific Halibut or bust so we slogged our way offshore through the fog hoping that we would find some flatfish. There was no love at the first spot we tried but found quite a bit of life at our second stop. In spite of a big swell, we were able to put two Halibut in the box before we called it an early day and headed back home through the fog.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
July 27, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has been windy up until recently so there has not been many Sport Boats heading out as of late. Party boats are targeting Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) and Lingcod. They are looking for nice rock piles rather than the deep water. Prior to the wind the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) bite was hot however they were small, only about 25 inches. They were right outside of town.
BAIT REPORT – Lots of Crab are coming off the jetties this week. They have been a hot catch!

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
July 22, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – At the beginning of the week after a couple of days of being in the right place at the wrong time we were in the right place at the RIGHT time. As soon as we got the first line in the water it was FISH ON! And the hits just kept coming until at about 8am we put our last fish in the boat for limits for everyone including the Captain. We were back in so soon that Sherry barely got a batch of cookies done. All but two of the fish were in the mid to high teens and were nice and fat. Mid week the red hot, close in fishing has tapered off already. There were a lot of factors involved like fishing pressure, water temperature,tides, full moon etc. We still did OK today with 8 fish for 6 anglers with the largest fish just over 20 lbs. Yesterday we had a small group today that had the whole boat chartered so we took the opportunity to stretch our legs a little and scout some new territory. We picked up some Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) first thing and then ran to the Lost Coast area looking for more Salmon sign. We tried at one of last years hotspots but the conditions were not good for trolling. Too much whale snot that was gumming everything up. We made the switch to Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Olive) and got our Rockfish plus limits of Lingcod for everyone including the skipper. Some of the Lingcod were in the 20 lb range, very nice. We trolled for a bit while cleaning the fish but had no luck. Back to the dock a little late but it was so nice out there it was hard to leave.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
July 15, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Early in the week we headed south to the Lost Coast this morning to try to make life miserable for some Rockfish (Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Black) and Lingcod. The ocean was a little bumpy but very fishable. After a slow start the fish began to come over the rail. We made one very long drift, about a mile and a half long and caught fish almost continuously. Before noon we had limits of Rockfish and Lingcod. Recently It was a battle against a new adversary on the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) grounds today. In spite of getting torn up by Hake (Hake, Pacific) we managed to put three Halibut in the boat. The baits were under constant attack by the voracious Hake and certain other bottom critters. As soon as the lines hit the bottom the rods would start bouncing with more Hake attacks. The crew are regulars and had a great attitude in spite of being the victims of Hake crimes. It looks like rough seas so we are going to take a couple of days off and get ready for the salmon opener on Saturday.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
July 7, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The plan was to fish Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) but be in a position that if we did not get any early action that we could make a quick run for Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Olive). The Halibut fishing was pretty much dead all morning so we switched to plan B and zipped on down to the Rockfish grounds. We made the most of our limited time on the grounds and got everyone limits of Rockfish with good variety and some nice Lingcod as well. It sounded like the Halibut bite picked up a little in the afternoon. We did get an excellent whale show while they were feeding on krill just a couple hundred yards from the boat. At the same time there were acres of sardines chasing krill on the surface. The ocean was flat calm all day.
OFFSHORE – Earlier in the week we were still landlocked while we waited for the weather to get better. All of this wind was good for the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and the food chain overall but it is preventing the warm Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin & Tuna, Yellowfin) water from making its way closer to us. Right now the warm water is about 100 miles offshore.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 29, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – At the beginning of the week the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing was excellent! The ocean was much kinder than forecast with only a 4 foot swell and no wind. It took us a little while to find the fish but eventually we found a nice edge with birds and bait. The edge was drifting East at a pretty good clip which made it difficult to stay on the fish. We missed some good bites and lost a couple of hooked fish but then we got our act together and began putting some nice King Salmon in the box. By noon we had everyone’s limit and were heading back to the dock for some of Sherry’s fresh cookies. More recently We had a small gang on the boat since we were unsure of the weather. The weather turned out OK and the fish cooperated again with Salmon limits by noon. We will be off of the water for the next couple of days due to weather so our Salmon fishing for June is done until July 16th when it opens again. Until then we will be fishing for Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) or Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Starry & Rockfish, Olive).

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 24, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – At the beginning of the week the ocean conditions were a little nicer than expected so we were able to run down to where we caught some nice Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) yesterday. After a little bit without much action we zipped over to the Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Gopher & Rockfish, Olive) grounds and spent about 15 minutes getting limits of Black Rockfish (they were really biting). Then we started Salmon fishing again and found a area of biting fish. They were a good grade but they were so feisty that we lost quite a few. In spite of losing some fish we still managed to get everyone some Salmon to take home. The wind never did really come up so we had an easy trip back. Recently, we took yesterday off but were back at it today. The ocean was flat and the sun was shining. The fish continue to be spread out over a large area with no real hot spots. We managed to hook some, lose some and land some. There were a few non keepers in the mix as well.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 17, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Mid week we were ready for hot action after the recent Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) fishing but we were disappointed. There were some fish around but we never got properly located and stayed too long in an area without much fish. The ocean was fairly rolly with a 7 foot swell all day. As usual the folks on the boat were very gracious and did not physically threaten the Captain. It looks like better conditions for the next few days as we switch back to salmon fishing. Thursday we were late leaving the dock after waiting for a couple of people. There was a little bite first thing and then things kind of died off. We decided to go searching but did not find much to get excited about. We had some small fish and then we ended up so close to the rockfish grounds that we made a quick stop there for limits of Black Rockfish (Rockfish, Black). We trolled a little on our way back and missed one good bite but that was it for us.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 17, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Mid week we were ready for hot action after the recent Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) fishing but we were disappointed. There were some fish around but we never got properly located and stayed too long in an area without much fish. The ocean was fairly rolly with a 7 foot swell all day. As usual the folks on the boat were very gracious and did not physically threaten the Captain. It looks like better conditions for the next few days as we switch back to salmon fishing. Thursday we were late leaving the dock after waiting for a couple of people. There was a little bite first thing and then things kind of died off. We decided to go searching but did not find much to get excited about. We had some small fish and then we ended up so close to the rockfish grounds that we made a quick stop there for limits of Black Rockfish (Rockfish, Black). We trolled a little on our way back and missed one good bite but that was it for us.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 9, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We ran back to the Lost Coast for Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper) today. The wind was supposed to be 20 knots out of the South which is not usually good news for fishing around here. The wind blew a little when we first arrived but then calmed down and the fish were biting. We easily caught limits of Lingcod for all six anglers (18 Lings) and had to release some just to get our Rockfish limits. We had another great variety with 11 different species landed. What a great day. Earlier in the week It looked like the weather was going to give us a couple of days off. The Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) bite has been fairly slow for the last couple of days and with Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing closed until June 16th, Rockfish is all that is left for us. The Rockfish and Lingcod fishing has been fantastic so far this year but the wind on the grounds is supposed to blow for a while.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
June 3, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Friday the weather on the Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Olive) grounds was OK in the early morning but then the wind came up. It did not prevent us from doing what we set out to do and we had Rockfish limits and Lingcod limits including a couple Lings for the Captain. It was a rough and foggy ride home. Yesterday, we were after Halibut (Halibut, Pacfic) again. It was breezy most of the time but there wasn’t much swell. The fishing started off pretty slow until we bagged a small Halibut and then a short while later picked up a nice one that hit 57 lbs on the scale. Then we hooked a few Skates and the day was over.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
May 24, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing started off a little slower this morning. We had one fish after an hour or so and then picked up another single. We spotted some birds about a half mile away and when we trolled near them we went over a HUGE school of Anchovies. Just after we passed over the bait we had a hookup, then another and another. Triple hookup. We landed those fish and worked that area until we had limits for all aboard. We took a few photos, noted that it wasn’t even 10 am and headed for the dock. Flat ocean and fantastic King Salmon fishing. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
May 20, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Today is the opening day of Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season. While we always have high hopes for a season opener we try to temper our expectations so we are not disappointed if the fish aren’t there. The weather forecast told us that we would not have much time (if any) on the water so we were just hoping to get some lines in the water. It was a little rough when we got out but we were able to make it to where we have been seeing some signs of krill and whale activity. We dropped our lines in and in about 20 minutes Jo put the first salmon out of Eureka on the boat. Shortly after that we got two fish out of a triple hookup. By 10 am we had limits for all on board including the Captain. It looks like the weather will keep us off of the water for a few days but we can’t wait to get back after more salmon.
OFFSHORE – Earlier in the week we were seeing better results. It was the opening day of Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Olive) season and we were unsure how they were going to bite. It turned out that they must have really missed us because they bit with wild abandon. We had quick limits of Lingcod and rock fish. We had a great variety with 12 different types of rock fish of every color of the rainbow.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
May 12, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – On Wednesday we were hoping for better fishing conditions than yesterday but the South wind came up first thing and blew all day. The drift was OK but the wind was cold and made the ride bouncy. We had some small fish but no Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) made it in the box. Looking forward to a little nicer conditions tomorrow. Tuesday the ocean stayed pretty bumpy all day today. We had to wait for the tide to change to cross the Bar so that really cut into our fishing time. We all did our best but only managed one Halibut. It was a nice one though and Larry (the lucky angler) shared with everyone else on the boat. Nice work Larry. There are good signs for Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) offshore with bait, whales and good water color and temp. Hopefully, we will get right on them when the season opens next week. In the meantime we will keep after the Halibut. Monday We picked up our remaining crab gear. Commercial crab season opens here on Monday (05/16/2016) and we don’t want to have our gear out then. It looks like the weather is going to settle down next week although the tides are not too good for us early in the week.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
May 6, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – On Tuesday, WIDE OPEN HALIBUT BITE!! The ocean was pretty nice all morning (not like yesterday) and the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) were biting. We had five fish for limits by 10 am. We tried to get a boat fish for the skipper and had two big fish on but both came unhooked halfway to the boat. One of them hit so hard it nearly ripped the rod from the boat and only quick reflexes on the part of the angler saved the rod and rod holder. The previous day we ran offshore in very nice conditions this morning. We dropped in our gear and gave the first area a good try but did not even get a nibble. Undeterred, we made a five mile run to an area that has been a good early season area in the past. Everyone dropped in their Halibut rigs and waited for a bite. We caught and released a Petrale and then caught a nice Halibut. We had another Halibut on for a while but it came unhooked on the way up. Then the wind started to really blow. I mean hold onto your hat kind of blow. Just as we were beginning to make plans to head for home another Halibut grabbed on and this one stuck. It was a pretty good battle considering the conditions had really deteriorated by then. We landed the fish and made a dash for home. Since we already had some crab gear out we decided to pull a couple of pots so everyone went home with a limit of Crab. It was wild and wooly but we were very satisfied with the results of our first trip of the season.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
April 29, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – We finally got out and set our crab pots. That was the good news. The bad news is that the current was so strong that we were not able to pull a single pot. No one has set a crab pot out there since last July so I have a feeling that the pots will be full when we are able to pull them.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
April 22, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – We thought that Crab was about ready to open but a bad test for Trinidad has set the clock back again. So I guess that we are still waiting. The salmon season has been officially set. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season will open May 16th to May 31st, June 16th to June 30th, July 16th to August 16th and September 1st to September 5th.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
April 15, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Still no word on crab.The boat is ready to go when it happens. The latest crab test results were just released and all crabs tested within safe levels. Other areas have opened fairly quickly after a clean test and there is quite a bit of pressure from the local commercial fleet to open crab season here. So it could be a GO for us at any time now. We should get one week before the commercial season would start so I expect to have good crabbing when it starts for us. I will post here as soon as there is an official announcement.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
April 8, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) is finally open in this area and despite anglers not catching in surrounding regions we are seeing some great numbers here. The bite is far from red hot but numbers are consistent, some anglers are even catching their limits. We suspect you will not have to go too far out to find some good areas. Dungeness Crab continue to hit off the pier this week. Limits are still being caught however it seems to be a bit hit or miss depending on the day. The best sizes are coming out of the TB Buoy so far this week having produced the most keepers.

Lawson’s Landing
April 1, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Dungeness Crab continues to be the main focus for anglers this week. Everyone seems to be hitting their limits using Squid, Chicken and Mackerel for bait. Anglers don’t need to be on the water long as reports are saying most limits are hit by early afternoon. The best tips are to freshen your bait as often as possible, and use a good quality. We are excited to see things begin to heat up in this area for a Spring bite. Anglers looking to prepare can check out our GPS Hotspots or Fish feature which provide tons of information to keep your lines tight.

Lawson’s Landing
March 24, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is shore based this week. Perch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are turning up on the beach. Anglers are throwing Shrimp, Sand Crabs or Sand Fleas to hook them. As an artificial alternative a similar Gulp will work well. There are also reports of Lingcod being caught from the same area.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
March 18, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Conditions in this area have not changed a whole lot from last week. Anglers continue to see Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) that are coming up on gulp sandworms and other similar artificials. Camo color has been very productive. We have also seen some safe crab testing for this area and are awaiting a possible opening in the next week or two. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the opening of bottom fishing so they can get an early start on Rock fishing. Anglers getting ready for the Spring bite can always take advantage of our Fish feature which provides tons of tips and tricks to keep your lines tight.

Pro Angler Team
March 11, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a whole lot going on in this area as the ocean has been so stirred up. Some anglers are heading to the jetty for Surfperch, Redtail. This has been the main focus for most anglers this week. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the Rockfish opening. Anyone gearing up for the Spring bite can check out our Fish section for more Tips and Tricks to keeping your lines tight.

Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
March 2, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – If you want to catch a Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred), better hurry! The bite was around the top of the tide and the perch liked Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Sandworms. According to the pro here, the fish bit on every cast; getting them to stick was a bit trickier. The latest crab results posted on Friday. Crescent City, Eureka, and Bodega Bay (Salt Point) have passed and probably will receive no further testing. Unfortunately, Trinidad (South), Fort Bragg, and Bodega Bay (Russian River) each had a bad crab or three. A second good test from Trinidad (North) and Bodega Bay (Bodega Bay) will clear them. We’re getting awfully close to an opener in most places. Looking at the summary sheet, though, it seems that most of the places that have passed or are close to passing hadx readings like Fort Bragg’s current numbers back in November and December. That could mean two months until Fort Bragg passes. At least that would give us a two month season.

Lawson’s Landing
February 24, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – When life gives you lemons you’re supposed to make lemonade. I’m not sure what we’re supposed to make with these Jacksmelt.They’re biting well, though. Anglers are still awaiting a crab opening date in this area but until then you can definitely catch your limits in Jacksmelt.

Lawson’s Landing
February 18, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Unfortunately there is still an area wide closure on Dungeness Crab this week. Level continue to test above the legal limit so they are still prohibited until further notice.

USA Fishing
February 10, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has prevented a lot of Crab testing the past few days. Anglers are getting anxious as the levels have been dropping but there is no news of an opening at this point. We do not expect to hear anything about a possible open date for the next few weeks at least.

USA Fishing
February 4, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Unfortunately this week there is not a lot to report from this area. There is no good news about the crab situation as we have not seen toxin levels drop as of yet. We hope to see things improve soon so we can still have a bit of crab season before it’s too late.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
January 28, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Crab closure is still in effect this week. Some anglers continue to fish the jetty for the Rockfish (Lingcod, Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Black). Big Hammers in various colors are the best bet to hook them this week. There is not a lot of bait other than Crab running since no one is allowed to fish them, they are very plentiful. Check out Steelhead Days at Pacific Outfitters to become more aware of the great initiatives for Steelhead awareness, fishing and care.

Pacific Outfitters
January 22, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Now that Rockfish offshore are closed the main focus has been on the inshore. As follows is the most recent Crab update. In Ft Bragg two blocks off Usual and Manchester were tested. The average DA levels from six samples was 26ppm and 28ppm with two crabs from each area testing above the action levels. In a nutshell we are seeing a consistent downward trend line with few crabs testing above the federal action levels. Hopefully we see testing in all ports in the coming week and a continuation of safe results. I’m optimistic that we should see both a sport and commercial opener by February 1st.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
January 15, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Now that Rockfish offshore are closed the main focus has been on the inshore. As follows is the most recent Crab update. In Ft Bragg two blocks off Usual and Manchester were tested. The average DA levels from six samples was 26ppm and 28ppm with two crabs from each area testing above the action levels. In a nutshell we are seeing a consistent downward trend line with few crabs testing above the federal action levels. Hopefully we see testing in all ports in the coming week and a continuation of safe results. I’m optimistic that we should see both a sport and commercial opener by February 1st.

USA Fishing
January 6, 2016
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Crab Update – While the Oregon and Washington recreational Dungeness crab seasons have opened and their commercial seasons are set to open on January 4th, we California anglers are still waiting on clean crabs. The good news is that most of the recent results posted are from crabs tested on December 16th and 17th. With calmer weather we are hoping that the CDPH posts results of any samples taken this week as soon as possible. If the trend line of lower DA levels continues we could be dropping pots in January. The conditions in the area are beginning to settle down for most areas and the water will take a little bit to get the fish re-organized. We have not had any reports from this area as of yet. Most anglers are eagerly awaiting the possible opening of crab season.

USA FIshing
December 29, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Crab Update – While the Oregon and Washington recreational Dungeness crab seasons have opened and their commercial seasons are set to open on January 4th, we California anglers are still waiting on clean crabs. The good news is that most of the recent results posted are from crabs tested on December 16th and 17th. With calmer weather we are hoping that the CDPH posts results of any samples taken this week as soon as possible. If the trend line of lower DA levels continues we could be dropping pots in January. The conditions in the area are beginning to settle down for most areas and the water will take a little bit to get the fish re-organized. We have not had any reports from this area as of yet. Most anglers are eagerly awaiting the possible opening of crab season.

USA Fishing
December 21, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Wind has shut just about everything down or closed. It has been too strong for any anglers to get out this week. Offshore and Inshore have been dead. It is just slightly beginning to clear up however the swells and conditions will likely not have the water ready for the weekend even if the weather is nice. The beaches and piers are pretty torn up so far this week. The crab situation seems to be improving but is still not open yet. It’s not easy to tell when that will be. Anglers who head out over the weekend can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
December 18, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Wind has shut just about everything down or closed. It has been too strong for any anglers to get out this week. Offshore and Inshore have been dead. It is just slightly beginning to clear up however the swells and conditions will likely not have the water ready for the weekend even if the weather is nice. The beaches and piers are pretty torn up so far this week. The crab situation seems to be improving but is still not open yet. It’s not easy to tell when that will be. Anglers who head out over the weekend can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.

Pacific Outfitters
December 11, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is fairly close to shore this week. Anglers are catching Stripers (Bass, Striped) and Halibut, Pacific closer to the shore from roughly 60-80 ft of water. Bounce balling is the best technique reported so far this week. There have also been reports of Sharks and Stingray, Round hitting a bit farther out this week.
OFFSHORE – Rockfish (Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Vermillion) are continuing to turn up this week. The Sheepshead bite is less frequent but still present. The Tuna, Yellowfin bite has died down a bit however are still fairly hot from 10-20 miles. They are mostly going after Anchovies on small hooks so far. Look for kelp patties for the best sizes.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
December 3, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Most anglers are fishing from the jetties this week for Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper & Lingcod). They are both doing well and coming up in solid numbers and sizes. The weather and swells have dirtied up the water however this has not hindered the bite. Soft plastics by big hammer are working very effectively, especially for the Lings. Some anglers are still using Scampie tails as well. Best colors of the week are dark, purple or black.
OFFSHORE – Since boat based fishing is close most anglers are staying on the shore this week. Those who have gone out are targeting Sandab, Pacific although there have not been too many reports. To much disappointment, Crab is still closed at this time however there is talk that it may be open by the end of the month. Our sources have informed us that once the season opens the Crab will be perfectly fine as the toxins in them are natural and typically bleed out before open. The unseasonably warm weather has prevented this so far.
BAIT REPORT – So far this week there are no reports of bait swimming. Most anglers are switching to artificials as they are more productive with the spotty weather.

Pacific Outfitters
November 26, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper) are doing well along with Greenling, Kelp and Lingcod. The North and South jetties have been the key spots to find them. Our sources are using hand tied buckhair jigs or super flukes on a quarter oz. jighead and finding it to be extremely productive. There have been some Stingray, round in the bay as well. The Surfperch, Barred are beginning to slow down with the temperature drop along with most of the ocean fish in general. Anchovies and live Mackerel are also swimming in the shallow water this week and are a great live bait.
OFFSHORE – There is not a whole lot of action happening offshore this week since Rockfish from the boats is now closed. Salmon, coho have been doing well around the estuaries. Anglers have been using cut plugs to hook them. There are no more Tuna left in this area and most boaters are heading down South to find them at this point. The weather looks to be not too bad for the holiday weekend and anglers who head out can always check out our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.
BAIT REPORT – Anchovies and Mackerel are both running this week and working well for inshore fish.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
November 20, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – The ocean conditions have been sloppy to rough the past few days and few boats have ventured out. Here on Tuesday 11-17 evening we are seeing NW winds of 15 knots over a 10 foot swell. Water temps continue to drop with current temps of 54.5 at the Bodega weather buoy. These colder temps will help to diminish any left over red tide and in turn we should be seeing cleaner crab demoic acid tests in the coming weeks. Currently tests are scheduled to be done off the Bay Area Coast from Monday 11-16 to Wednesday 11-18. It takes about a week (a day in government time) to get the crabs to the lab and for the CDPH to release the results. We will post any news regarding crabs as soon as it comes in. In the meantime the rockfish and Lingcod action has been excellent and our party boat sponsors can use a few good hookers along the rail. The weather ramped up and the ocean was not accessible due to the high swell and winds. The swell on Friday jumped from 6 to 12 plus feet by Saturday ahead of the approaching weather front. Here on Sunday 11-15 afternoon we are seeing NW winds of 28 knots over a 15 foot swell. Winds and swell will diminish through Monday and it looks like by Wednesday anglers on larger boats will be able to get back out. These winds and swell are also helping to upwell local waters and dropping water temps that will hopefully make for clean crab tests sooner rather than later. Water temps should slowly drop in the days ahead and a sloppy ocean is just what is needed to help clean out the last of these algae blooms. We will post updated fishing reports as boats get back out

The New Sea Angler Captain Rick Powers
November 13, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Although shore fishing is open all year long there is not much action happening. Lingcod is the best catch right now. They can be found behind the mill using strips of Squid. Cabezon and Greenling, Kelp are also biting along with a variety of small rockfish.
OFFSHORE – Due to unseasonable weather, warm water temperatures and species restrictions there is not much going on in this area. There have been no reports of anglers making their way out this week. Algal Bloom, possibly caused by El Nino, have created a high level of toxin known as domoic acid in Crab . This has caused the California Fish and Game Commission to postpone opening the season in this area. Ingesting crabs can cause major illness and can even be lethal. Crab will be closed until further notice. If you are looking to hit the water this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information and suggestions on your favorite fish. In addition you can head to Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport for an up to the minute report.
BAIT REPORT – There are no bait running to report at this time. Most anglers are turning to frozen bait as live has mostly moved out.
Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport
November 6, 2015
Shelter Cove Fishing Report
INSHORE – Most of the fish species are closing offshore at this time. Anglers are awaiting Crab season results. Lingcod are still biting from shore behind the mill that is open now. Anglers are using strips of Squid to hook them. It is one of the only fish available right now as Perch (Surfperch, barred) have not show up yet but are expected soon.
OFFSHORE – Due to unseasonable weather, warm water temperatures and species restrictions there is not much going on in this area. There have been no reports of anglers making their way out this week. Algal Bloom, possibly caused by El Nino, have created a high level of toxin known as domoic acid in Crab . This has caused the California Fish and Game Commission to postpone opening the season in this area. Ingesting crabs can cause major illness and can even be lethal. If you are looking to hit the water this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information and suggestions on your favorite fish. In addition you can head to Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport for an up to the minute report.
BAIT REPORT – There are no bait running to report at this time.
Mendocino Coast Tackle & Sport

- Lucky Tackle Box
- Billfish Bounty in the Heart of the Mayan World – Guatemala
- The Best Species of Shark to Catch
- How to Catch a Shark: what equipment do you need?
- The Best Winter Fishing Spots in Texas