Port Lavaca Fishing Report
April 6, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – As water temperatures increase waders are finding a successful bite when they can avoid the wind. Nice sized Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) can be caught from shore or from boats and even in murky water. The fish are biting well into the afternoon.
BAIT REPORT – You can find Glass MInnows are in the West bay and can be caught during an incoming tide.

Capt Bink Grimes Matagorda Sunrise Lodge
binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net www.matagordasunriselodge.com
April 6, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good on the reefs on live Shrimp and Gulps. Trout are fair for drifters in the back lakes on live Shrimp. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good while drifting around the tripod and along the ICW. To the West Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Redfish and Black Drum are good while wading with live Shrimp on the South shoreline. Trout are fair to good in the afternoon while wading with topwaters. In Port O’Connor Trout and redfish are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live Shrimp. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and Gulps. Trout and Redfish are good at the jetty on Croakers and Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 30, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Water temps reached 74 degrees this weekend, warm enough for some to ditch the waders. Wading was best this week with Spring winds. We did find admirable catches while drifting, even in the wind. Boats are available this week. Still a lot of big Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the middle of the bay. Tune in the debut of Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest beginning April 6. I’ll be giving the middle coast rundown.

Capt Bink Grimes Matagorda Sunrise Lodge
binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net www.matagordasunriselodge.com
March 30, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Redfish and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at Shell Island on live Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over sand and grass in the guts in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 22, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Although it has been windy lately, there are still some fish to be caught. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 9 pounds are taking live, large Mullet. When you can find sheltered areas or windows of calm winds the drift bite has produced easy limits. From shore or shallow water anglers are hooking scattered Reds (Drum, Red) as well. We expect them to heat up with a bit more favorable weather. Call to book your trip at Matagorda Sunrise Lodge today!

Capt Bink Grimes Matagorda Sunrise Lodge
binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net www.matagordasunriselodge.com
March 22, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) nine pounds are good while drifting deep reefs with Gulps or live Shrimp. Trout are fair on the South shoreline on topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on the spoil banks on the North shoreline. To the West Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Redfish and Black Drum are fair to good at Shell Island on Shrimp. Through Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on soft plastics over soft mud. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 15, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – The past week probably yielded the best catches of 2017. We only fished early in week due to attending the Houston Fishing Show Wed-Sun, but the two days we fished we released 10 Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) over five pounds while drifting. Our bay system just continues to amaze. There’s not very many places in this world you can catch that many large Trout so consistently. Spring Break is this week. We have boats available. Afternoon fishing is often just as solid as morning trips this time of year.

Capt Bink Grimes Matagorda Sunrise Lodge
binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net www.matagordasunriselodge.com
March 15, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – If you are fishing East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. In the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics and live Shrimp. Black drum are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Around Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over grass in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 9, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on shrimp andCrabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics and live Shrimp. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over grass in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 1, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good over deep shell on Gulps and live Shrimp. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Redfish are fair over deep shell on Shrimp. To the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on soft plastics over sand and grass near Grass Island. Trout, Black Drum and Redfish are good at the jetty on Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 24, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good over deep shell on Gulps and live Shrimp. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Redfish are fair over deep shell on Shrimp. To the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Throughout Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on soft plastics over sand and grass near Grass Island. Trout, Black Drum and Redfish are good at the jetty on Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 17, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) are the most prominent bite this week. Search the East bay to find them. Live Shrimp will be your best bet to hook them. Similar artificials will do well. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

Tipps Bait Camp
February 16, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters on live Shrimp and soft plastics over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Throughout West Matagorda Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake and at Shell Island on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over soft mud in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 10, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Drum (Drum, Black), Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are turning up in the bay this week. Both lures and bait are working to hook them. Shrimp or Crab are generally your best bet.

Indianola Fishing Marina
February 10, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on Gulps over humps and scattered shell. Trout are fair for waders in the afternoon on Corkies. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal and at the mouths of drains on Gulps and jigs tipped with Shrimp. In West Matagorda Bay Redfish are fair to good on the South shoreline in the guts and bayous on soft plastics and Gulps. Trout are fair in the guts on the incoming tide on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 1, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters over mud and shell on live Shrimp, Bass Assassins, Lil Johns Norton Bull Minnows. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. In West Matagorda Trout are good for waders working the soft guts on plastics. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum and redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Toawrds Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on soft plastics over soft mud. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the mouths of back lakes on soft plastics. Sheepshead and Black Drum are good at the jetty on Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 27, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters over mud and shell on live Shrimp, Bass Assassins, Lil Johns Norton Bull Minnows. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. In West Trout are good for waders working the soft guts on plastics. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair on soft plastics over soft mud. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the mouths of back lakes on soft plastics. Sheepshead and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are good at the jetty on Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 19, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good on Bass Assassins, Lil’ Johns and Bull Minnows over deep shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Towards Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on soft plastics over soft mud. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 11, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 5, 2017
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Magagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West Redfish are fair on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Sheepshead are fair around piers and rocks on Shrimp. Around Port O’Connor Redfish are fair on Corkies over soft mud and drop-offs near reefs on plastics. Redfish are fair at the mouths of drains on soft plastics and gold spoons.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 27, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good under the birds when the wind allows. Trout are good at night in the channels. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on live shrimp at Shell Island and Twin on Shrimp and Mullet. Around Port O’Connoer Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on soft plastics. We expect this to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 22, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good under the birds when the wind allows. Trout are good at night in the channels. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on live shrimp at Shell Island and Twin on Shrimp and Mullet. Around Port O’Connoer Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on soft plastics. We expect this to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 16, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good under the birds when the wind allows. Trout are good at night in the channels. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on live Shrimp at Shell Island and Twin onShrimp and Mullet. In Port O’Connor Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 9, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell and under birds when the wind allows. Trout and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on muddy shorelines on Gulps. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on live shrimp at Shell Island, Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Mad Island. Flounder are good in the Diversion Channel on Gulps. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live shrimp. Flounder are fair to good in bayous on Gulps and jigs tipped with Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 2, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell and under birds when the wind allows. Trout and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on muddy shorelines on Gulps. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on live shrimp at Shell Island, Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Mad Island. Flounder are good in the Diversion Channel on Gulps. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live shrimp. Flounder are fair to good in bayous on Gulps and jigs tipped with shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 24, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on the shorelines on small topwaters. To the West Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on soft plastics over muddy bottoms at the locks. Redfish are good around Shell Island on Shrimp. Towards Port O’Connor Trout and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live Shrimp. Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters over soft mud in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 18, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on muddy shorelines on soft plastics. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live shrimp at Shell Island and Mad Island. In Port O’Connor Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair to good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 11, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on muddy shorelines on soft plastics. Redfish (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good on topwaters on the south shoreline. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on live shrimp at Shell Island, Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Mad Island. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live Shrimp. Generally, the best time to fish is during a moving tide.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 4, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on the shorelines on small topwaters and dark plastics. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live Shrimp in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and at Shell Island. Trout and Redfish are good in the Colorado River on Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
October 28, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Towards East Matagorda Bay Trout )Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal and Lake Austin on Crabs and Mullet. To the West, Redfish are good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Mullet. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters over soft mud in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
October 21, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good in Lake Austin on Shrimp and topwaters. Trout are fair to good over mud while wading with scented baits. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live Shrimp and topwaters in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Shell Island. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good in the surf and at the jetty on cracked Blue Crabs. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live shrimp and topwaters. Trout are good on live bait over reefs in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
October 14, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout are fair on the shorelines on small topwaters and dark plastics. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair on the shorelines on Gulps. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair on live Shrimp in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and at Shell Island. Redfish are good while wading the south shoreline on live bait. In Port O’Connor Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair on plastics around shell in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
October 14, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout are fair on the shorelines on small topwaters and dark plastics. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair on the shorelines on Gulps. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair on live Shrimp in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and at Shell Island. Redfish are good while wading the south shoreline on live bait. In Port O’Connor Redfish are good in the back lakes on Shrimp and Mullet. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs, Mullet and Shad. Trout are fair on plastics around shell in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
October 6, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good in Lake Austin on live Shrimp. To the West Trout and Redfish are good in the surf. Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters over soft mud in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and topwaters. Redfish are good at the jetty.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
September 30, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good while drifting the east end of the bay on live shrimp under a popping cork and Gulps. To the West Redfish are good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair to good on soft plastics over muddy bottoms. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters over soft mud in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and topwaters. Bull Redfish are good at the jetty on live Shrimp fished on the bottom.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
September 23, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good in Lake Austin on Shrimp. Trout are fair to good over mud while wading with scented baits. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live Shrimp in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Shell Island. Trout are good in the surf when the wind allows. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good in the surf and at the jetty on natural baits. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and topwaters. Trout are good on live bait over reefs in San Antonio Bay.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
September 16, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the shorelines on small topwaters and plastics. In the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live Shrimp and topwaters in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Shell Island. In Port O’Connor Bull Redfish are good in the surf and at the jetty on cracked Crabs. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
September 9, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over midbay reefs and shell and mud humps. Trout and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good over mud on live Croakers and soft plastics. To the West Trout are fair over sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at Shell Island on live Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good at the jetty on live bait. Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live shrimp and small topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
September 2, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Bay Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over mid-bay reefs and shell and mud humps. Trout and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good over mud on live Croakers and soft plastics. To the West Trout are fair over sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at Shell Island on live Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good at the jetty on live bait. Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and small topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
August 26, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over mid-bay reefs. Trout and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good while wading mud on Croakers. Sandtrout (Seatrout, Sand) and Croakers are good over deep reefs on Shrimp. To the West Trout are fair over sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at Shell Island on live Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp and small topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
August 19, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over mid-bay reefs. Trout are good on topwaters while wading mid-bay reefs. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair in the middle of the bay on the falling tide. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair on live Shrimp in Oyster Lake and around Shell Island. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass around Pass Cavallo. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
August 12, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) are doing well on the Bayfront, Hurricane Cut, East Pocket and the Ranch House. Croaker and Shrimp are doing well to hook them. There are a lot of undersized Trout this week with a few nice sizes mixed in. Reds are steady and anglers are getting limits. They have definitely picked up. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are biting if you head to the pier, the South shore of Powderhorn Lake or in front of the bay.

Indianola Fishing Marina
mail@indianolafishingmarina.com http://www.indianolafishingmarina.com
August 4, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are the main focus for most anglers this week. The Trout are especially good in the Pass and on the jetties. You can also find them on the surf and in Christmas bay. They are taking Shrimp for the best sizes. The Reds are also taking Shrimp and can be found on the reefs as well mixed in with some Sand Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Sheepshead.

Tipps Bait Camp
July 27, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are plenty of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) from the back lakes to the surf.
OFFSHORE – There have been a few Kings (Mackerel, King), Red Snapper (Snapper, Red) and Cobia coming in from the offshore.

Fishing Center
July 22, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Redfish are fair to good while drifting deep shell. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on topwaters and live Shrimp in Oyster Lake and Crab Lake. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout are fair to good at the jetty on Croakers and live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
July 15, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Redfish are fair to good while drifting deep shell. To the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on topwaters and live shrimp in Oyster Lake and Crab Lake. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout are fair to good at the jetty on Croakers and live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
July 7, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Matagorda Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) have been mixed with the Trout. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. In the West Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on topwaters and live Shrimp on the South shoreline. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout are fair to good in the surf and at the jetty on Croakers and topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
June 29, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In this area Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good at San Luis Pass on shrimp, MirrOlures and soft plastics. Trout, Redfish (Drum, Red), Sand Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Sheepshead are good on live Shrimp on the reefs in Christmas Bay. Trout are good early in the morning at the jetties on live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
June 24, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over mid-bay reefs. Trout are fair on the shorelines for waders. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair along the reefs on the Intracoastal on live shrimp. To the West Trout are fair to good on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on topwaters and live shrimp in Oyster Lake. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live shrimp. Trout are good while wading shorelines near the jetty.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
June 17, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good in the surf and at the jetty on live Shrimp and Croakers. Sand Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Sheepshead are good on live shrimp on the reefs in Christmas Bay. To the West the Trout are good on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are good at the jetty on Shrimp and Pogies. Trout are good in the surf on live bait and topwaters. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout are good in the surf and at the jetty. Redfish are good in the back lakes on topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
June 9, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Lots and lots of rain last week, but we dodged storms and caught piles of fish. Wading was good on Down South Lures and Super Spooks and drifting was good on Gulps and live shrimp. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are really eating topwaters and the surf could get right this week. The good news is the forecast calls for dry skies and light winds all week.

The Sunrise Lodge Capt. Bink Grimes
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Trout are good in the surf on live bait. To the West, Trout are good on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good at the jetty on Shrimp and Pogies. Trout are good in the surf on live bait and plastics. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout are good in the surf and at the jetty. Redfish are good in the back lakes.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
May 26, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) to near nine pounds are good for drifters on live shrimp over mid-bay reefs. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair in Lake Austin on live shrimp. To the West, Trout are fair to good on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on topwaters and live shrimp in Oyster Lake. Drum (Drum, Black) are good on the reefs on live shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live shrimp. Redfish are good at the jetty.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
May 20, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Redfish (Drum, Red), Sand Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Croakers are fair to good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West, Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and crabs. Trout are good on shell and grass on soft plastics and live Shrimp. In Port O’Connor Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over sand and grass in the guts in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp. Trout are good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on Shrimp and Croakers.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
May 12, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over mid-bay reefs. Trout are good for waders working reefs on topwaters and plastics. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair in Lake Austin on Shrimp. To the West, Trout are good on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on topwaters and live Shrimp in Oyster Lake. Trout are fair in the surf on live bait. In Port O’Connor the Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters and live bait over sand, grass and shell in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp. Trout are fair in the surf and at the jetty.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
May 6, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East Bay, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Lots of oversized Trout have been caught and released. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. In the West bay, Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are good on shell and grass on soft plastics and topwaters. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. In Port O’Connor, Trout and Redfish are fair on topwaters over sand and grass in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp. Trout are good at the jetty on live Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
April 29, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Trout to 10 pounds are good on soft plastics over deep shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West, Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Port O’Connor is holding some Trout and Redfish are good on topwaters over sand and grass in the guts in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
April 22, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West, Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics and topwaters. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on Crabs. Port O’Connor is holding some Trout and Redfish that are fair on topwaters over sand and grass in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp. Trout are good at the jetty on live Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
April 15, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – To the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good over deep shell on the east and west ends of the bay. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are fair for waders on the south shoreline. To the West Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Sheepshead and Black Drum are fair to good on Shrimp on reefs. Red Snapper (Rockfish, Vermillion) is good in Texas waters. Around Port O’Connor the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good on topwaters over sand and grass in waist-deep water in San Antonio Bay. Trout and Redfish are fair for drifters working the back lakes with live Shrimp. Redfish are good at the jetty on Crabs and Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
April 8, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the East bay, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair for drifters in the back lakes on live Shrimp. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. To the West, Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake on Shrimp and Crabs. Black Drum and Redfish are fair to good at the jetty and on the reefs on live Shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
March 11, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters on live shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the shell on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Trout are good in the guts on Soft-Dines and Bass Assassins. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake and at Shell Island on shrimp and crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on crabs.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
March 4, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters on live shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the shell on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Trout are good in the guts on Soft-Dines and Bass Assassins. Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake and at Shell Island on shrimp and crabs. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on crabs.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 26, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are good on Corkies and Soft-Dines on the south shoreline. Trout are fair to good for drifters on live shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the edge of Oyster Lake and at Shell Island on shrimp and crabs. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on crabs.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 19, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters on live shrimp and Gulps under rattling corks over scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good in the middle of the bay. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair on the edge of the Intracoastal on shrimp. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics and topwaters.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
February 10, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – From the East, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. From the West Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout are good in the Colorado River at night on glow Bass Assassins.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
(512) 389-4800
January 27, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout are fair on shell on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 22, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters over humps and scattered shell on Down South Lures, Bass Assassins and Norton Bull Minnows. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on shrimp. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on crabs.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 15, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair to good for drifters over humps and scattered shell on Down South Lures, Bass Assassins and Norton Bull Minnows. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on crabs and mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good in Oyster Lake on shrimp. Trout are fair on shell and grass on soft plastics. Drum (Drum, Black) are fair to good at the jetty on crabs.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
January 8, 2016
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on plastics over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal and at the mouths of drains on Gulps and jigs tipped with shrimp. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout are fair on shell on soft plastics and finger mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 30, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on plastics over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal and at the mouths of drains on Gulps and jigs tipped with shrimp. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout are fair on shell on soft plastics and Finger Mullet.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 23, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Reds (Drum, Red) are good on the edge of the intracoastal along the north shoreline on Crabs and Mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair on shell on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 18, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Reds (Drum, Red) are good on the edge of the intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are fair to good on the south shoreline in the guts and bayous on soft plastics. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are fair in the guts and around shell on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 11, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Sand & Seatrout, Spotted) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the edge of the Intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair to good on the South shoreline in the guts and bayous. Trout are fair on shell on soft plastics.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
December 4, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are fair for drifters on live Shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Reds (Drum, Red) are good on the edge of the intracoastal on Crabs and Mullet. Flounder (Flounder, Gulf) are fair on Brown Cedar Flats on jigs tipped with Shrimp. West Matagorda Bay: Redfish are good in the holes on the north shoreline. Trout are fair on shell on soft plastics. Flounder are fair to good on soft plastics over muddy bottoms near the Intracoastal.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 26, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – East Matagorda Bay: Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are good for waders on the south shoreline. Trout are good for drifters on live shrimp and soft plastics over humps and scattered shell on the north shoreline. West Matagorda Bay: Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are fair on the south shoreline on live shrimp.

Texas Parks & Wildlife
November 20, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair on the south shoreline on live shrimp.
November 13, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish (Drum, Red) are fair on live shrimp at Shell Island, Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Mad Island.
November 6, 2015
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live shrimp at Shell Island, Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Mad Island. The Colorado River is running from recent rains.
Port Lavaca Fishing Report
Since fishing conditions change from minute to minute we try to keep our reports as updated as possible. The United States is a large country, so we try to keep our Port Lavaca Fishing Report updated once a week. If you would like to contribute to the Port Lavaca Fishing Report, feel free to email your fishing tips to mike@proangler.us. We rely on even small contributions to inform us that fishing conditions have changed so we can update the Port Lavaca Fishing Report.
The Port Lavaca Fishing Report is brought to you by the Pro Angler team and many, many, highly skilled Captains and bait shop owners.

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