Oyster Fishing Report
April 10, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
April 4, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are gearing up for the opening of Rockfish (Bass, Striped) in the next two weeks. Catch and release anglers are preparing as they target anything that is making an early appearance. There may be a few scattered Perch turning up now but you will have to work for them. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

R W’s Sports Shop
March 29, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
March 17, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
March 10, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
March 3, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
February 15, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
February 9, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
February 2, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you are looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
January 27, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – During the Winter season most the migratory fish have left the area and the variety of fish available in State waters are slim. Some anglers are still targeting Tautog offshore and Stripers (Oceanside) inshore. There are not many boats left on the water over winter but the local tackle shops can always point you in the right direction if you’re looking to get a trip in this winter. As we find varying weather conditions from day to day we encourage all anglers to stay safe and warm when fishing. This is a great opportunity to check out some of the current Pro Angler App features along with new additions coming soon. We look forward to bringing you more great Pro Reports when the bite fires back up.

Pro Angler Team
January 11, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 6, 2017
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Rockfish (Bass, Striped) are now limited to catch and release fishing however they are still providing great action for anglers heading out this week. They are being hooked all over the bay so far and in the ocean we hope to see them move inside 3 miles. The main focus going forward will be Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Redfish (Drum, Red), and Tautog inshore. The Trout can be found all throughout the bay however with the cooler temperatures they become lethargic and therefore a bit more picky about what they will take. MirrOlures are generally a good bet in the cold water. Rudee, James and Lynnhaven Inlets are the best places to find them. Anglers will usually find Puppy Drum as bycatches in the same areas. Tautog hold up on structure so the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is a key location to fish. Once the bite turns on, don’t go too far as you’re likely to bring in a few fish at the same point. If the bridge is slow, the concrete ships at Kiptopeke are a great alternative. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – In the ocean, there are still some fish to be caught nearshore this week. The bottom bite continues to produce some Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline), Grouper (Grouper, Gag), and Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black). Keep in mind the Sea Bass are catch and release only. The Triangle wrecks are producing Flounder (Flounder, Winter), Tautog and Sea Bass this week.

Green Top Hunting and Fishing
info@greentophuntfish.com http://www.greentophuntfish.com
December 27, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – This week we are still seeing Tautog caught however the bite seems to be hit or miss. It’s dependant on the weather and if anglers can make it on the water. They seem to be holding up in deeper areas starting in 30 ft and moving out. The mouth of the Chesapeake Bay and the Bay Bridge Tunnel has been a key area to find them. Farther out the Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) have still been caught. Anglers are beginning to search for them from 15-20 miles. They can be found consistently off of Ocean City. 60-70 ft seems to be a key depth for them. There are some Tautog mixed in. Clam and Squid are generally your best bet to catch either fish. Things are winding down for inshore Stripers (Bass, Striped) mainly due to a lack of anglers. We see very few BIG fish left when anglers can get on the water to fish them. There are some anglers waiting to see if any will move inside the 3 mile line however this may not happen for a while. In the Bay, Bucktails and jigs have been your best bet to catch them. Live Eels on a slow troll is alo productive, especially in the Cape Charles area. Search in roughly 30-40 ft for decent sizes. 42 and 59A are producing particularly well. You can look for birds to find fish however they won’t always be there. The bite is very sporadic some days. Towards the Rudee Inlet we are still finding some Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) turning up with a sporadic Drum (Drum, Red) bite. They are fairly small sizes. Finger Mullet is the most productive bait into this week while the Trout still prefer Gulp on a jighead.

Pro Angler Team
December 19, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The wind has kept many anglers off the water the past few days. The Striper (Bass, Striped) season is almost closed. There could be some fish moving through the area however they are generally not within the 3 mile limit. The bite has been tough for anglers who have headed out. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – When weather allows some anglers can head out for Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) in 60-70 ft of water. Tautog are mixed in. Clam and Squid will do well to hook the Sea Bass. For the Tautog, you can use Green Crab or White Leggers. We hope to see this continue into the new year. Pro Angler Tip – When it gets late into Tautog season, some anglers find that switching to White Legged Crab produces more fish than Green Crab. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The wind has kept many anglers off the water the past few days. The Striper (Bass, Striped) season is almost closed. There could be some fish moving through the area however they are generally not within the 3 mile limit. The bite has been tough for anglers who have headed out. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – When weather allows some anglers can head out for Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) in 60-70 ft of water. Tautog are mixed in. Clam and Squid will do well to hook the Sea Bass. For the Tautog, you can use Green Crab or White Leggers. We hope to see this continue into the new year. Pro Angler Tip – When it gets late into Tautog season, some anglers find that switching to White Legged Crab produces more fish than Green Crab. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
December 15, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – This week we are seeing a lot of the action coming from the South towards Maryland. As the winter season sets in anglers are travelling a bit more to catch the bite. Things are a bit slow which is typical for this time of year. Anglers are jigging around the bay bridge for Rockfish (Bass, Striped). Fish up to 50 inches have been caught. Jigging soft plastics on jigheads has been most productive. The numbers are decent. There are still big Stripers out there if you’re willing to bundle up and brave the cold. There has been some anglers fishing out of Point Lookout taking in some Bass to 30 inches. They are decent sizes and make good table fair. We are seeing them down to Smith Island and Tangiers. The whole area is still fairly productive. There are still big fish on their way down from Jersey as well. The fish are deep and the big switch will be soon with the colder weather. Anglers will focus on the power plants with a good supply of warm water pumping out. The Choptank river is producing fish deep water jigging as well. Topwater stuff is done. Bucktails with plastics, alone or jigging with soft plastics is best. Stripers are closed as of December 15th. Most anglers will cast light tackle after the closure for some catch and release fun. Oceanside, some anglers are trolling off the beach for a handful of fish. The farther North you go, the better they get. Not much is coming from the beaches of Ocean City. In this area you can troll inside the 3 mile line to catch fish. At this point we see a lot of anglers switching to Freshwater and tributaries feeding into the bay. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

R W’s Sports Shop
December 7, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of small Stripers (Bass, Striped) are out in the bay. Some are up to 30 inches. Some anglers are catching them around the Chesapeake Bridge Tunnel. Typically when big fish pass by this area they are on the move and roughly 3 miles or farther out on the seaside. It’s been a bit too rough to get out this far so there hasn’t been many offshore trips for other species. We are mostly waiting for the bigger fish to move up the bay. Around the Tangier light there are a few keeper sized Stripers. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – There are plenty of bait (Menhaden) out in the bay.

Don’s Tackle Shop
November 30, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are seeing some 24-34 inch Rockfish (Bass, Striped) under the birds this week. They are being caught trolling and jigging. Trolling is a bit more productive for numbers. Jigging with 2-4 oz jigging spoons are productive as well. The Eel bite is picking up from Tangier Sound to Cape Charles in different holes and edges of the channels. There is plenty of bird activity. Search for the birds and bait pods in the shoals. The recent cold snap has brought in nicer sizes. They are moving out of the rivers and the creeks still. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
captryan@fishmidnightsun.com fishmidnightsun.com
November 23, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not a lot has changed into this week. Bluefish and bottom fish have moved out. Anglers continue to troll for Rockfish (Bass, Striped) however there still isn’t any size to them. The bigger fish are farther up the bay. Bucktails and soft plastics are working both in the morning and the evening. Generally chartreuse and white are good colors to use. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

R W’s Sports Shop
November 16, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are still tons of undersized Stripers (Bass, Striped) under the birds with a few keepers mixed in. Rock piles, reefs and wrecks are holding the bigger fish. The water is still fairly warm for this time year so search the structure while trolling or jigging to hook them. If you can get your hands on live bait you’ll do well. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – A lot of Menhaden are around and they’ll school up when the temperature drops.

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
captryan@fishmidnightsun.com www.fishmidnightsun.com
November 9, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – It’s been quiet, rainy and windy the past few days. Despite this, Stripers (Bass, Striped) are still in the bay and there are still a few Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) biting. Z man lures are still working well for the Trout as well as the Stripers. The Stripers are still in shallow this week. The weather is not conducive to Tuna trips at this time. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are in the bay under the birds.

Don’s Tackle Shop
November 2, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – On the seaside we are seeing legal sized Puppy Drum (Drum, Red). On the wrecks there are a lot of Bluefish and King Mackerel (Mackerel, King). Anglers are trolling spoons to find them. A few Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] have been caught inshore. Bayside anglers are seeing small Stripers (Bass, Striped). A few Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) have been released as well. Casting Zman Lures is best. Look for the birds to find the bait and fish. There is also the occasional Puppy Drum bayside as well. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bunker (Menhaden) are swimming in the bay under the birds.

Don’s Tackle Shop
October 26, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The wind has kept a lot of anglers off the water so far this week. Bayside there are some anglers hitting the shorelines. The target has been Stripers (Bass, Striped) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on the East side. Zman lures have been productive on a Zman jig head for both the Trout and Stripers. Chartreuse or Pearl Blue Glimmer have both been great colors to trigger a strike. The bite is best on the outgoing tide, any time of day for the Stripers will provide some fish but Specks are better in the morning or evening. We hope to see this heat up as the weather settles down. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Don’s Tackle Shop
October 19, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The water is a bit cleaner into this week. We are seeing lots of Stripers (Bass, Striped) in the bay. Most are under sized as it’s a bit early for the big fish. Anglers are working the East side to find them along with the Islands around Tangiers. They are being caught casting. There are some birds working over small fish at this point as well. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Oceanside is slow. There are a few Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) being caught out there. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
October 12, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The water is still dirty into this week. Anglers are waiting for the water to clear up before they head out. The Bay Striper season is open however the fishing is slow. A lot of small Stripers (Bass, Striped) are around but there are very few keepers mixed in. Anglers are casting for them using MirrOlures or Grubs. It is still to nasty to head offshore so the main focus has been the tough Bass bite. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Don’s Tackle Shop
October 5, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – A few Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) have been caught Bayside and Seaside but weather has kept many anglers off the water for the most part. Most of the fish have been hooked along the shorelines and at creek mouths. Bass Assassin paddle tails with any green and red combo will do the trick to hook them. We hope to see the bite pick up after the storm passes. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Don’s Tackle Shop
September 28, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Flounder bite has slowed inside the inlet. Most of them are moving to the inshore wrecks. There are some Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] and Gray Trout (Weakfish) inside. Big Yellow-bellied Spot are expected any time. In the Chesapeake Bay side we are seeing Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) in the creeks, a few Puppy Drum (Drum, Red), and anglers are getting ready for Rockfish (Bass, Striped) coming up. There are a few Stripers in the creeks and Red Drum in the bay already. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Big White Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White) are running out in the ocean if it is laid down enough to get to them. A few big Dolphin are still around as well. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
September 21, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Bayside we are seeing Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) and Drum (Drum, Red) along the shorelines. Every now and then we are finding Puppy Drum. They are scattered and not consistent yet. Bass Assassins and other soft plastics are best. Once the weather settles down we should see the bite heat back up! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Don’s Tackle Shop
September 14, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] fishing seemed to pick up a little after last week’s storm, high water was here most of last week. Inside the inlets some keeper size Gray Trout (Weakfish) are available along with Whiting (Kingfish, Northern) and Croakers (Croaker, Atlantic). Our Tarpon seemed to have moved south for the year before the hurricane showed up. Bayside fishermen are connecting on Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the creeks. Jumbo Spot, Whiting and Croakers are on structure and in the holes. Bull Reds (Drum, Red) are still hot and heavy from Pungateague south to marker 42. One boat scored 8 citation releases one night this week. To get in on this action contact Capt Richard Buscher at 757-710-5585. The Eastern Shore Anglers Club’s Bay Challenge is Saturday the 17th this month, get preregistered here at the shop. Great prizes, trophies and cash awards for 9 species of fish, any Virginia waters are legal fishing. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – The 10th was the first day since the Hurricane local boats were heading out into the blue water. Capt Keith Neal on the “Teaser” had a good day with Yellowfin (Tuna, Yellowfin) last week before the storm with two over 70lbs. This is the time for great numbers of Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White) to migrate south past us, some boats will score up to 30 releases a day. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
September 7, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We expect that the Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) are on their way out while the Bluefish and Rockfish (Bass, Striped) will become more active. They are swimming the shore and are being caught from the boats as well. Spot fishing has also been picking up. Bloodworms are doing well to hook them. We hope to see conditions calm down and are eagerly awaiting the Striper migration. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

R W’s Sports Shop
September 1, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Outstanding! That’s probably the best way to describe the Cobia fishing this season. The bad news is that the season closes Aug 30. Anglers can catch and release only after Aug 30. Reports of fish in the 60 lb range have been numerous this week. Some anglers from Madison County, Va took advantage of the nice weather and strong catches by heading out with Capt. Josh Saunders. Patrick Taylor and Josh Spanky Breeden reeled in limits of Spadefish, and Cobia of 47 & 51 inches. The Spadefish action is slowing down a bit at the bridge-tunnel. However, Spadefish catches are being reported by the folks at Buckroe Pier. Buckroe is also reporting catches of Spot and Flounder (Flounder, Southern). The bridge-tunnel is the place to be for Flounder inside the bay, but better, more consistent catches are coming from ocean structures such as the Triangle Wrecks. Live bait has been better for the bigger Flounder. Sheepshead can still be caught at the CBBT, along with Triggerfish (Triggerfish, Blueline). Trolling outside the ocean span of the CBBT can yield keeper catches of Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish), and Bluefish ,if your speed isn’t quite fast enough for the Mackerel. Clark and Drone spoons on in-line sinkers or diving planers will do the trick. The oceanfront has been yielding better catches of the Mackerel still. Spot catches are increasing throughout the bay and inside the rivers, like the Rappahannock. Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are responding to topwater baits very well as the days become shorter, so look forward for this bite to improve greatly as the season progresses towards fall. Gulp! baits are popular also, along with drifting live bait over grass. Inshore boaters are scoring on Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel. Pier anglers are catching Spot, Sea mullet (Kingfish, Southern), and Bluefish. Pro Angler App Users – The storm from Florida is arriving today! We hope anglers are remaining safely indoors during harsh weather conditions. Some reports have been gathered prior to the recent weather systems and we hope to see similar patterns once everything has subsides.
OFFSHORE – The area of the Triangle Wrecks has been giving up Dolphin lately. The White Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White) is becoming stronger by the day it seems, and Blue Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, Blue) are also on the increase. Big Eye Tuna (Tuna, Bigeye) are a possibility, as are Wahoo. Deep dropping at the Norfolk Canyon is producing Blueline Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline), Grouper (Grouper, Gag), Rosefish (Blackbelly Rosefish), and Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black). Garry Oliver of Fishing Unlimited in Nags Head reports plenty of Sailfish (Billfish – Sailfish) for the boaters as we approach September.

Green Top Hunting and Fishing
info@greentophuntfish.com http://www.greentophuntfish.com
August 24, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] bite has been mostly on the last two hours of the incoming tide and the first hour of the outgoing, cooler water from the ocean generates a feeding spree. Water temps inside have been mid to upper 80’s. Some Whiting (Kingfish, Southern), a few Croaker and Gray Trout (Weakfish) can be found by bottom fisherman using Shrimp, Bloodworms and Fishbites. Oyster’s backwaters to Quinby contain Tarpon, with some real trophies. Casting Berkley Powerbait Swim Shad or floating live bait under floats are the most productive. Outside the inlets, Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) and Bluefish are in close. Reefs and wrecks continue to produce Flounder, Spadefish and Triggerfish (Triggerfish, Gray). Bluewater fishing still has a good bite for Mahi around the Navy Buoys and up the 20 fathom line, and around any pot buoy you might come across check for them there. Trolling Shimano Waxwings around these buoys can be very productive, along with pitching bait. Bayside fishing has improved with good catches of Whiting, Spot, Croaker and Gray Trout along the 30′ break in the Ditch Bank area off Onancock Creek. Trolling for Spanish Mackerel is still good from the Cell north in tide lines to Schooner Bay. A few Speckled Trout are showing in the creeks and rumors of some slot size Redfish (Drum, Red) South of us. Big Bull Red Drum are loading up between buoys 42 and 42A, they can be taken anchoring up and bottom fishing cut spot and Bunker, or live lining bait or Crabs. Some nice Cobia can also be taken here with the same baits in the water. CBBT fishermen are catching some Sheepshead and Spadefish around the bridge pilings. Cobia can still be caught sight casting around the bridge, Latimer’s Shoal and any of the buoys. Some Flounder are available around the pilings and the edges of the channels. Don’s Tackle Shop can repair your reels so you can stay on the water and catching fish! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!

Don’s Tackle Shop
August 17, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing is on and off inshore. There are some nice Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] being caught depending on the day. On the bay side the Red Drum (Drum, Red) are small but biting. A few Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are mixed in on the shoreline. Sand Mullet (Kingfish, Southern) are in the deep holes at the end of the creeks. Sharks (Shark, Mako & Dogfish, Spiny) can be caught seaside. Don’s Tackle Shop can repair your reels so you can stay on the water and catching fish! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – A few Dolphin (Mahi) are being caught offshore. A few Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] are on the offshore wrecks. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
August 9, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not much for Flounder (Flounder, Southern) inside the inlet at Wachapreague this last week. Anglers at Folly Creek and Quinby did a little better. A few Croaker and Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) around with some Gray Trout (Seatrout, Silver) showing up. Some good Shark (Shark, Sandbar) fishing in several of the deeper channels of Drawing and the Hummocks. Reef and wreck fishing inshore has slowed for flounder and sea bass. Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) fishing has been good to the few anglers trying, trolling with gold Clarkspoon behind number 1 planers and 4 or 6 ounce in-line weights. Bayside fishing has been two word, Reds (Drum, Red) and Spanish. Bull Red Drum showed up last weekend off Bayford, inside of buoy 42. Catch them anchored up in around 40′ of water on Bunker. Spanish Mackerel have been from off Pungoteague Creek south to the Range light tower off Occohannock Creek from the shipping channel edges in, in tide rips. Silver Clarkspoons will get it done for these fish, look for jumping fish also.One of the netters had a good haul of Croaker this weekend off Pungateague Creek. CBBT still has good Spadefish and Sheepshead fishing with a few Flounder showing. Eastern Shore Anglers Club Bay Challenge is September 17th, weigh ins at the docks at Onancock Wharf. Great prizes and good sportsmanship. Stop by the shop to register. Target species are Bluefish, Croaker, Spot, Speckled Trout, Flounder, Gray Trout, 18-26 inch Red Drum, and Sand Mullet (Whiting) Don’s Tackle Shop can repair your reels so you can stay on the water and catching fish! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Offshore Mahi (Dolphin) fishing has great around the Navy Buoys and the 20 fathom line. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks
BAIT REPORT – Baitfish are pretty scarce this week.

Don’s Tackle Shop
August 2, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are a few Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bayside in the creeks. Anglers are casting for them with jigheads as well as grubs including Zman and grub jerk shads. Close to the shore there are some Sand Mullet (Kingfish, Southern). There are plenty of them. Schoolie Stripers (Bass, Striped) are mixed in. The Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] bite is dead. Seaside there are some Flounder inshore. There has been a nice bite. They are on the Paramore reef as well. Don’s Tackle Shop can repair your reels so you can stay on the water and catching fish! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – In the ocean we are seeing tons of Dolphin. Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin & Tuna, Yellowfin) have moved North so the bite is slow. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
July 26, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We haven’t had much to report on fishing, however this week a decent Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] bite on the last two hours of the incoming tide has taken place just inside the inlets of Folly Creek and Wachapreague. Tarpon are plentiful from Quinby to Oyster in the backwaters. Most fish hooked have been with live bait under floats. One 75 inch fish was released last week. Bayside fishing is slow, waiting for the arrival of Bull Red Drum (Drum, Red) off Bayford and the reefs. Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) have shown up outside the Range Tower out of Occohonack Creek. Look for tide lines for these speedsters and troll small spoons with 4-6 ounce weights and number 1 or 2 planers. I like to run at about 7 mph,if you are catching Bluefish speed up just a little for the Spanish. Sight cast for Cobia is still good around Latimer Shoal and the pilings of the CBBT. These pilings are also producing good numbers of spadefish and Sheepshead. Flounder have also started showing up around the pilings and over the tubes of the CBBT Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Ocean fishing on the hills has slowed, the Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin) that were being taken on the inshore hills have gone north. One Ocean City boat did get 7 Yellowfins (Tuna, Yellowfin) on Lumpy Bottom this week. The 20 fathom line area has its share of Dolphin. Wreck and reef fishing is holding up for Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] and Spadefish around the buoys. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
July 20, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – There have been a few Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] caught in the inlet at the end of the incoming tide. They are on the deeper water ledges. There are some Sharks (Shark, Bull & Shark, Sand Tiger) hanging around as well. Outside the inlet on the reefs and inshore wrecks we are seeing Spadefish, Sheepshead, Triggerfish (Triggerfish, Gray), Cobia, Flounder and smaller Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black). Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Outside the lumps have had Tuna on them, both Yellowfin and Bluefin (Tuna, Yellowfin & Tuna, Bluefin). Anglers are chunking and trolling for them. Look between 90-110 ft close to the 20 fathom line. They are all scattered up and down. There have been a few Wahoo brought in but not many. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks

Don’s Tackle Shop
July 15, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bay is dead this week. Cobia and Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been caught however the bite has not been on fire. The seaside fishery and, the Paramore Reef are slow as well. The reefs and wrecks off Virginia Beach are producing great Flounder however, right out of Rudee Inlet. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish listed below the report to view more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – The Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin & Tuna, Yellowfin) have been excellent this week. Anglers are trolling the Canyon for them and chunking for them along the lumpy bottom. Butterfish has worked best.

Don’s Tackle Shop
July 6, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – On the bayside we are finding Cobia this week. We are also seeing Sand Mullet (Kingfish, Southern) in the creeks and up in the edge of the inlet in the deeper water. Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are in the same area however the bite has not turned on yet. Anglers are casting lures such as MirrOlures and Zmans to hook them as they work the shoreline. Oceanside we have found Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] on the wrecks. The rain the last few days has caused the water to be quite muddy on the oceanside.
OFFSHORE – On the 26 mile hill there are Bluefin (Tuna, Bluefin) while Yellowfin (Tuna, Yellowfin) are out at the canyons. Dolphin have been caught incidentally on the troll while targeting Tuna
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are slim but are swimming.

Don’s Tackle Shop
June 28, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore Flounder (Flounder, Winter) fishing is slow. Some local anglers are scoring on flatfish at Gargatha. A few Croakers, Sand Mullet and Bluefish are around but not in good numbers on the seaside. Bayside fishing is holding up well. Chumming for Cobia is still working fairly well from Onancock South. Snapper Bluefish are showing in better numbers, small Rockfish (Bass, Striped) remain in the creeks, and very few Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) available. Deeper holes of Pungoteague and Occohannock have an abundance of small Gray Trout (Seatrout, Silver), Sand Mullet and Snapper Bluefish. Weather forecast for the weekend is NE winds 10-15 MPH
OFFSHORE – This last weekend’s weather kept offshore fishermen at the dock. Offshore fishing has been hit or miss with few warm currents coming into the canyons. Reef and wreck fishing is picking up for Flounder (Flounder, Winter) and Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black).

Don’s Tackle Shop
June 22, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are seeing a nice bite begin to heat up in this area. Cobia are coming out of Nassawadox Creek this week and the sizes are varied but there are some keepers. Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] fishing has slowed the last ten days. Most keeper Flounder in Wachapreague has been on the incoming tide bringing in cleaner and cooler water from the ocean. Top areas have been in the area of the old Coast Guard Station and the deeper water of Green Channel and Drawing Channel. Jigging bucktails tipped with Zman and Gulp and drifting have been productive. Strong winds have hampered fishing and combined with heavy rains have stained a lot of the water. Good reports for Flounder out of Quimby, but with no channels marked, local knowledge is a must to navigate this area. Bayside fishing has Rockfish (Bass, Striped) season closed with some fish still hanging around creek mouths and just a small scattering of Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) found. The size of Cobia off Parkers Island has shown smaller fish moving in, bigger fish are lower in the Bay to the CBBT.
OFFSHORE – Offshore a good Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) and Mahi (Dolphin) bite has been had with wind permitting anglers to get out to them. Wayne Gwaltney and crew brought in the season’s first Wahoo this last week. Capt Meriwether Payne had a trip Wednesday to the Parramore Reef in the ocean when her one fisherman on board got his limit of flounder, you can contact her at 757-710-2454 for an affordable ocean fishing wreck or reef trip.

Don’s Tackle Shop
June 15, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Drum (Drum, Black) bite continues to be red hot! The afternoons have been better for finding them up on the surface. Sometimes hundreds can be seen in one school. Casting bucktails, topwaters, big flukes, or just about anything will sometimes draw strikes from these hard pulling brutes. Fishing at night along shoals has been producing good results also. Many are being caught in the vicinity of the CBBT and Cape Henry. Cobia catches continue to increase as they migrate into the bay to spawn. Folks are sight casting to them, along with chumming for them. Eels are often used for bait while chumming. For now, more fish are being caught in ocean waters, but bay catches are definitely on the rise. A 45 incher was caught at Buckroe Pier this week. Flounder (Flounder, Winter) action is also on the rise as more anglers are targeting them along the structures of the CBBT and lower bay reefs. The lower bay reefs are loaded with small Croaker (Croaker, Atlantic), Grey Trout (Seatrout, Silver), and the dreaded Oyster Toad, but quality Flounder can also be had. Good reports of Croaker are still coming from the York River, and James River. There are Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) being caught, but Speck anglers aren’t known for giving up locations of their catches. However, quality Trout are being caught. The bridge-tunnel is giving up a few Sheepshead , not much word of Spadefish at the tunnel, but the Spades are being caught at Chesapeake Light Tower.
OFFSHORE – The Canyon is still hot with Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin), and many are targeting Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline) in these deeper waters with excellent results. Limits of Yellowfin were brought back to the docks at Oregon- Inlet, including a 90 lber! There was also a 47 lb Wahoo caught the same day. The storms kept many people from going out, so reports are low this week from the Outer Banks.

Green Top Hunting and Fishing
June 9, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Flounder (Flounder, Southern) fishing is still fairly good, Flounder are on their summer haunts. Drift or jig the 12-25′ ledges around channels. The old Coast Guard Station area, Millstone Creek and Green and Drawing Channels have been producing. Two of our customers got their limits in yesterday’s stiff winds at Wachapreague,along with the first Croaker (Croaker, Atlantic) of the season. The inshore wrecks and reefs have produced a few Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) and very few Flounder so far this season. On the Bayside, Cobia and Black Drum (Drum, Black) still have everyone’s attention. Chumming, trolling and sight casting for Cobia is all working. Black Drum seem the thickest around Buoy 13, Latimers Shoal and Middle Grounds. You can also find Sheepshead there and around the bridge pilings of the CBBT. The upper ends of Bayside Creeks have gotten up to 80 degrees pushing the Rockfish out to the mouth of the creeks where cooler Bay water drops water temps. A few Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been taken, but they have been very spotty
OFFSHORE – The hot Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) bite a week and a half ago in the Norfolk Canyon fizzled out last weekend. But a new shot of warm water is back and better than the last monumental bite. Yesterday this shot of warm water was on the 100 fathom line.

Don’s Tackle Shop
June 1, 2016
INSHORE – Flounder fishing is holding up fairly well as water temps are now in the mid 60’s. Flounder (Flounder, Winter) fishing from Gargatha south to Willis Wharf is steady throughout, with the best bite on the incoming tides. The red worm hatch is in full swing on Swash Flats at Wachapreague. Drum (Drum, Black) are still being caught outside Quinby inlet and surf fishermen are picking a few Rockfish (Bass, Striped) and a decent bite on Reds (Drum, Red). Jeff Mears weighed in a 8 1/4 pound sheepshead along with two Drum (Drum, Black) in the Wachapreague surf. Bayside anglers are scoring on Rockfish in the creeks, casting to them with hard baits and Zman and Bass Assassin plastic on jig heads. Bull Reds Drum and good numbers of Cobia are on the edges of Pungoteague flats. They are still being taken trolling spoons and sight casting with big swimbaits. Anchoring up and setting up a chum line will bring in Cobia and Rockfish. Lower bay anglers are scoring big on the Black Drum bite at Buoy 13 above the CBBT. We also weighed in a 9 1/2 pound Sheepshead taken the by the crew on Kevin’s boat, and a 10 pound 11 ounce Sheepshead caught by Ray both caught around Buoy 13. Some flounder are showing around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.
OFFSHORE – Offshore anglers scored big numbers of Dolphin and Tuna, Yellowfin, in the Norfolk Canyon. Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) are on the inshore wrecks, and Paramore Reef has Sea Bass and some Flounder (Flounder, Winter) were taken there last weekend.

Don’s Tackle Shop
May 24, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)] fishing remains good on seaside waters. Better numbers of fish are showing up. Water temps are still struggling to stay at the 60 degree mark. Weather forecast is good for today and Friday, but Saturday will be a washout with rains and wind. Surf fishermen are still taking Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Rockfish (Bass, Striped) in the surf on Sea Clams. Bayside anglers are faring good with Rockfish in the creeks, and a rumor of the first catches of Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) by Saxis. Bull Red Drum (Drum, Red) are on Onancock flats and off Occohannock Creek, being taken by trolling large spoons and sight casting swimbaits. Black Drum are being taken below Cape Charles by the Cabbage Patch, use sea Clams for best results. With the upcoming season of casting in the creeks and shallows for Rockfish, puppy Drum and Speckled Trout, we are offering a special on Zman. Purchase any two Zman products and get a free bag of Zman Grass Kickers or Pogy Z.
OFFSHORE – Offshore Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) anglers will have their first chance at Sea Bass today and tomorrow with light winds and waves only 2-3′.

Don’s Tackle Shop
May 20, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – From the bay we are seeing a few Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) caught here and there. There is also some Red Drum (Drum, Red) in the bay and there are always some schoolie Stripers (Bass, Striped), but they are mostly in the river. Seaside the Flounder (Flounder, Winter) and Drum (Drum, Black) are hit or miss but they are out there for anglers targeting them. We have not seen the offshore water lie down enough for anglers to head offshore but we hope to see this happen soon.

Don’s Tackle Shop
May 12, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Big Red Drum (Drum, Red) have invaded the shallows of the Eastern Shore in big numbers. Anglers are having excellent luck at night and also during the day. Fresh cut bait or Crab is what they prefer. Numerous catches of 47 inches or more fish are being reported. The shallows of the Eastern Shore are also attracting Flounder (Flounder, Southern). Catches of Flounder increase almost daily. Drifting fresh cut strips of Croaker or a Squid/Minnow combo works well. Black Drum (Drum, Black) are being encountered on the seaside of the Eastern Shore also. Fresh Clams work well for the Black Drum. Croaker are being caught in good numbers inside the Rappahannock, Mobjack Bay, the York River, and at Ocean View Pier. Squid has been working better for the Croaker lately, and fishing at night has been better. A few Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught in Fleets Bay, Mobjack Bay, and inside Rudee Inlet. The Little Bridge in Nags Head is seeing a spike in Speckled Trout currently. Specks up to 4lbs have been landed this week. Big Reds (Drum, Red) are being caught from the OBX surf, along with quality Sea Mullet (Kingfish, Southern), Blowfish (Puffer, Smooth), and some Flounder.
OFFSHORE – A strong bite for Mahi (Dolphin) has been occurring this week for the offshore boaters. A few Wahoo have also hit the docks, along with Blackfin Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin).

Green Top Hunting and Fishing
info@greentophuntfish.com http://www.greentophuntfish.com
May 4, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – From Rudee Inlet – Though is may be raining here inside Rudee Inlet, it does not mean the fish will not be biting. Though anglers may mind the rain the fish certainly do not. We are still getting reports of some nice Bluefish biting inside Rudee Inlet, though the Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite may have slowed down some, we have still weighed in a few citations in recent days. We weighed in a beautiful Bluefish in the other day, one that hit the scales at a whopping 16 pounds and 3 ounces, caught inside Rudee Inlet. Popular baits continue to be the Gulps on a light jig head, as well as top water artificial’s. If you are the kind of angler who prefers to go the cut bait route, you will be best off using cut Finger Mullet or Squid. From the Inshore – The inshore bite has remained slow, as the ocean is still warming up. Once the inshore waters along our coast warm up just a tad bit more, we are sure it will be another year of great inshore fishing out of Rudee Inlet. Currently we have heard reports of a lot of Clearnose Skates being caught off the bottom in close to the shore. There are some Bluefish that are starting to make their way out along our coastline. We are happy to hear that there are some small Rockfish (Bass, Striped) being caught and released as well, though this is a very scattered bite, it is still great news! As we continue to have warmer weather, and the ocean temp continues to rise, great fishing can only be just around the corner. Inshore fishing out of Rudee Inlet during the summer months brings an array of species that Anglers can expect to come across including Bluefish, Cobia, Flounder [Flounder, Summer (Fluke)], Red Drum (Drum, Red), Sharks, Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish), as well as the occasional Black Drum (Drum, Black) and King Mackerel (Mackerel, King). We are already booking trips for this summer so be sure to book your next fishing adventure with us to lock in a date that is most convenient for you and your crew.
OFFSHORE – Offshore fishing is continuing to heat up with us hearing reports of some nice Yellowfin Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) and Mahi (Dolphin) being caught out at the Norfolk canyon. Our fleet is ready to start fishing offshore, getting you on the fish and bringing back some nice hauls of meat to the docks. Roughly 70 miles from the Docks, while offshore trolling you may fish for Blue Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, Blue), White Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White), Sailfish (Billfish, Sailfish), Mahi, Wahoo, Yellowfin Tuna, Sharks. There are also many wreck fish that can be targeted including but not limited to – Black Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black), Golden Tilefish (Tilefish, Sand), Blueline Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline), Blackbelly Rose Fish, and Snowy Grouper (Grouper, Snowy) for those looking to do a little bottom fishing.

Virginia Beach Fishing Center Ltd
manager@virginiafishing.com http://virginiafishing.com
April 28, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is slow due to the weather this week. The wind is strong and the water is muddy and cold. This has kept quite a bit of boaters off the water. There have been no reports as of yet because of the conditions. When anglers can get out they can expect to see some Flounder (Flounder, Winter) and Redfish (Drum, Red) in the Chesapeake Bay. We suggest using Flounder Rigs or Mud Minnows to hook them. If you are targeting Redfish, generally a live or artificial Shrimp will do the trick. The Seaside is also holding some Drum (Drum, Black). Clams were working well to hook the Drum last week. We suspect a lot of anglers will be targeting Tautog since they close very soon. Don’t forget to check your regulations for the exact dates, along with other seasonal openings and closings. Everything seems to have slowed right down, especially the Flounder. We hope to see this front pass for the weekend although it looks like it will be hanging around.

Don’s Tackle Shop
April 14, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Bluefish are slowly starting to make their appearance along the coast line and are hitting plastics. There have also been reports of throwback sized Rockfish (BAss, Striped) being caught along the beach as well. We are anxiously waiting on the water temperature to warm up for some more inshore action. Before long we should start seeing some great catches of Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) and Bluefish, as well as some release Redfish (Drum, Red).
OFFSHORE – The offshore bite has remained mostly bottom fish, including Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline), some really nice Bluefish, Black Belly Rosefish, and other Wreckfish mixed in. As the Water temperature continues to rise in the near future we are expecting to see some Mahi and Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) on the troll, as well as some great Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White & Billfish – Marlin, Blue) fishing!

Virgina Beach Fishing Center
April 6, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The local water temperatures continue to rise, and the Spring fishing season is heating up accordingly. But with some windy days in the near forecast, boats will likely stay close to shore for the weekend. With the Virginia Cobia season threatened by restrictive regulations this year, anglers are looking for some positive news on the fishing front. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) have debuted in the seaside inlets on the Eastern Shore, where anglers are watching for optimal days to target them with strip bait and gudgeons, especially in Wachapreague and Oyster. This action will only improve as the water continues to warm.Tautog action is still going strong, and the Spring tog bite has really taken off within Bay waters. And with fiddler crabs now available, it is game-on. Fiddler crabs and even Blue Crabs are working well on lower Bay structures and wrecks. The rocks and tubes of the artificial islands and the pilings near the High Rise section of the Bridge Tunnel are providing very good results. The Concrete Ships, the Cape Henry wreck, and the Yancy wreck are also providing some good action when folks can get to them. Most anglers are catching limits of fish ranging to around 4-pounds, but some nicer Tog over 6-pounds are also in the mix. Deeper water wrecks are also producing nice Tautog, with fish to 15-pounds taking offered crab in water ranging to around 70 to 100-feet. Sea bass (Sea Bass, Black) are also available on many of these deeper structures, but they are still illegal to keep. Anglers fishing inside Rudee Inlet are excited about an early season run of nice Bluefish, with some of these fish reported at over 10-pounds this week. Folks are catching nice Blues throughout the inlet from jetties, docks and boats, and as far back as the boat ramp area. Plenty of small schoolie Stripers (Bass, Striped) are also bombarding baits as folks target Bluefish. Some Croaker are hitting in the tributary rivers, and should continue to heat up as the season evolves. Roundhead and Drum (Drum, Black) will also show themselves soon.
OFFSHORE – The deep water off the Virginia coast is still the place to be if you wish to crank up Tilefish (Tilefish, Gray), Blackbelly Rose Fish and Grouper (Grouper, Gag) from over 300 feet of water. Be aware that plenty of pesky Dogfish (Dogfish, Spiny) are still ready to compete for your bait, but not for much longer. Offshore anglers are hoping for a good year. Although the bluewater fish may be within range of the Virginia fleet, boats are waiting for a break in the wind to check out the scene.

Dr. Julie Ball Extreme Sportfishing
drjball@msn.com http://www.drjball.com
April 1, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been slow in this area as of late. The weather has been unfavorable and the water is a bit cold for Flounder. There are some scattered reports of small Stripers (Bass, Striped) being caught. No one has been heading offshore to the wrecks or inlet either as the weather has been too rough. We hope to see things clear up soon and a Spring pattern set in. The Tautog and Flounder should begin to heat up soon. Anglers gearing up for the new season can check out our Fish feature for tons of tips and tricks as well as our GPS Hotspots that will keep your lines tight.

Don’s Tackle Shop
March 21, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are expecting the first reports of Flounder (Flounder, Southern & Flounder, Winter) to show up in the area. There will also be some Croaker moving in very shortly as well in the lower bay. Following this should be a great Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish (Drum, Red) bite. Stripers (Bass, Striped) will be off limits by the end of the month however the bite has dropped off anyways. They are moving into the bay so anglers targeting them can search these specific trails.
OFFSHORE – Anglers are excited for the long awaited Spring bite that should be arriving very soon. The water temperatures are increasing and the pattern seems to be right on schedule. Tautog continue to bite well throughout the offshore this week. The sizes are great so far as anglers weigh in up to 15 lbs! The Tog will be making their way into the bay within the next few weeks so we should see them turn up closer in. Fiddler Crabs have been working great to hook them. They have been holding up on structures that are also holding some great Sea Bass, Black this week. They are loving live bait that is slowly moving back in. The ocean floor is holding some nice Tilefish, Blueline. They can be found in about 300 ft of water. We are also seeing some Dogfish, Spiny in the same area. They are taking a lot of the bait of deep droppers searching for Tilefish. There have also been reports of Blackbelly Rose Fish, Wreckfish and Grouper on the bottom. The bite is a bit scattered due to the Dogfish. We expect some exciting changes and hot bite coming soon!

Dr. Julie Ball Extreme Sportfishing
drjball@msn.com http://www.drjball.com
March 16, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The water temperatures are heating up as Spring quickly approaches. It shouldn’t be long now until we see a Spring pattern set in. This should provide anglers with a Mackerel, Spanish bite along with increased Redfish (Drum, Red), Flounder (Flounder, Winter), Bluefish and Shark bite. Anglers getting prepared can also check out our FIsh feature which provides additional information and tips to help keep your lines tight.
OFFSHORE – The weather has been improving in this area as of late. Anglers are beginning to gear up for the Spring bite and we are seeing some Tog (Tautog) turn up this week. The sizes are nothing special as of yet however the bite has been pretty good. There are still some shorts but we expect to see this increase soon. With the Spring pattern coming in we hope to see some Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, Blue & Billfish – Marlin, White) move in. At this point we should expect some Sails (Billfish, Sailfish), Wahoo and Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin & Tuna, Bigeye) as well.

Pro Angler Team
March 9, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Although they are catch and release you can still catch some Stripers (Bass, Striped) in the bay. We are also looking forward to an early Flounder (Flounder, Southern) season if the weather remains consistently nice. Anglers can also check out our Fish Guide which provides more information to keep your lines tight.
OFFSHORE – Anglers are looking for Tautog offshore on the wrecks this week. The bite is not on fire however we are seeing some for anglers putting their time in. Sizes have been fairly decent when you can hook some.

Don’s Tackle Shop
March 2, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – As we’ve been reporting over the last month, Tautog fishing remains strong. Anglers that are able to find Crab for bait are doing very well. Ocean wrecks are the best producers. Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline & Tilefish, Sand) are willing biters also, but deeper water near the Canyon edges are the targeted areas. Along with Tilefish, Grouper, and Rosefish (Blackbelly Rose Fish) are being encountered as well as Sea Bass, Black, but Seabass are out of season. A 220lb Tuna, Bluefin was reported out of Oregon-Inlet. The same charter returned with Tuna, Yellowfin also.

Green Top Hunting & Fishing
February 24, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – As we’ve been reporting over the last month, Tautog fishing remains strong. Anglers that are able to find crab for bait are doing very well. Ocean wrecks are the best producers. Tilefish, Blueline are willing biters also.
OFFSHORE – The deeper water near the Canyon edges are the targeted areas. Along with Tilefish, Grouper (Grouper, Gag), and Rosefish (Blackbelly Rose Fish) are being encountered as well as Seabass (Sea Bass, Black), but Seabass are out of season. A 220lb Tuna, Bluefin was reported out of Oregon-Inlet. The same charter returned with Tuna, Yellowfin also.

Green Top Hunt & Fish
February 16, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – As the Winter season has set in there is not much action to be found in this area. Our sources are keeping warm inside and there have been no reports submitted this week. For the anglers eagerly awaiting the Spring thaw, feel free to check out all of the great features available on Pro Angler to keep you busy! From planning next season’s hot spots on your GPS map to getting some tasty recipes for the fish you will catch, Pro Angler will keep you hooked! If you just can’t wait that long, take a look at your Southern Fellow anglers in Florida! Check out their weather, read the reports of their areas and maybe even let the warm weather lure you down for a saltwater fishing trip. Pro Angler has all your off-season cravings covered!

Pro Angler Team
February 10, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – A very good bite for Tautog continues on offshore wrecks such as the Triangle wrecks. Teen fish are being caught by those adept at hooking up with him. Seabass (Sea Bass, Black) are a by-catch, but must be returned as the season is closed for now. According to reports from Oregon-Inlet, Bluefin Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin) are starting to be caught, and Yellowfin (Snapper, Yellowfin) are also being caught. Deep water bottom charters are catching Tilefish (Tilefish, Sand), Barrelfish, Grouper (Grouper, Gag & Grouper, Red), and Rosefish (Blackbelly Rose Fish) when conditions allow anglers to venture out.

Green Top Hunt & Fish
February 4, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – There has been quite a bit of unfavorable weather in this area as of late. There have been no reports of anglers being able to find a break in the conditions to hit the water either inshore or offshore. We hope to see conditions improve in the next week however the cold weather has the fish moving into their winter patterns, so anglers who do head out this week may have some trouble finding the fish. Should you decide to brave these conditions you can feel free to check out last week’s report, or take a look at our Fish Guide which provides additional information and tips to help improve the catch. We also have tons of other great features on the app that you can use to plan your next fishing hotspots, gear purchases or even fish recipes for a great meal.

Pro Angler Team
January 28, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – There has been quite a bit of unfavorable weather in this area as of late. There have been no reports of anglers being able to find a break in the conditions to hit the water either inshore or offshore. We hope to see conditions improve in the next week however the cold weather has the fish moving into their winter patterns, so anglers who do head out this week may have some trouble finding the fish. Should you decide to brave these conditions you can feel free to check out last week’s report, or take a look at our Fish Guide which provides additional information and tips to help improve the catch. We also have tons of other great features on the app that you can use to plan your next fishing hotspots, gear purchases or even fish recipes for a great meal.

Pro Angler Team
January 22, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We still have not heard of any ocean Rockfish (Bass, Striped) being caught. The only species that seems to be being caught in recent days is Dogfish (Dogfish, Spiny). We have had several boats attempt to do some Striped Bass fishing, trolling up and down our beautiful coast, but have had no luck with landing a legal fish. The last report we have received is that the fish remain up in the bay where there continues to be plenty of bait staying in the warmer waters. There are also plenty of Whales still being spotted outside of Rudee Inlet by Rudee Tours Whale Watching if you are looking for a fun family trip check them out!
OFFSHORE – Though the sun is shining here these past few days it does not really help to warm things up. With temperatures near freezing, and a wind chill in the near teens, it has not made for the greatest fishing conditions. The inshore forecast has had some sustained high winds, bringing seas to between 5 and 6 feet. While the offshore forecast is even worse with seas between 8 and fourteen feet. No matter if your fishing inshore or offshore you can expect freezing spray on the deck of the boat with these frigid temperatures. Deep Drop Fishing remains successful with some great catches of Tilefish (Tilefish, Great Northern & Tilefish, Blueline), Blackbelly Rose Fish, Grouper, Wreckfish, and Barrelfish being brought back to the dock. We have not had any reports of any Bluefin (Tuna, Bluefin) being caught, though we have heard of some Swordfish (Billfish – Swordfish) biting out at the canyon.

Virginia Beach Fishing Center
January 15, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – We have been receiving a lot of calls and emails asking about the infamous Rockfish (Bass, Striper). We are sad to say that we have not heard of any ocean Rockfish caught since the closing of the Bay Season, and Rockfish are no longer allowed to be kept inside of the Chesapeake Bay. This is not due to the lack of effort, we have had both charter boats and private boats out in search for them in legal waters outside of Rudee Inlet. We had one of the charter boats travel up in the bay and caught and released some nice ones. On the way back they threw out a couple of lines and had a few throw backs. The Bluefin have yet to make an appearance as well, we are hoping that we can get a little bit of luck here soon and have either or make an appearance.
OFFSHORE – The Rudee Angler returned last night with another great haul of fish! They had some really nice catches of Tilefish (Tilefish, Blueline), Blackbelly Rose Fish, Chomper Bluefish, a handful of Yellowfin Bass, and a 52.5 lb Golden Tilefish (Tilefish, Great Northern). There was also a few smooth dogs in the mix. Keep in mind that deep drop fishing is great out of Rudee Inlet year round. There are plenty of bottom fish to be caught offshore!

Virginia Fishing Center
January 6, 2016
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The tunnels inshore are holding quite a few Tog (Tautog) as well this week. The sizes aren’t as great as offshore however they are still decent. Stripers (Bass, Striped) are closed now and you must remember that outside of three miles, any Striper hooked must be released in the water from the side of the boat. They very strictly cannot be harvested. Anglers can catch and release in the bay though. Now that the bay is closed most anglers are heading to the oceanside to target Tuna that have a consistent bite and are pretty good sizes. There are no signs of Seatrout, Spotted so far this week although the cold weather may increase both the sizes and bite.
OFFSHORE – Anglers have been out on the offshore to fish the Triangle Wrecks for Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black), Tautog, and Flounder that are all huddled up on the bottom. They are loving live bait this week and coming up in consistent numbers so far. This has been the main focus for anglers as most of the fishing inshore is closed at this point.

Capt. Greg Weaver e-Fishin Sea Sport Fishing Charters Virginia beach
December 29, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of people have been going either North or South for the best catches this week. Due to the unseasonably warm weather the Bass, Striped have been sporadic and scattered. The bite has been good up until this week however and we are expecting them to hang around and not move out quite yet. Most of them are undersized in the area but anglers who put their time in can expect some 30 inch fish. The conditions moving in are expected to change the bite a little bit and it should heat up. Some whoppers are already coming out of the bay on Eels as well. This has been the preferred bait for most areas. When the bite is on anglers can expect to catch their limits as well. Keep an eye out for changing regulations as to what is open in the various areas to make sure you are fishing within your legal limits.

Capt. Puddin’ G & G Charters
December 21, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bay is loaded with small Stripers (Bass, Striped) but there are a few big ones in there for anglers who put their time in. This has been the main focus this week and there have been no reports of other fish swimming. They are chalked full in the bay and have not yet made it to the ocean. Most anglers are Eeling for them by jigging or on the troll. Some angler are using Bunker however this is not as productive so far this week. Anglers are stocking up as State Inshore fishing closes at the end of the month.

Don’s Tackle Shop
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Up higher in chesapeake bay we are seeing some good Rockfishing (Bass, Striped). We’re seeing a lot of fish from the 16-30 inch range while trolling. We’re not seeing too many of the really big fish and I suspect it’s due to the warm weather. There’s been a few beasts hooked in the lower bay by the guys using Eels. Water temps have been a touch warm for this time of year. Numbers have been decent as even on the slower days we’re reeling in around 30 fish and the good days are offering up 60 or more fish when the bite’s on.

Capt Puddin’ – G & G Charters
December 11, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not a whole lot has changed from last week so far. The fish on the inshore aren’t moving very much and can still be found in the same locations. The unseasonably warm weather has locked Bass, Striped down and can be caught in the Chesapeake Bay on live Eels. The lower bay is producing the biggest fish up to 40 inches or more. Some guys are using artificials but the best fish are on the Eels. State inshore fishing closes December 31st so there is limited time to get your Bass fix in before then.

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
December 3, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Rockfish (Bass, Striped) fishing has pretty much remained the same as last week’s report. This is mostly due to unseasonably warmer temperatures. The only difference being that more and more 40 inch and bigger fish have been showing up on the east side of Chesapeake Bay along the eastern shore. Drifting Eels has been been the best presentation for the bigger fish.

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
November 26, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is really really good right now, still tons of Rockfish (Bass, Striped) in the mouth of the Potomac and buoy 65 to 68 area, the size seem to be really picking up with more upper twenty to mid-thirty inch fish showing up daily. The mouth of the Rappahannock River up to 50 and 51 buoys in the cut has been really hot lately as well, with trolling small Bucktails with 4 to 6 inch shad on them has worked great for me also jigging Stingsilvers and other metal jigs have been producing some nice fish as well. Further down the bay the Eel bite is starting to really get going with more 40 plus inch fish showing up daily in the Cape Charles area, Eels have been the bait of choice for them.

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
November 18, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – Rockfish (Bass, Striped) continue to do pretty well from Point Lookout, MD to Windmill Point, VA. Lots of birds working to show you the fish. There’s more 30 inch fish showing up daily. Fish will be found in up to 60 ft of water. Jigging sting silvers is working very well. Some anglers are using crippled herring or trolling small bucktails to get into some fish. Give Capt. Ryan a shout for a day of great VA Striper fishing.

Capt. Ryan Rogers Midnight Sun Charters
INSHORE – Rockfish (Bass, Striped) are still doing pretty well here this week. Lots of birds, bait, and breaking fish in up to 60ft. of water. Jigging sting silvers is working very well. Some anglers are using crippled herring or trolling small bucktails to get into some fish. Give Capt. Ryan a shout for a day of great VA Striper fishing.

Capt. Ryan Rogers
November 6, 2015
Oyster Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing is pretty much the same but there has been miles and miles of birds from Solomons Island, Md. to the mouth of the Rappahanock River. Rockfish (Bass, Striped): There’s still a lot of throwbacks; fish under the legal 20″ minimum size, but we are starting to see some nicer 25 to 30″ fish in the mix. On the edges of the channel and under the birds we are also seeing some Gray Trout (Weakfish) under the birds and rockfish. In Va. they have to be over 12″ and you’re allowed one per person, in Md. they have to be over 13″ and you’re still only allowed one per person. Stingsilvers and bucktails have been the ticket on the trout.

Capt. Ryan Rogers
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Oyster Fishing Report
Since fishing conditions change from minute to minute we try to keep our reports as updated as possible. The United States is a large country, so we try to keep our Oyster Fishing Report updated once a week. If you would like to contribute to the Oyster Fishing Report, feel free to email your fishing tips to mike@proangler.us. We rely on even small contributions to inform us that fishing conditions have changed so we can update the Oyster Fishing Report.
The Oyster Fishing Report is brought to you by the Pro Angler team and many, many, highly skilled Captains and bait shop owners.

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