Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
April 4, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore anglers are doing well for Redfish (Drum, Rd), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern). They are all doing well taking live Shrimp as bait. Artificial Shrimp patterns are also productive after you find the fish. Huge Bluefish are holding up on the Snapper Banks and the smaller sizes are inside.
OFFSHORE – Artificial reefs are holding Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black). Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) should show up any time. Kings (Mackerel, King) won’t be far behind. Snapper banks are holding a variety of fish including Red Snapper (Snapper, Red) and Grouper. Cobia season is coming up so they are catch and release with the Grouper. The bottom bite is great for Sea Bass, Snapper (Snapper, Vermillion), Ajs (Jack, Amberjack Greater), Rudderfish and a few Dolphin. May is the month of the stream so we may see Tuna, Dolphin and Wahoo really begin to bite this month. Trolling Ballyhoo has worked well, assorted lures including Outlaw color is best for Dolphin. Jigging for Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) is steady into this week.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
March 29, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anyone that wants to do a little inshore day fishing and just wants a tug on their line well, the Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) bite is on wide open! And the inshore fishermen are catching some nice Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted), Redfish (Drum, Red) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern)! So the bottom line is if one fish doesn’t find your bait offering interesting another might! Please remember that to catch a Whiting you need to lightly set the hook between this fish’s first and second hit. And I am sorry to say that there is much time between its one two bite patterns. It’s best described as a quick two drill bite event. The Whiting hits and then hits the bait again in quick session. If you don’t set the hook in between hits, you might as well reel in and reload! Because your bait will be missing! The good news is once you get it, you got it!
OFFSHORE – This week the artificial reefs are holding some serious Sheepshead fish. Purple Back Fiddlers on a customized Carolina bottom rig is the ticket. Anglers are finding it only takes one cast. Farther out there has also been catches of White Grunt (Grunt, White), Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) and Hog Nose Snapper
BAIT REPORT – As far as bait, I always suggest when available to purchase/catch some live Shrimp, because all fish will eat it! While fishing with live Shrimp I suggest keeping any leftovers included parts and pieces, because this makes for great bait when target whiting! Best place to store this bait is in an empty water bottle. All you need is small pieces of shrimp, small hooks; small sinkers, light tackle, and give them time to eat.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
March 23, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) are the hot bite on Miss Judy Charters this week. That being said they are one one day and off the next. This is typical of the time of year. You see, red fish are somewhat limited to what they have to eat. More of what they eat is wrapped in a shell. A red fish’s digestive system cannot digest things, when it comes wrapped in a shell, as fast as they can the regular marine life. And when a red fish finds, let’s say, a lot of snails it is going to eat them as fast and as long as it can! So therefore when things wrapped in a shell is all that the red fish is eating they have to rest sometimes. And if that happens to be the day you picked to fish, this would be considered an off bite day! Despite the winds we are also seeing some nice Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) as well. We are still finding a 50/50 catch ration of legal sizes. The best bait has been live Shrimp along with Mud Minnows in a close second.
OFFSHORE – When you get a good day I suggest going, because it doesn’t matter whether you are headed to the artificial reefs, snapper banks, or the Gulf Stream there is lots of action to be had! While bottom fishing the team caught, fought, released, and kept quite a few Black Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black). While bottom bumping the team was up against a nonchalant fish bite meaning you really had to work at getting any action! Well, all size Black Fish were putting on the old feed bag, but even then, to hook them up it took several jabs at it. The fishermen were constantly working the bottom! They would drop to bottom and wait! If they didn’t get a bite, they would reel up a few feet and re-drop. Fish were staging from the bottom up to about 6 feet in the water column. And normally when that happens, the fish all fight over getting at the bait. However, on this day, even though the fish were moving the bite was slack! To get a larger fish to take their bait seriously, the fishermen had to work the bottom. This boiled down to the fact that once dropped to the bottom, they had to reel back up about 6 to 10 feet and re-drop! This action normally causes what I call the sandstorm effect. This action usually brings interest to any fish within eye shot. Well, working the bottom has always been a plus in the catching column for anyone that will go this extra mile. However, working the bottom takes lots of work and can wear you out. However, we are forced to go into the mode when the water is not too clear. Wesley Iocovozzi owner/operator of Playing Hooky along with Cole Yarbrough called to give me a heads up in regards to the unclear bottom conditions. According to scuba diver Cole visibility down under was not very good. The fact of the matter was the visibility wasn’t but 10 to 12 feet. In anyone’s world from the fish to the scuba diver to the fisherman this is not a good situation! So with this helpful information I already knew it was going to be working the bottom kind of a fishing day! A big thanks goes out to Wesley and Cole for giving us a heads up! I don’t know if you have noticed or not but, all of my rigs have at least one attractor. I used to make my two hook rigs with two attractors. However, after having a conversation with Rachel, it was decided that I only use one attractor on each two hook bottom rig. The reason being in some cases it was hard staying ahead of getting all the fish off 10 fishermen’s two hooks rigs. So by downsizing I found we could keep up. Now if the bite is slow all you have to do is stop and re-rig! How simple is that! I know for some this application is hard to understand and in some case I don’t know exactly how it works. However, it does and that’s good enough for me!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are holding up in the deep holes this time of year. You can cast for them and they are nice sizes so far.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
March 23, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reds (Drum, Red) and Stripers (Bass, Striped) are the ticket this week. Stripers can be caught in the river. Most anglers are using soft baits to hook the Redfish in red colors. Stripers prefer whites and chartreuse.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
March 14, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Capt Judy had plenty of trips this week despite the hit or miss weather. We had a few First Redfish (Drum, Red) catches for a handful of young anglers. Spotted Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have also been caught in the mix. There were some nice families visiting the area and taking advantage of the day bite. Live bait has been working best to catch both Reds and Trout inshore.
OFFSHORE – There has been a handful of successful trips offshore this week. White Grunt (Grunt, White) are swimming the bottom in roughly 55 feet of water around wrecks and reefs. Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) are mixed in.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
March 7, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore fishing is great! Bottom fishing Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) in the sounds has picked up! All you need is small hooks and small pieces of Shrimp! The secret to this catching job is to fish in a little deeper water meaning over 20 feet. Look for dips on the bottom while following 30 foot contour line and that’s where the Whiting should be. Most whiting that were caught this past week were holding in 25 feet of water! I suggest looking for a sandy shell bottom! Inshore float fishing for Redfish (Drum, Red) and Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted)! Find Inshore Fish Deep! For those that want to target Redfish or Spotted Seatrout of all sizes I suggest getting in line at one of the bait shops and purchasing some live Shrimp! And of course, if you can’t get live Shrimp there is always the old standby Mud Minnow! Over this past week I have had inshore fishermen complaining about not being able to find a general bite in all the normal places. Well, I have a great tip for those that know where to go, but once arriving no bites happen. It’s so simple don’t fish the shallow side of the boat, (closest to the bank) but rather the deeper side! The bottom line the fish are holding in deeper water. Best plan of attack is to adjust your float so that it holds your bait about 1 foot off the bottom. Or you can simply try bottom fishing with a Carolina rig!
OFFSHORE – Darn those crazy sheepshead! It seems that the bulk of offshore migration of sheepshead have might move back inshore. Now, I am not going say, that’s all of the offshore sheepshead bite. However, I will say, you can catch them inshore now for sure. So for those of you that know of any vertical structure such as rock, docks, pilings, bridge uprights, and any underwater wrecks, well this would be the time to give them a try! Here’s are a few suggestions to help make your fish day a catching success – Purple or black back fiddlers, (our just about anything that comes wrapped in a shell with work!) Carolina type bottom rig or float rig fished at that perfect depth, dip net, and of course the old Kodak! Nearshore there are lots of Blackfish (Tautog) to catch, but not many are legal to keep at this depth. Please know that a Blackfish has to be at least 13 inches fork length to keep and has a bag limit of 7 per person. If this artificial reef is your fishing goal for the day here’s a tip that just might get you a bigger better fish keeping bite. There is an old saying that my father used to use. He always said, The bigger the bait the bigger the fish! And in this case this old saying still holds true. I am not talking about loading your hook up with bait such as squid or cut fish either. The best bait to use when in this situation is a small black fish, sand perch, or rock fish steak. This means take the fish and cut it like a loaf of bread, remove all the appendages, (fins, loose skin, etc) remove half the scales, and center this strong hunk of meat on your hook. Yes, the smaller fish will pick at it removing the scales and out skin, but will not usually get the hook. All of the feeding and picking at will bring attention to your bait, which lures in the large fish. All that’s left for the bigger fish is to completely swallow the bait. Now you have a larger fish on! Artificial Reefs in less more 50 feet of water – You could find yourself catching Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black), Triggers (Triggerfish, Gray), Grunts (Grunt, White), Rock Bass (Bass, Striped), Sand Perch (Surfperch, Sand), Ruby Red Lips, and Flounder (Flounder, Southern). The Sea Bass should be bigger. And your catch and keep ratio should be a little better meaning for every bass caught half should be big enough. Sounds bad, but at least it is not like here you catch 100 and you might get to keep 10, which is taking place at the shallower artificial reefs. And you might want to start looking for signs of top water activity such as bait fish, Little Tunny, and Mackerel. Savannah Snapper Banks – It’s definitely time to go, because bottom fishing at this time of the year can very interesting! Why – Because all types of fish from small to large are on the move! And if your hook is there, well, bites and big tugs should happen! Blue Water Report – Since in my opinion that Spring has been springing for over a month I suggest giving blue water fishing a try. And I am not just talking about bottom fishing either. As you know there is always bottom fish to be caught in 155 to 200 feet of water. And all you need a big piece of bait and lots of line on your reel to get there! Now for trolling options I suggest if you got it to drag it. You can go old school with cedar plugs, Islanders, Aliens, and Outlaws! At this time of the year it’s more about having just about any bait in the water, because fish are on the move! I always suggest and no one believes me, but if you want to catch something big, during lean the times pull out the old wire line and the high speed planers. As far as the suggested bait towI always liked and so did the fish, a 2 1/2 ounce sea witch rigged with Ballyhoo! (What color? Chartreuse, black, and blue/white your boat noise should determine this) Heck, but a large Drone Spoon will work too!

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
March 7, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The warm Winter has enabled anglers to fish all year. The Spring bite is a little bit slower but there are still plenty of Redfish (Drum, Red) eating. Schools are beginning to break up slightly so anglers are changing tactics to find them. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to cover more water yet. There are still some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) around, we were lucky to avoid the Trout kill that can happen with fluctuating weather. Numbers are still good.

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
locoflycharters@gmail.com www.locoflycharters.com
March 1, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Bull Reds (Drum, Red) are biting inside this week. The morning trips have been productive for both numbers and sizes. Sheepshead are just beginning to fire up on structure. It won’t be long before we are seeing greater numbers. Shrimp has been the best bait so far this week.
OFFSHORE – The big news this week came from the amazing Great White Shark (Shark, Great White) that was hooked out of Savannah this week. It was definitely a fun bite for the crew. It hung around the boat for a while, biting and releasing several baits. The same anglers also fished closer in around 80 feet of water to catch a handful of Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) and Snapper (Snapper, Red). Begin fishing roughly 22 miles offshore to find them. Cut Squid on the bottom has been the key to hooking them during the day.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
February 21, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Spring has sprung early! We have early Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) inshore. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are mixed in. The bite has been pretty good. Shrimp and Mud Minnows are the ticket to hooking them this week. A bulk of the Sheepshead that migrated offshore in the Winter have moved back in. If you are targeting them, now is the time as they are coming back in and they are hungry! Fiddler Crabs will be your best bet to hook them. Trophy Redfish are being caught from the beach fronts.
OFFSHORE – Trophy Redfish (Drum, Red) are on the reefs and are as far out as 80 ft. This will continue for a while still. Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) are in 55 ft of water or more. The Snapper Banks are holding all bottom fish including Vermilion (Snapper, Vermillion) and Triggerfish (Triggerfish, Gray). Blackfin (Tuna, Blackfin) and Wahoo are being caught at the stream. Fast trolling Cedar Plugs or small, weighted, naked Ballyhoo. Islanders are a good alternative.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
February 14, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The inshore fishing has been pretty darn good! Although due to current water temperatures, which are below 60 degrees, the old inshore Redfish (Drum, Red) bite can be finicky. So when you go let’s hope it is an ON day and not an OFF feeding day! During this time fish feed when they can on what they can! Now that’s a heck of a statement, but so true. Since water temps are a little on the cool side fish have more of a tendency to feed and then rest until they need to move again. They are not hibernating, but rather rejuvenating. The fish already know that there isn’t much out there to eat, so when they do find something, they eat, and then rejuvenate!
OFFSHORE – I know that I am starting to sound like an old broken CD! I bet you thought I was going to say Record! And I was, but some fishermen might not know what that is! So here you go – yes the Sheepshead bite is still strong at the nearshore artificial reefs in less than 50 feet of water. Also any near shore isolated wrecks that you might be privy to should be holding the attentions of this fish! Best bait, as you most likely already know, is the purple back fiddler! Artificial reefs located in more than 50 feet of water are holding isolated schools of Black Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black)! However, it can be a looking game to find them, but best news is that they are there. You just have to keep looking, dropping, and moving! The best bottom bait for the Black Sea Bass is going to be cut Squid and fish. Now, if you happen to have any old freezer burnt Cigar or Spanish Sardines, I suggest, cutting them in half, and putting them on the hook. Believe me; the fish stink that they provide is not only priceless, but darn sure alluring!
BAIT REPORT – Best bait is always going to be live Shrimp. However, sometimes you can’t purchase or catch them so I then suggest purchasing or catching some mud Minnows. The mud Minnow is great cold water bait. In some cases you can catch more than one fish on the same bait.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
February 14, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – When conditions are nice, the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are still active. They are swimming the mud flats as this area has a bit warmer water for the fish to school up in. Anything that imitates a live bait such as Mullet or Mud Minnows and Shrimp patterns are your best bet. Dead low tide around Tybee Creek Entrance has been producing a good bite. Sheepshead are on the pilings and bridges taking Fiddler Crabs. They are biting well throughout the day.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
February 8, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Well to be honest, although it was beautiful windy week, we did not get to fish that much. However, when the winds are howling, tides are roaring, and it just not a good day to go fishing, that is exactly when Captain Matt Williams of Miss Judy Charters goes! Now I know you want to ask why? And I have a grand answer. Captain Matt, although he has been fishing for many years and very knowledgeable still wants to go to check out all of the different bite patterns. Does he catch fish? Yes he did! So therefore what did he have for supper this past week? Well, he fish two days and caught Redfish one day and Sheepshead the next! And you almost guessed it!! Blackened Redfish (Drum, Red) first night and lightly battered fried Sheepshead strips the second night! Inshore Sheepshead fishing can be lots of fun as well as rewarding! Best baits to use are going to be anything wrapped in a shell from a barnacle to mussel to a small crab such as a Fiddler or Stone Crab. Now here comes the rub. These attractors do exactly what they proclaim, they really do attract fish. And the best news it that they can be added to any kind of jig or bait! So really it doesn’t matter whether you are bottom fishing or trolling (inshore or offshore) adding this attractor attracts a better fish bite! I have added electron fish attractors to all of my bottom rigs. www.lifesparkfishingtackle.com I know it is hard to believe that these small attractant do work. However, I remember when a lots of different kinds of lures that we thought would not work, but they did.
OFFSHORE – On some occasions it is better to net your fish that try to pull it over the gunnel. We have decided to net this Sheepshead, because the hooks used sometimes don’t support the weight much less the movement of the fish once out of the water. I am using a standard Carolina style rig. And believe it works great! This fish was caught on a purple back Fiddler! How many Fiddlers did it take to catch this fish? Normally when you first get started the rule of thumb is 10 Fiddlers losses to one fish hook up.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
January 31, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite! We did manage to get one trip inshore in this past week! The Spotted Sea Trout bite still amazes me for sure, our captains as well as recreational fishermen are having a serious winter bite for sure! With weather temps in the mid fifties it seems that the old Trout doesn’t care and they are basically on the move looking for something to eat! And if they find a hook rigged with a live Shrimp or a mud minnow or two, it certainly is going to be feeding time for sure! As always if you can get the bite a going you just might be able to switch to the artificial Shrimp or mud minnows patterns. Cold Water Reds! The Redfish (Drum, Red) bite has also been awesome! If you know where to go you can catch them for sure! Best live bait is going to be Shrimp and mud Minnows. And of course, we old school fishermen know for sure that anything wrapped in a shell such as a Fiddler or rock Crab will also work. For those of you that have saved last year’s Shrimp, Menhaden, or Mullet this is also a great bait for the old Redfish. I know it is hard for some fishermen to keep any leftover bait. I mean after putting this into the family freezer just might not be a good idea, at least unless you do this – Leftover Shrimp parts and bodies with fit in a water bottle for sure. After all once place inside the smell stays too! Wherever you do please don’t forget to wash the bottle before placing it in the freezer. Another idea would be to go with a larger lid type plastic bottle so that you could freeze large baits/pieces. Big gulp bottom can hold small Mullet, Menhaden, and also quite a few Mullet steaks. The secret is to not add water, just make sure to tighten cap and let the content air freeze. Believe me once reintroduced back into the water these smell will get the fish’s attention!
OFFSHORE – If I have said this once I have said this dozens of times over the years! If people only knew that wanted to fish knew all of their catching options for this time of the year I do believe they would take a harder look at cold water fishing! Firstly I don’t think I shouldn’t emphasize too much on the cold water! Yes, the water is cooler, but there is a pretty solid bite to be had! During this time the offshore bite can be pretty darn good. For instance – The Sheepshead fishing is awesome and so misunderstood at the same time. For some reason fishermen think that this isn’t a fun fish to catch. Well, let me tell you this if you are looking to take a short offshore ride to a pretty solid fish bite you have come to the right place. Most of the places that we fish are less than 10 miles offshore, which mean even on a 6 hour trip there is a whole lot of fishing/catching going on! And believe me when I say, Sheepshead are the poor man’s crab meat, it is so very true! And I have recipes to share too! Anyhow you ought to give this type of fishing or should I say catching a try! Another fish that is also a grand cold water fish and that’s the Black Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black), which is as much fun to catch as it is to eat! For the 2017 cold water fishing season this bite can be found, but the ride is a tad bit longer. I believe that Hurricane Matthew churned things up a bit especially during migration time for this fish. So that didn’t come as close inshore this coldwater time as they did in 2016. This is ok, because we still know where they are hanging at least most of the time and this ride isn’t too bad! Actually, this is considered another short boat ride to the fish!
BAIT REPORT – For those that like casting in the deeps holes for Shrimp now is the time of this sport. It’s best to use a 12 foot net, which is modified with addition of duct tape or other materials to enhance performance. Please always check to make sure what you can use and have correct licenses or proper legal net rigging from Georgia DNR. During cold water fishing times there are at least three ways to rig up mud minnows. And actually, believe it or not, but this is a bait that works all of the time. I call it my cold water, easy to catch, and hardy as heck kind of bait.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
January 24,2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Winter season has been fairly mild so far. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted), Sheepshead, Black Drum (Drum, Black), and Redfish continue to be caught. Stripers (Bass, Striped) are swimming the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. Live Shrimp is your best bet. Mud Minnows are a close second.
OFFSHORE – Sheepshead have migrated offshore. Some are up to 12 lbs. They are on the artificial reefs taking Fiddler Crabs. Flounder (Flounder, Southern), Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black), Bluefish and trophy Redfish (Drum, Red) are all being caught offshore. There are tons of catch and release Trophy Redfish. Some are up to 40 inches long. They are schooled up and being chased by Great Whites. The Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Vermillion), Porgy and Triggerfish (Triggerfish, Gray) bite is great in 100 ft of water. The Grouper are providing a great catch and release bite as well. Blackfin Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) and Wahoo are at the stream. You can catch them trolling weighted Ballyhoo, Islanders, Islander Jrs, and Terminators. Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, White), Yellowfin, Blackfin (Tuna, Yellowfin & Tuna, Blackfin) and Wahoo are taking Halco Lures.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are in the deep holes in the creeks and rivers when the temperature is below 55 degrees.

Two-Way Fish
January 18, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Well in inshore fishing report is very good for this week! Our captains while using live shrimp and/or mud minnows caught Redfish (Drum, Red) and Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted). So therefore it seems as long as the water temps stays around 55 degrees we got fish! The bite was a little crazy due the full moon stage. However, if you fish the last two hours of the outgoing and the first two hours of the incoming currents weren’t too bad making water conditions a little clearer. During the change of the tides you could switch gears and do a little Sheepshead fishing on the complete slack tide. Best bait as you already know is going to be something wrapped in a shell translating to fiddlers, small rock crabs, mussels, barnacles, and I think you get the point!

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
January 11, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 3, 2017
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – This time of year the fishing slows down a bit. There is a bit less variety as migratory fish have now left the area and some are hibernating. Redfish (Drum, Red) can generally still provide a decent bite for anglers at this time of year. Keep in mind, they can be a bit more difficult to catch as their sense are heightened. Search areas where Dolphin are staging to find the Redfish schooling. Strike King Z-Too or Zoom Flukes rigged weedless are your best bet to hook them. Your best colors are going to be blue, gray glimmer, pearl and smokey shad. Adding scent is always a good idea in the cooler water. If you are using live bait frozen Shrimp is a great alternative. Local anglers can still target Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) however they are now typically holding up in the deeper holes. Search the rivers and Sound to find the best fish using small curly tail or paddle tail jigs on 4-6 lb test. Jiffy Jigs and Mister Twisters are usually successful. Capt. Judy suggests that when targeting Trout in colder water you need a small lure that will still grab their attention. Generally light colors such as white jigheads with white tails or red jig heads with chartreuse tails are your best bet. Flake is a good attractant as well. Work it slow as the fish are more lethargic. Cast to the deepest area and retrieve, stop, let it sink and retrieve again. Reds can also be found right off the beach, sandbars and reefs. They will be schooled up and feeding in these areas. 4 oz diamond jigs in red, green and blue/white or chartreuse/white are productive. Shrimp is the preferred bait for anglers looking to throw something live. Suspend it in the water column or fish it on the bottom. Trolling has also produced some success on Drone Spoons in silver or black/chartreuse. Pull roughly 20 feet behind with a No. 3 Planer or 8 oz sinker. Diving birds will be a giveaway in terms of where the fish are. You are likely to find Trophy Redfish in these areas. If you catch in Federal water remember you must release them. Out on the reefs we continue to see the Sheepshead biting. As usual, Fiddler Crabs are your best bet to hook them. Mussels, Oysters and Shrimp are great alternatives. Anchor on your location and drop your setup right to the bottom. A Carolina style rig is good for this. Fish about 1 ft off the bottom. They will be schooled up, so if you catch one you can bet there should be a few in the area, so stay put.
OFFSHORE – Nearshore there is still some action to be had into this week. Snapper (Snapper, Vermillion) can be found on the banks taking cut Squid. There are also some catch and release Grouper (Grouper, Gag) to be caught. If you head towards Naval towers R7, M2R6, and R2 you may find some Pompano (Pompano, African). They are not a very populous fish but this is the time to hook them using bait under a cork or free lining. The trick is to find the depth they are in as sometimes they are close to the surface and sometimes they are swimming further down the water column. When the weather is favorable the blue water is the place to be. Wahoo and Kings (Mackerel, King) can be targeted on the troll. There are also some Blackfin (Tuna, Blackfin) swimming as well. Dolphin are scattered but can still be caught incidentally or if you put some time in to target them. If you can find a good area around the edge of the stream there should be some fish to be caught however the bait will be scarce. Ledges, holes and live bottoms are you best bet. The South Ledge is Capt. Judy’s best suggestion. There are plenty of good topwater fish in this area as well as numerous bait running. Naked Ballyhoo on black or black/red islanders is a good setup. Menhaden Cedar Plugs are a great artificial alternative. The birds will give away the location of the fish. Cut Ballyhoo or Squid jigged is great when topwater is slow.
BAIT REPORT – Ballyhoo are swimming around the ledge areas near the top. You can cast net for them if they’re right up top, otherwise jig a sabiki.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
December 27, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) continue to chase Shrimp into this week. They are on fire, especially during the moving tide. You can use Shrimp to catch them or similar artificials. You may still find a few straggler Flounder (Flounder, Southern) around the sound however most of them will be moving out and swimming the inshore reefs at this time of year. We hope to see this bite continue into 2017!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com www.bullrivermarina.com
December 19, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – It’s been a bit slow as of late due to the Spring Tides. This week everything is settling down so we should see the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) fire back up. Tidal Creeks are full of fish that are feeding like crazy. There are plenty of Shrimp around and the fish are loving it. With the extreme high tides the fish are really moving. Anglers are still picking up Flounder (Flounder, Southern) in the mouth of the Sound and the deep holes but for the most part they are moving out as the cold weather moves in. They will be along the inshore reef by next week. There aren’t too many in the backwater at this point.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com www.bullrivermarina.com
December 15, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The inshore bite is still good. Redfish (Drum, Red), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are still biting. Sheepshead are inshore and offshore this week. They are on docks, structures and especially hot on the jetties. They stop on the jetties on their way to the wrecks and artificial reefs. The reefs and piles are key nearshore in 50 ft. Purple Back Fiddler Crabs or anything wrapped in a shell will work well to hook them. The Trophy Redfish run has been outstanding. The numbers are great and they are up to 30 lbs. We are seeing them caught on artificial such as Diamond jigs, jigheads with hair and Squid. They are all catch and release of course.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
December 7, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Sheepshead are doing well. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are plentiful in the area along with decent sized Reds (Drum, Red). Live Shrimp is by far the best bait right now. Live Finger Mullet is a close second.
OFFSHORE – Anglers are still heading out to the reefs however the bite is not consistent. Wahoo and Grouper (Grouper, Gag) are the main bite. You’ll have to make the run to the stream for the Wahoo.
BAIT REPORT – There is still some Shrimp around inshore.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
November 31, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Redfish are still biting. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are doing well too. Trout are along grass lines and oyster beds. Minnows or Shrimp under a cork are productive along with soft plastics such as Gulp Shrimp or anything that looks like a minnow or shrimp. Nearshore the Bull Reds (Drum, Red) and Weakfish are swimming bottom structure. Generally cut Mullet will work well to hook them. You can find them in 30 ft or less.

Blue Water Tackle Shop
fish@saltydog.com www.bluewaterhhi.com
November 22, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The charters have been good for inshore fishing. We are catching Redfish (Drum, Red), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern). Despite the cooler temperatures, we are finding fish however they are still small. A moving tide is key.
OFFSHORE – The reefs are holding some Sheephsead in 50 ft of water. Anglers are using purple backed Fiddler Crabs to find them. In 60 ft you will find Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) and Kings (Mackerel, King). The kings can be caught on 2-3.5 inch drone spoons pulled behind planers. Bonito (Bonito, Little Tunny) are taking larger spoons while Kings are taking smaller sizes. Snapper (Snapper, Vermillion) at the banks has been great. This is around 130 ft. Grouper (Grouper, Gag), Ajs (Jack, Amberjack Greater) and Triggers (Triggerfish, Gray) are also along the bottom with the occasional Dolphin above.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
November 16, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are turning up on live Shrimp. There are some nice Drum (Drum, Black) being caught as well. Search the rivers and creeks to find them. The low tide with moving water is your best time to fish. Lately there has been high tides with the recent moon. Chicken on a Chain Saltwater Assassin on the troll or New Penny on overcast days will work well if you are using artificials. The trout should be better in 15-20 ft of water as there’s more salinity down there.
BAIT REPORT – Mullet and Menhaden are beginning to disappear but the high tide is pushing the Shrimp in.

Capt. Michael Purvis
November 9, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing has been good. We are seeing a lot of Trout and a few Reds (Drum, Red). Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are the main focus with nice sizes and good quantities. Shrimp are the best bet to hook them. Soft plastics in a similar profile and color will be productive. Search creeks coming out of the marshes during the falling tide. Reds are biting on both tides but are relatively small. Off the beach the bigger Bull Reds are coming in. Cut Mullet and cut bait are your best bet to hook them.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are running thick in the creeks.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
November 2, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) are swimming the beaches and reefs moving offshore to 60 ft this week. King Mackerel (Mackerel, King) are biting on the reefs as well. Anglers are mostly trolling 2-3.5 inch drone spoons with 30 ft leaders. Alternatively King Mackerel hairs with light wire along with Spanish Sardines or Minnows will work. They put up a really good, fun fight. Closer to shore the Redfish to 23 inches are biting along with over sized Reds using live Shrimp. Mud Minnows will work if you can’t get your hands on Shrimp. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are on the beaches and on the reefs as well.
OFFSHORE – Trophy Redfish (Drum, Red) that travel in the winter are now offshore.
BAIT REPORT – Spanish Sardines and Cigar Minnows are swimming the artificial reefs.

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
October 26, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Recently we are seeing a ton of Spottail Bass (Drum, Red). They are swimming the incoming tide where the water is cleaner. There is still a bit of freshwater in the system. The incoming tide pushes the water and the bait back. Anglers are throwing Shrimp. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are finally growing up to 19 inches. This is the time of year to hit the water with the cooler temperatures. There is plenty of Shrimp for sale at the shop! Come on down!
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are in the river system. Mullet are beginning to get scarce.

Capt. Michael Purvis
October 19, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are targeting tailing Redfish (Drum, Red) in the morning and switching the attention in the afternoon. High tides have created great conditions now that the water is clearing up. The Reds are driving up onto the flats. Low tide hasn’t been bad either. This should continue to get better as conditions settle down.

Baystreet Outfitters
October 12, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There’s not been many reports since the recent hurricane. The high water levels should have the Shrimp moving. This means fishing will be great once the water clears. Baitfish and Shrimp will be moving and the temperatures will be dropping. At this time the water is still a bit muddy. It’s still too windy for anglers to head offshore as well. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
October 5, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everyone is preparing for Hurricane Matthew this week. Anglers are staying safely inside as they wait for the conditions to subside. Prior to the storm we were seeing the bite improve. Redfish (Drum, Red) are increasing in size and numbers. We hope to see this continue once we see more favorable weather. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com www.bullrivermarina.com
September 28, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The past week has been great. There are plenty of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) so far. The Trout are just beginning to heat up. A lot of big Flounder (Flounder, Southern) have also been caught. Live Shrimp and Finger Mullet are the key to catching them. Drum (Drum, Black) are on fire with some good fish up to 30 lbs. The water is clear and conditions are ideal for fishing. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Michael Purvis
September 21, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers have had success with Redfish (Drum, Red) for the most part as of late. This has been the main focus of a lot of charters in the river. Frozen Mullet and frozen Shrimp are generally a good bet to hook the fish. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com www.bullrivermarina.com
September 14, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has been a bit unfavorable in the area as of late. Despite this the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) fishing has been great on dead Shrimp. This has been the main focus with all the weather as of late. Once the wind settles down we expect the bite to pick back up. The fresh water might drive the Trout down a bit however as the water cools down the fish will be more active. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com www.bullrivermarina.com
September 6, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite has been good lately. They are in good numbers after the storm. Shrimp are moving through the inside so fish are turning on. Reds (Drum, Red) are there but on the smaller size. You’ll have to head further out for the bigger sizes. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp can be caught inshore this week. The storm has moved a bunch of the other bait out.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
August 31, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reds (Drum, Red), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are swimming the backwater this week. The Flounder are being caught right off the beach to 4 miles as well. They are up to 5 lbs and 26 inches. They can be found around the outside edges of structure. Mud Minnows tipped with Squid will hook them. Trout are being caught on Shrimp in the back creeks or Oyster beds. The Reds are mixed in. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
August 24, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – As the temperatures are still fairly warm we haven’t seen a lot of changes so far. The Reds (Drum, Red) are still catching well however most are not keepers. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are biting well in about 10 ft of water. If you are fishing closer to shore you’ll find plenty of undersized fish. Anglers can also work the banks to find them. Nice Sharks (Shark, Lemon & Shark, Blacktip) have still been caught into this week. They are great sizes and chasing the Rays. The Flounder (Flounder, Southern) bite has been the most productive. The numbers and sizes are fantastic so far. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are around this week so keep your head up and look for life.

Capt. Michael Purvis
August 17, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – It is still very hot this week. The early morning bite on the incoming tide has been key. We are seeing lots of undersized Redfish (Drum, Red). Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also undersized as the bigger fish are deep in 9-10 ft of water. They can be caught off the bank with live Finger Mullet. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) has been great. They are biting in great numbers. They are thick on the doormats. A lot of Sharks (Shark, Lemon & Shark, Blacktip) are turning up as well. They are taking live Stingray. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – There are tons of Shrimp that can be caught this week.

Capt. Michael Purvis
August 9, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing is still pretty good this week. A few Tarpon are outside the passes. They are up to 120 lbs. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are steady and the sizes are decent. The water has been a bit muddy but if you put your time in you’ll find them. Small Reds (Drum, Red) are around with some keepers mixed in. A few Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) are off the beach. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
August 3, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are a lot of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) around however they are all small. They are biting well on the tide change. Anglers are catching Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) and the Tarpon are just showing up. The Tarpon aren’t biting hot just yet but they are here. Porgy are working well to hook them. Otherwise, Shrimp are catching Reds and Trout. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
July 27, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The temperatures are hot right now so the fishing is a bit slow this week. The early morning and late evening bite has been most productive. Search structures and shady areas for Redfish (Drum, Red) and deeper holes or pockets for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). Shrimp seem to be a killer bait either on a popping cork or without. Similar artificials will work well. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
July 20, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are seeing quite a bit of Flounder (Flounder, Southern) brought in throughout the intracoastal waterway and where the mouth of the river runs into the ocean. Tarpon are running up and down the beaches. The Tarpon bite is as good as it gets for GA this year. You can live line Mullet or Menhaden for them. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Anglers are catching tons of Mackerel (Mackerel, King) offshore this week. Trolling over reefs or structures with live bait is effective for them.
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are coming in hot this week as they are all over the beach.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
July 15, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sharks (Shark, Blacktip & Shark, Bull & Shark, Bonnethead & Shark, Spinner) are everywhere this week. They are providing a great bite! Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are around 3 lbs while the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are up to 18 inches. Bass (Bass, Striped) are small while the Redfish (Drum, Red) are either way under or way over slot. Anglers are working the grass during the high, outgoing tide. We are seeing the water starting to clear up. Your best bet to hook fish will be cut Mullet or a nice sized whole Mullet. Live Shrimp is always a great choice, even for the Flounder. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for additional angling tips and tricks!

Adams Bait Shop
donadams@netzero.net http://www.thunderboltcharters.com
July 5, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are doing well with Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week. Tarpon are back inshore and there are a lot of them. The river is full of Menhaden. There haven’t been a lot of reports on Redfish (Drum, Red) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) this week. The bite has been steady overall however. Live bait is the key, soft plastics and lures will become more popular in the fall.
OFFSHORE – Drum (Drum, Black) have been biting on the nearshore structures.
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden are stocked up in the river this week.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
June 28, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The main focus has been Sharks, sharks, sharks and some Stingray! They (Shark, Blacktip) are all catch and release and has taken up most of the time of the anglers. The sizes aren’t huge however the numbers are crazy. There were some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) caught however the numbers are low compared to the sharks.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
June 21, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are swimming the backwater this week. The outgoing tide has been the most productive. Live Shrimp has been the best bait to throw and catch the nicest sizes.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
June 14, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – It has been pretty slow during the low tide however the high tides have been good for Redfish (Drum, Red). The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are slowing down but the Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) are moving in. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are hit and miss due to the heat. First light and last light have been the best time to fish.

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
locoflycharters@gmail.com http://www.locoflycharters.com
June 7, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been some crumby weather come in with the recent tropical storms. The water is muddy and desalinated this week. There has been no reports of fish at this point however we hope to see this turn around soon. Groups are getting ready to head back out on the water as the weather clears up, we will just have to wait for the water. Once this happens the bait can move in and the fish will fire up. Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) were the main focus for most anglers and we expect this to bite to continue. Check out our app features such as GPS Hotspots and Fish page to plan your next trip.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
May 24, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is great now that there is finally some nice weather and the numbers support that. Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are hot along with Flounder (Flounder, Southern) in full force. Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) are moving in this week. Shrimp and shrimp imitations are working best to hook most of the fish. They are the hottest bait, especially around the grass flats.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp numbers are great this week. Contact Capt. Mark at LoCo Fly Charters now to reserve your trip!

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
locoflycharters@gmail.com http://www.locoflycharters.com
May 18, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers fishing the nearshore and farther out are finding Drum (Drum, Black) and Red Drum (Drum, Red) along with some big Ajs (Jack, Amberjack Greater) and some Mahi (Dolphin) have been turning up this week. Keep in mind that not all fish are open at this time to please make sure you take a look at the regulations as to what you can keep. The weather has been extremely raining and the storms have moved in however we hope to see better conditions for the weekend.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
May 12, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The past week proved that we are having strong Spotted Sea Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite. Some really nice fish are being caught and released. As far as bait..the best ticket to this ride is going to be live Shrimp. However, in some cases you can purchase or catch any. I have always said, If you can’t get live Shrimp neither can the fish! The second best bait is going to be mud minnows. They work great for bait especially when the Shrimp are anywhere to be found. If you have to go artificial I suggest using Shrimp patterns, because some of these baits look just like the real thing. Believe it or not, but some of our customers caught large sea trout while fishing on the bottom with dead shrimp! There was more activity the past week. Our customer caught Bonnethead Sharks (Shark, Bonnethead), Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks (Shark, Atlantic Sharpnose), Spinner Sharks (Shark, Spinner), and 100 pound rays. Yes, all were caught fought and released! Just so you know all you have to do is look and you can see a lot surface activity! And where you see birds feeding, no matter where, I suggest giving that area a try. It’s time to be a fish watcher!
OFFSHORE – Gulf Stream Fishing Report! Well, let’s forget about the fishing part and just talk about catching! Captain Ryan Howard Vindicator along with angler Tyler Deal caught a Black Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) that weighed in at 40.5 pounds while trolling the blue waters of the stream. All that is left to say now is Congratulations to all of those involved! Gordon Gnann caught a nice genuine Red Snapper (Snapper, Vermillion) that he caught while bottom fishing at the Savannah Snapper Banks with Captain Ken Kennickell of Miss Judy Charters!

Captain Judy Helmey Miss Judy Charters
912 897 4921
May 6, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are showing up this week and they are turning up very well. Sea Bass (Sea Bass, Black) are inshore this week. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) continues to bite well when you can find them. Reports of Reds (Drum, Red) have been scattered. Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) and Sheepshead remain steady this week.
OFFSHORE – Everyone is setting up for Cobia, Wahoo and Dolphin this week. Anglers are looking at roughly 80 miles out. It’s a long haul to get to the offshore in this area.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
Manager_Savannah_GA@basspro.com www.basspro.com
April 26, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The past week we are seeing tons of Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red). The early morning bite has been the most productive and live Shrimp is key to hooking them. This bite is expected to continue into the weekend.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
April 20, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are seeing tons of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week. Things are heating up now that the weather is improving. They are hitting mainly topwater this week. There are a few small Stripers (Bass, Striped) in the river however they are few and far between. The fishing is great in the rivers this week and we are also seeing quite a bit of action from freshwater.

Richmond Hill Marine & Sporting Goods
April 12, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are slow in this area due to the high tides in this area. We are seeing some Whiting (Kingfish, Southern) and a few Sharks (Shark, Bonnethead & Shark, Blacktip) this week but that’s about it. We hope to see the water clear up so the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite will turn back on as it is hit and miss but live bait seems to be more effective.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
April 5, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds are starting to bite. The Redfish (Drum, Red) are big so far. Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are moving in while Sheepshead are turning off. The Spring bite is definitely on. If you can get your hands on live Shrimp they are working best. Similar artificials such as a Vudu Shrimp will also be productive. There haven’t been many reports from offshore this week.

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com
March 29, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is picking up so far. This time of year the tailing Redfish (Drum, Red) are hot. Bait is moving in and livening things up. Every bait and lure is working well, if they see it, they eat it. Fish the tides for the best catches so far. This has been the main focus for most anglers until we see a Spring pattern set in. Anglers gearing up for the hot bite can check out our Fish feature which provides tons of tips and tricks to help keep your line tight.

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
locoflycharters@gmail.com http://www.locoflycharters.com
March 21, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are doing well this week searching for Sheepshead on structure. The bite has died down a bit but if you put some time in there are some good sizes. There are some nice Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) moving in that are hit or miss. Artificial jigs such as electric chicken or paddle tails are doing well to hook them. Redfish (Drum, Red) are consistent so far but nothing overly big. The morning and late afternoon bite is the most productive this week. The inshore has been the main focus this week as the offshore has been quite slow. Book your Bull River Marina trip now before all the slots fill up!
Bull River Marina
March 16, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have slowed down a touch but the grass is picking up so the fish will be doing well. Fishing is picking up during the higher tide and the water is warming up so bait is moving back in. Reds (Drum, Red) continue to fish well along with the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) which are sitting a bit deeper. The Reds are schooling up on the flats this week as the water gets warmer. The water is clear and the bite is consistent so far. The sizes are varied however the soft plastics such as Vudu Shrimp by Egret seem to be working for them all.
BAIT REPORT – We are starting to see some bait come in this week.

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
locoflycharters@gmail.com http://www.locoflycharters.com/
March 8, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are focusing on the Sheepshead this week on bridge pilings and docks. They have been nice sizes so far and the bite is consistent. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are there however they are hiding in the deeper holes and are fairly inactive due to the cold water. If you put your time you may find a few good sizes however most anglers are waiting for warmer temperatures. The Sheepshead are the main focus both inshore and offshore anglers due to the wind as of late. Book your charter trip now before all reservations are full!

Bull River Marina
bullrivermarina@gmail.com https://www.bullrivermarina.com/
March 2, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Hilton Head/Beaufort/Savannah area has been fishing well lately for reds. Trout which have been sitting a little deeper. With a mild winter upon us we have been fortunate to have some pretty nice days to fish large schools of redfish on the flats. With pretty clear water I am still lengthening my leaders for both fly and spin.. here is a pic of us doubled up again on both fly and spin tackle from this week.

Capt. Mark Nutting LoCo Fly Charters
February 24, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Sheepshead are beginning to heat up while the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are slowing down due to the cold water. The best time to fish here has been the afternoon bite when the water heats up a little bit. Live bait is always a great bet. Fiddler Crabs are irresistible to the Sheepshead while Shrimp is generally a preference for the Trout. A similar artificial such as a Vudu Shrimp by Egret will work wonders.
OFFSHORE – The Tuna, Blackfin are biting this week however the bite is a bit spotty and has not been consistent. Determined anglers who put their time in will have no trouble hooking them.

Bull River Marina
February 16, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Sheepshead bite has been the main focus this week as they are pretty well the only thing swimming. They can be found on the bridge pilings and structures. They are decent sizes so far. Crabs are the key to hook them. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are very spotty this week due to the cold water temperatures.
OFFSHORE – Once we begin to see more favorable conditions we expect to see some Sea Bass, Black turning up off the bottom. It has not been easy for anglers to get offshore or find breaks in the weather. We hope to see things clear up soon and anglers can check out our Fish Guide which has tons of tips and tricks to keep your lines tight.
Bull River Marina
February 10, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Typically this time of year the fish are schooling up however the water is clear. This means if you get on a fish there are likely plenty around and you can catch some great numbers. They are also easily spooked so the best things to throw is light tackle in the morning during the low tide. A Carolina rig thrown past the fish and reeled slowly is a good bet. Lengthen your leader when fish are spooky. This is the key. Small flies will also be productive. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are still being caught in the pockets and holes. They are also hitting deeper jigs that are presented slow. The Trout are mostly turning up in the backwater creeks. This is a great time of year to book a trip with Capt. Mark at LoCo Fly Charters, call today to reserve a spot!

Capt. Mark LoCo Fly Charters
February 4, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Since the offshore fishing is pretty much closed at this time most anglers are focusing on the inshore and nearshore. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Reds (Drum, Red), and Sheepshead are all biting in this area. The Trout has been pretty fair way up in the creeks and deeper spots. The Reds are turning up on Fiddler Crabs, while fishing for Sheepshead, up to 40 inches. There are a few Drum, Black turning up as well however the bite has not been consistent. The Sheeps are on fire this week. They are hitting live Fiddler Crabs which are always a huge success. The early morning bite has produced the best results. The low tide has produced the best sizes inshore however there are some great sizes in the nearshore as well. There are tons of Sea Bass, Black in this area however most of them are too small to eat at this time. They will eat pretty much anything at this point. We expect to see some Whiting (Kingfish, Southern & Kingfish, Northern) turn up in the next few weeks and the Trout bite should increase at that point as well.

Captain David Newlin Captain David Newlin Fishing Charters
January 28, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is a bit of fresh water mix in this area as of late however we are still seeing Reds (Drum, Red) in the shallows. They are schooled up and anglers are reporting pods of up to 50. They are taking white gulp Shrimp or Vudu Shrimp by Egret. Anglers are fishing them off the bottom, bumping on a Carolina Rig. Remember to move them slow as the fish are fairly lethargic at this point. It has not been easy to find the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week however we hope to see some turn up by the weekend.

Kennedy Outfitters
January 22, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a ton of action happening from the area this week. There are some spotty reports of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) turning up however they have recently cooled down with the cold snap that has moved through. The Sheepshead have lit up and are the target of most anglers this week. They can be found around the pylons and inshore structures for anyone throwing live Fiddler Crabs.

Pro Angler Team
January 15, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite that has been hot lately is beginning to die down with the recent cold snap. The sizes are decent however the bite more difficult to find. Anglers who put their time in will be able to find them as there are still quite a few smaller sizes swimming that have been caught on finger Mullet. Reds (Drum, Red) are heating up this week in the murky water. Anglers are using bright colors such as nuclear or electric chicken. Watermelon has been productive as well. Shrimp or Mullet will work well for anyone who prefers to use live bait. This is always a great choice as the scent will attract the fish more in the dirty water.
OFFSHORE – The weather is expected to be great this week. There have been no reports from this area so far however we expect that there are some great fish out in the deep water. Anglers that decide to hit the water this weekend can always check out our Fish Guide which provides great tips and information to help improve your catch.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are still hanging around this week and anglers should have no trouble stocking up on their own bait.

Pro Angler Team
January 6, 2016
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are still good numbers of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) being caught this week. They are coming up in various sizes with plenty of keepers. Anglers are using mirrolures and saltwater assassins in electric chicken or new penny on an overcast day. The best bite has been on live Shrimp under a popping cork. The fish are loving them and it is always a good idea to match the bait run.
BAIT REPORT – There are still plenty of Shrimp and some Finger Mullet that are working well for inshore fish.

Capt. Michael Purvis
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are biting on Mud Minnows this week. Shrimp is still working well if you can find it or use a similar artificial alternative but most of the live Shrimp has moved out or buried. Reds (Drum, Red) and Flounder, Southern are doing well on similar baits. There are also a few Sheepshead that have shown up so far this week. Their sizes are decent and they are loving Fiddler Crabs or Mussels. This bite is expected to continue throughout the rest of the week.
BAIT REPORT – Mud Minnows continue to run but the Shrimp are gone this week.

Pro Angler Team
December 21, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Despite mild conditions the seasons are changing! Temperature no doubt is significant but there are other factors such as the photoperiod or the amount time each day for sunlight that can trigger change. Drops that were producing Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) nearly cast in a week or even a day ago could vanish. The calendar is marking the beginning of winter on December 22nd. During the winter typically fishermen will find sea trout in deep holes, Redfish (Drum, Red) can be on the flats and Sheepshead around structure .Redfish are on the flats. These fish can be wary in gin clear water. Fish that are normally easy to catch are spooky. Shadow from fishermen on cloudless days can even panic fish. Long casts and the lighter tackle are the rule. When fishing for winter Trout fishermen are typically fishing holes, deeper spots in the heads of creeks. A favorite winter tide is low water fishing a live bait deep. Bites can be subtle with corks barely moving. This type of fishing is slower but can be productive. Sheephead, a winter favorite will pack on calories before heading for their offshore spawn. James at Stewart’s Bait & Tackle says Sheephead are already stacking on some offshore reefs. The Sheephead bite looks good but like with any fish keep what you want to eat and release the rest. Fishermen fishing the flats with traditional tackle and methods could good find catches due mild conditions.
BAIT REPORT – Bait shrimpers are having to travel further south to stock their tanks with Shrimp. Enjoy the mild conditions and the available bait but remember the seasons are changing! I hope this report is of interest and help! Merry Christmas!

Capt. Jack McGowan Coastal River Charters
December 14, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is a good Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Red (Drum, Red) bite this week. Trout are turning up in both good numbers and sizes. Sheepshead is also doing well and that is fairly normal year round. The weather has been cooperating and anglers can pretty much head out any time. The outgoing tide seems to be producing the best. Savage gear Shrimp is the bait of choice however live Mullet is working as well. Artificials such as a silver Mullet or Mirrolure have brought in some great fish too.

Pro Angler Team
December 9, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There have been great numbers of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) when anglers can find some clean water. There is a bit of fresh water mixed into the system right now however this is expected to clear up soon. This week most fishermen have been using lures in electric chicken or on a cloudy day they are finding new penny fairly productive. Live Shrimp and Mullet are a great choice if you can get your hands on them this week.
BAIT REPORT – The Mullet run is beginning to thin out with the drop in temperature recently. A lot of anglers are using artificials this week.

Capt. Michael Purvis
December 3, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing here is doing well. We’ve been catching loads of Drum (Drum, Black) although they are juveniles. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) has been pretty good. There’s a lot of fish in the 16-17 inch range. We’ve been getting a lot of Shrimp and that seems to be working well for inshore fish at this time.
BAIT REPORT – Inshore waters have been loaded with Shrimp. Catching bait won’t be much of a problem in the back waters.

Capt. Michael Purvis
November 26, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bite in this area has continued to be solid this past week. There has been some cold weather lately that has changed the patterns but they are still hungry. Bull Reds (Drum, Red) are biting on the beaches in great sizes and numbers. They are loving Live Mullet or a similar artificial. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also doing well this week. The most effective method of catching is to throw a live bait until they begin to bite, then throw a soft plastic artificial if they aren’t into the hard bait. The water is in perfect condition this week. There are 6-10 ft tides and no still water yet.
OFFSHORE – There have not been a ton of reports from the deeper water this week. Sea Bass, Black have been hitting at the 20 mile mark. Farther past around 90 miles anglers can troll for Tuna, Blackfin however both these bites have become spotty lately. Anglers who decide to head out for the holiday can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch. Alternatively Bass Pro Shops fishing associates can provide an up to the minute fishing report so anglers know exactly what to expect.
BAIT REPORT – The Shrimp are heavy this week and expected to stay the same for another 4-6 weeks depending on the weather. The Mullet run is beginning to come to an end where it is only expected for another two weeks or so.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World
November 18, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Now is the best time of year to be fishing in this area. Everything is on fire both on the beach and in the backwater. Seatrout, Spotted have been chasing live Shrimp so anglers have been using the run to find the fish but also as bait. Grubs and jigs are also working as an alternative. Redfish (Drum, Red) have been on fire and biting just about anything. Lots of Whiting (Kingfish, Northern) have turned up on dead Squid and dead Shrimp just about everywhere as well. Anglers have had trouble keeping their hooks in the water.
OFFSHORE – Due to unfavorable conditions, anglers have not been able to get offshore at this time. If you are heading out this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature providing more information and suggestions on the fish of your choice. Of course, you can also head into Tackle Shack for an up to the minute fishing report.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp and Mullet are both running thick at the moment and working well for inshore fish.

St Simons Island Bait & Tackle
November 10, 2015
Ossabaw Island Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) have been absolutely on fire in this area. The Reds are hiding down in the surf near or on the beaches chasing the thick Mullet run. They are pretty widespread at this point having made their way to the rivers as well. Trout are also doing well, coming up in both good numbers and good sizes. Live Shrimp is working best for these guys. Anglers are fishing them under a cork and they are the number one bait of choice right now. There has also been a solid Flounder (Flounder, Southern) bite for anglers jigging live bait. The catch has been very good and the sizes are not too bad either. There is no particular tide to hit at the moment as long as anglers fish during a half moon. The best results have come up at this time while avoiding a new moon before and after.
BAIT REPORT – There are tons of both Shrimp and Mullet running right now and working very well with all inshore species.

Adams Bait Shop
November 6, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) has had a great bite right now along with the big and slot sized Reds (Drum, Red). They are hitting live shrimp and mullet with a popping cork. There have also been some great Flounder (Flounder, Summer (Fluke) & Flounder, Southern) hitting Finger Mullet and Mud minnows.
BAIT REPORT – Mullet and Mud Minnows are running right now and working very well for inshore fish.

Adams Bait Shop
October 28, 2015
Ossabaw Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – There are currently no offshore reports at this time as anglers have opted to stay in the shallower water. Should you decide to venture farther out you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information on the the fish of your choice, and can also help you improve your catch.
INSHORE – There are a few different species that are still biting inshore. There are lots of Redfish (Drum, Red) around that are biting live bait but also can be found crabbing in shallow water. There have also been reports of some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) being caught as well. Live bait under an adjustable cork with a circle or kahle hook are working well for both. A key spot to look for will be the oyster beds where you may find quite a few Reds while Trout will be swimming in more open water. There are some spotty areas where Flounder seem to be going for Shrimp that are fished just above bottom.
BAIT REPORT – If you can find bait holes there are still some Shrimp around but it will be a bit challenging with the changing weather conditions.
Bass Pro Shops
Since fishing conditions change from minute to minute we try to keep our reports as updated as possible. The United States is a large country, so we try to keep our Ossabaw Island Fishing Report updated once a week. If you would like to contribute to the Ossabaw Island Fishing Report, feel free to email your fishing tips to mike@proangler.us. We rely on even small contributions to inform us that fishing conditions have changed so we can update the Ossabaw Island Fishing Report.
The Ossabaw Island Fishing Report is brought to you by the Pro Angler team and many, many, highly skilled Captains and bait shop owners.

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