New Orleans Fishing Report
April 7, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – We finally have some beautiful weather that’s firing up the Trout and Redfish. We’ve been using Gold Spoons on the Reds (Drum, Red) if we aren’t using bait. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been hitting plastics whenever there’s moving water. If you’d prefer to use bait, you can’t go wrong with Shrimp under a cork. The tide has been super low so be careful running your boat around some of the shallower areas. The tide is going to start coming back up but just be careful for now. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
March 31, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Water temperatures are increasing and the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite went through the roof. Anglers are limiting out within an hour. The sizes are great and the fish are on, the only tough part will be battling the wind. Search the edges of the marsh for the best fish using a popping cork with 2 feet of leader and a Matrix shad. 3-6 feet of water over oyster reefs using suspending baits will work too. In between the windy days the water is clear enough to sight fish the Reds (Drum, Red) using Berkley Gulp or Spinner baits. We might begin to see Tripletail within the next month if the weather stays consistent. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
March 24, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The day trip to Biloxi Marsh out of Pass Christian has been great. Things are on the verge of kicking off. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been caught on a popping cork in 5-6 feet of water using a Matrix shad. Hook it 18-20 inches under a cork fishing it slow and letting it roll under the tide. Shrimp is a great bait. The morning low tide had created muddy water situation from the West wind. The water has cleaned up since. The Bull Reds (Drum, Red) are on fire taking a popping cork with a Matrix Shad. The numbers are great. We hope to see this continue into the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bait is moving into the outer edges of the marsh but no Shrimp yet.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
March 14, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing was good until the recent front moved through. If you can find clean water and can get your hands on some live Shrimp you’ll do well on the Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) that are swimming the area. Daytime bite has been most productive in terms of finding fish. We hope to see nice weather show up for the weekend.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
March 14, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) are plentiful, Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are scattered. The Reds are doing particularly well in the marsh. They are stacked up taking popping corks, Berkley Gulp Shrimp and Matrix Shad Spinnerbaits. The recent front has dropped water temperatures so we may see a tough bite for the next few days. The bite will heat back up once warmer conditions set in. The Trout are out there but until it warms up they will be lethargic. The morning trips are a bit more productive.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
March 7, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are catching mostly Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week fishing artificial Squid under a popping cork in the marsh. They are up to 25 inches and the numbers are outstanding. Redfish (Drum, Red) are also biting. They prefer black/chartreuse swim baits and paddle tails. Gold Spoons and Shrimp under a cork are also working depending on the wind. The high tides have been producing well overall, especially around the marsh. You’ll have to do your best to avoid the wind but if you can get out you’ll find a great inshore bite. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
March 1, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) were biting black/chartreuse beetles this week. There hasn’t actually been a lot of anglers fishing as of late. There has been tons of rain and with Mardi Gras winding down things have been busy! Looking into the next few days the fish should be hungry and anywhere you can find clean water you’ll catch fish! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com www.getthenetchartersllc.com
February 21, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are looking good as water temperatures are warm for this time of year. It has been good for fishing. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught and they already have eggs. The Spring bite is coming up! Fish are caught over oyster reefs in 5-6 ft of water. Fish them with a jig over the bottom under a popping cork. The water clarity has been decent. Redfish are schooled up in the ponds and marsh. Trout in the area are taking Vudu Shrimp or Matrix Shads while Reds prefer Berkley Gulps, Spoons or Spinner baits. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
February 14, 2017
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught inshore. Redfish (Drum, Red) have also been biting. They are taking black/chartreuse Cocahoe Minnows. This may die down with the upcoming front but should clear up in time for the weekend. Search for clean water to find them. The Low Lake area should be productive.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com www.getthenetchartersllc.com
February 10, 2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – Weather is beginning to straighten out and we should see some steady conditions coming in. The big changes in temperature has kept the fish moving. Over the next week things will level out and the water temperatures will increase and stay. The Sheepshead will begin to stack up along the reefs and coast. They are a great bite for kids as well. Fish the creek pylons or rock piles using live Shrimp on the bottom. You will be able to fish them throughout the day once things level out. In terms of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) stay on the move. They won’t be stacked up yet.
OFFSHORE – The Wahoo have been on fire. Anglers are slow trolling stretch 30s around the ridge and out of Tiger Pass. Fish the 300 ft drop.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
February 2, 2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – Fishing has been slow this week with the Northwest winds. The water has been clean if you can get into the marsh sight fishing for Reds (Drum, Red). Once you get on an area that’s holding fish, you can see them. It’s just about finding the pockets holding more fish that can be difficult. Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are in limbo with the dropping water temperatures. Once the water comes back and we see sustained temperatures anglers can drift the flats with live or artificial baits. We hope to see things clean up for the weekend.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
January 24,2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – There hasn’t been a lot of changes recently. The weather is still leaving the water temperatures the same. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are coming out of the bays. Popping corks with the baits 2 ft under is key. White in Matrix Shad or Vudu Shrimp in Ghost color are productive. You can also jig along the bottom. Redfish (Drum, Red) are plentiful in the marsh taking spinner baits, popping corks with Berkely Gulp or just throwing Gold Spoons.
BAIT REPORT – Mullet are swimming the marsh.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
January 20, 2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – Fishing out of Hopedale we are seeing fish (Seatrout, Spotted & Drum, Red) in shallow water around 4 ft. White Vudu Shrimp about 2 ft under a popping cork or white with a pink tail was hitting the fish. Stay on the move as they are scattered about. Drift the bays and use your trolling motor to keep moving. When you do get on a pocket of fish, you’ll catch a few real quick. The UltraViolet Matrix Shad is another great bait to throw. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
January 11, 2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 6, 2017
New Orleans
INSHORE – The upcoming cold weather push should improve the bite a bit. The recent warm temperatures pushed the fish (Seatrout Spotted & Drum, Red) into the marsh and scattered them out. Once things drop the fish will concentrate down and they will be easier to locate. Search in 30 ft when the sun is up and warming up the top. Generally live Shrimp will do well to hook them. Make sure to get your lures right down to the bottom. If you hit one you will hit many. We hope to see this pattern set in soon.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
December 27, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – Out of Hopedale we are seeing a slow morning bite with the recent cold front. The marshes are hit or miss. Later in the morning the bite improves higher up in the marsh. Fish the end of the bayou that is shallow for consistent Trout on popping corks with a 24 inch leader. Matrix Shad in UV color is working well. The later bite is more productive. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
December 21, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – Out of Hopedale we are seeing a slow morning bite with the recent cold front. The marshes are hit or miss. Later in the morning the bite improves higher up in the marsh. Fish the end of the bayou that is shallow for consistent Trout on popping corks with a 24 inch leader. Matrix Shad in UV color is working well. The later bite is more productive. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
December 15, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – We are smoking the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week. They sizes are pretty great too. H & H Sparkle Beetles under a popping cork in small sizes are your best bet to hook them. They are biting all day long. Just watch out for the fog in the mornings. If you leave later you will still see a good bite. Once the water warms up the fish get a bit more active.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
December 7, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – The weather over the last week has been a bit unfavorable so far. This should move the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) into their winter pattern as they move into the deeper holes and rivers. Fish the marshes and the middle of the bay to find them in the morning. Fish them slow, they are deeper in the morning. By the afternoon or on sunny days you will find them in shallow water and they will be a bit more aggressive.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
December 2, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – The fish are biting! Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught left and right! Shad Rigs, double rigs and swimming Mullet in chartreuse or Berkley Gulp under a popping cork are working well on a moving tide. Capt. Nick is the Proud New Owner of Nick’s Marina, formerly Seaway Marina! Stay tuned for more details!

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
November 23, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) are hot for Shrimp under a cork. Search shallow water along the banks. Fish up to 27 inches are common. Most of the Reds are caught in the marsh. Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are taking Squid under a cork. Find the diving birds to find the fish. They are up to 18 inches. Artificials aren’t as productive but the fish are loving Shrimp in shallow water less than 2 ft. We are bringing in limits quite regularly. The Fishin’ is thick, with good ‘ol Capt. Nick!

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
November 18, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are here! The past week we are seeing outstanding numbers fishing shad rigs. You can throw just about anything to hook them as they are hungry. The upcoming weather may affect the bite a bit however we hope to see things continue once the system clears up. They are up to 15 inches so far. They are biting all day long. The Fishin’ is thick, with good ‘ol Capt. Nick!

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com www.getthenetchartersllc.com
November 9, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – It’s been a lot of fun fishing Redfish (Drum, Red) and Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) the last couple weeks. The weather has be absolutely beautiful and the fish have been very cooperative. Making our days out on the water action packed and memorable for all. I fish the backwater marsh, lakes, bays, and bayous of New Orleans . Depending on the weather I make my decision on where and what species of fish we go after that day. I give my customer first choice of what they would like to fish for, then give my recommendations considering the weather and what’s been biting best. Lately we’ve been running out to the bay to catch our share of Speckled Trout. Then running into the marsh to catch Redfish around mid morning. Every day is different, every trip is different, that is the beauty of fishing. You never know what the day has in store till you get out and try. Our Reds have been in the 16-25 inch range and the specks have been 12-19 inch range. Catching the Redfish either with swim baits or Shrimp under a popping cork. The Specks have been caught with artificial under a popping cork with a few caught on tight line. The goal at New Orleans Style Fishing Charters is to make your fishing trip fun, enjoyable,and most memorable you’ll ever go on. I love to fish and enjoy sharing my passion for fishing with others . Nothing thrills me more than to have someone say that they had a great time out on the water with me. I want to thank everyone for giving New Orleans Style Fishing Charters the opportunity to be your choice to fish with. I look forward to seeing everyone again someday. Until then TIGHT LINES COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME I’m booking trips daily so feel free to give me a call with any questions or to schedule your charter today. New Orleans Style Fishing Charters we don’t just go fishing we make memories! Captains are US Coast Guard Licensed. Fully Insured LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Licensed Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters 5057 Kenal Road -Suite 100

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
November 3, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – Anglers are doing well with the Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) so far this week. The Redfish (Drum, Red) seem to always be doing well. They are the main bite. Sheepshead, Drum (Drum, Black) and the occasional Sand Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are being caught incidentally while targeting Redfish. The Sheepshead are always a fun catch. Shrimp are your best bet for just about any fish however soft plastics will be productive as well. If you are going to throw artificials you can always try throwing some live bait in the water just to keep the fish around while you catch.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp can be caught for bait this week.

Jakamo-South Fishing Charters
October 26, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are plenty of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) swimming and so far there have been easy limits in the morning. Use a Matrix Shad under a Popping Corks on the oyster reefs in 5-6 ft of water. Redfish (Drum, Red) are turning up on the same rig. The Trout are up top feeding on white Shrimp. Look for birds or Shrimp popping to find them. Inside the marsh the Redfish are showing up well. They are slot sized so far. Fish the mouths of the bayous using Berkley Gulp under a popping cork or throwing a spinner bait.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
www.msfisherman.com fishermanguide@cableone.net
October 19, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fall fishing fun in New Orleans, It’s been a busy month of fishing in New Orleans. October always is with the weather so nice. The fish are very active with the water temps dropping into the 70’s. This last week with the full moon the Redfish (Drum, Red) have been a tough bite. The Speckle Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have made up for and lack of action the Reds may be giving up. The first part of the month the Reds were biting good. Now that we’re on the downside of the moon the Reds will pick up again. With the birds diving, Shrimp popping, and the Specks right behind them the action has been nonstop. The Speckle Trout have been averaging 12 inch -19 inch and we’re catching anywhere from 40-100 keepers a day. The Redfish have been healthy hard fighting 18 inch -26 inch fish. We have also gotten into a few Jack (Jack, Crevalle) Fish as well as a couple Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish). Which both are a rare catch for the area that we fish. Fall fishing can be some of the most productive fishing here in New Orleans. COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME I’m booking trips daily so feel free to give me a call with any questions or to schedule your charter today. New Orleans Style Fishing Charters we don’t just go fishing we make memories!

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
October 12, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fall fishing is hot right now. We are absolutely smoking the Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). We are getting into them anytime of day so long as the water is moving.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com www.getthenetchartersllc.com
October 5, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Catching Redfish (Drum, Red) New Orleans Style means that we have lots of fun, tons of actions and southern hospitality to top it off. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted a blog but we’ve been busy here catching Redfish and Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) as well as few other species that we come across along the way. Fall is in the air and October is here . The temps are dropping and the fish are hungry .We’ve been catching Redfish with gold spoons mostly. Fishing along the shore lines tamed with grass beds as well as fishing some structure with shrimp on the bottom for reds . The Redfish typically have been in the 18 inch -24 inch range with some pushing over the 26 inch mark. The Speckled Trout have started to move back into the interior bays and shell islands. That makes it somewhat easier to target both Reds and Specks at times. It’s been my pleasure to have everyone out fishing with me the last month. Lots of new faces as well as repeat customers. We must be doing something right to keep y’all coming back. I want to thank everyone for choosing New Orleans Style Fishing Charters when fishing in New Orleans. October is booking up fast but with multiple boats we are able to accommodate everyone. COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME I’m booking trips daily so feel free to give me a call with any questions or to schedule your charter today. New Orleans Style Fishing Charters we don’t just go fishing we make memories! Captains are US Coast Guard Licensed. Fully Insured LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Licensed

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
September 28, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are chasing the Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) that are moving back into the marshes from the gulf. They are chasing the Shrimp. You can also use a cork with a chartreuse Squid Bait. Search the islands and the reefs. Any low structure will be holding fish. Schools of big Black Drum (Drum, Black) to 20 lbs are taking a Shrimp under a cork. Jack, Crevalle are schooling with the Black Drum on the outside. Redfish (Drum, Red) are a bit slow. They will bite all year round however they seem to be sluggish this week.

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
September 21, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have not really shown up yet however the Redfish (Drum, Red) and Black Drum (Drum, Black) are on fire. We are having no trouble hitting them. The tide is high and falling all day so the conditions are perfect in the mouths of the bays. Gold Spoons and bait have been the best bet to hook them. Not much has changed in terms of patterns.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com www.getthenetchartersllc.com
September 14, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reds (Drum, Red) off of the grass flats and beds using gold spoons have been found in limits. We’ve had the odd day of tough weather but that hasn’t hurt the fishing. The Redfishing is pretty typical of this transition period. We hope to see the fishing hold steady into the weekend.

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
September 6, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather kept a lot of anglers off the water as of late however Capt. Jason caught some Reds (Drum, Red) off of the grass flats and beds using gold spoons. They even caught limits. There are some decent schools of tailing fish. We hope to see this continue throughout the week.

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
September 2, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bite has been a bit slow inshore as of late. Anglers are working for Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). They are holding up farther out and they aren’t very active. Fish the deeper holes around the islands to find them early in the morning.
OFFSHORE – Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) are biting at the drop. The storms have kept a lot of anglers off the water however when conditions are favorable we are seeing a decent bite. There are some incidental Blackfin (Tuna, Blackfin) mixed in. Anglers are chumming them up using live bait.

Professional Sport Shop
August 24, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are hitting the Redfish (Drum, Red) in great sizes and numbers this week. The water is so clean that Gold Spoons and Chartreuse Cocahoes are the best setups along with other artificials that anglers prefer. Search the moving tide for fish. Once it stops the fish are slow. Morning and evening are productive. A lot of fish are coming out of the marsh as well. The fish are on when you can find them.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
mandyjhargis@yahoo.com http://getthenetchartersllc.com
August 17, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The mixed, cool water may turn the fish up a bit. The Reds (Drum, Red) have been pushed into the deeper bays and lakes. They are schooling at the top with Black Drum (Drum, Black). Artificial baits including Gold Spoons or plastic Swim Baits are working for the Reds while Shrimp under a cork has been more productive for Black Drum. They are up to 20 inches. The Reds are up to 25 inches. While conditions are not too bad in the area we hope to see a bit more activity as the conditions become more favorable.

Capt Jason Shilling New Orleans Style Fishing Charters LLC
info@neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com
August 9, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Redfish (Drum, Red) have shown up while the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have moved out. Anglers are targeting Redfish around Rigolets and Little Lake using Shrimp under a cork. Beat the heat by heading out in the early morning or late evening.
OFFSHORE – The Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin) continue to bite this week. Marlin (Billfish – Marlin, Blue) have made their way to the area. The rigs are holding Mangrove Snapper (Snapper, Gray), Red Snapper (Snapper, Red) and Grouper (Grouper, Gag).

Barataria Bait and Tackle
mariaplaisance@gmail.com www.baratariabaitandtackle.com
August 3, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – I loaded up my bait tank with Roscoe Pete Cold Train’s live Shrimps and headed down south to the oyster reefs.Fist stop nada but the second stop pay dirt on some really nice White Trout (Seatrout, Sand),Speck (Seatrout, Spotted),and monster Kingfish (Kingfish, Southern) aka Ground Mullet. Good client and Tripletail head hunter Mike Lively jumped aboard and headed to the Miss Sound only to find rain and bad a thunderstorm waiting for us but we still managed to get his a Miss limit.Mike was planning another Tripletail trip even before I docked my boat.

Capt. John Haller 1 Chasing Tail Charters LLC
July 27, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – LOTS OF RAIN OVER THE WATER THIS WEEK! We had Vance, Tim & Winston on board Saturday. We left out of Delta Marina early heading out west of the Mississippi River. We had to stick and move dodging rain catching fish at almost every stop. Lots of undersized fish around at this time. The guys boated over 150 fish as we managed to catch 45 keeper Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). We got busted by Footsmonster. He caught us fishing one of his areas. LOL! BIG THANKS TO VANCE, TIM, & WINSTON! MONDAY AUGUST 1st IS OPEN TO FISH WITH US!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com Captainjodydonewar.com
July 27, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – LOTS OF RAIN OVER THE WATER THIS WEEK! We had Vance, Tim & Winston on board Saturday. We left out of Delta Marina early heading out west of the Mississippi River. We had to stick and move dodging rain catching fish at almost every stop. Lots of undersized fish around at this time. The guys boated over 150 fish as we managed to catch 45 keeper Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). We got busted by Footsmonster. He caught us fishing one of his areas. LOL! BIG THANKS TO VANCE, TIM, & WINSTON! MONDAY AUGUST 1st IS OPEN TO FISH WITH US!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com Captainjodydonewar.com
July 27, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – LOTS OF RAIN OVER THE WATER THIS WEEK! We had Vance, Tim & Winston on board Saturday. We left out of Delta Marina early heading out west of the Mississippi River. We had to stick and move dodging rain catching fish at almost every stop. Lots of undersized fish around at this time. The guys boated over 150 fish as we managed to catch 45 keeper Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). We got busted by Footsmonster. He caught us fishing one of his areas. LOL! BIG THANKS TO VANCE, TIM, & WINSTON! MONDAY AUGUST 1st IS OPEN TO FISH WITH US!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com Captainjodydonewar.com
July 20, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – This morning we had Emory, Neal, Ryan and Dillon on board. Emory is from New Orleans. Neal, Ryan & Dillon are from New York. It was their first time fishing in southeast LA and first time fishing with us. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE THEY WERE IN FOR! We left out of Delta Marina in Empire, LA early with the weather picture perfect. Reaching the fishing grounds we found good clean calm water with a rising tide just the way we like it. We fished a couple areas with no results. The third stop we hit the mother load! Yep, it was FISH ON on every cast! We hit a school of hungry Redfish (Drum, Red) and the guys put a whipping on em. At 7:45 we had 20 beautiful Redfish chilling in the YETI. We left the Redfish biting and started sticking and moving looking for Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) We made move #3 and BAM! Emory, Neal, Ryan & Dillon were pulling in Speckled Trout on almost every cast. At 11:00 am we called it a day. The Yeti would not close! We made our way back to Delta Marina with 20 Redfish, 60 Speckled Trout, 2 Puppy Drum & dodged the rain. WHAT A DAY!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com Captainjodydonewar.com
July 15, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – We had regular Vance Misuraca, Randy & Winston on board as we left out early from Delta Marina. Vance has been chartering my boat for 18 years. We fished several Speck areas with beautiful water & not much luck. Only boated 7 Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) by 8:30 am. Headed into some Redfish (Drum, Red) country and started drifting some banks. After drifting a while we hit a school of hungry Redfish and filled the Yeti. We finished up with 20 fine Redfish and 7 lonely Speckled Trout making it back to Delta for 11:00 am. BIG THANKS TO VANCE, RANDY & WINSTON! WE HAVE AUGUST 1 thru 5 OPEN AT THIS TIME! THE RIVER IS LOW & GETTING PRETTY! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com Captainjodydonewar.com
July 6, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Another great trip with United rentals. Captain Kerry called me up and asked me to help him with another trip for United rentals. What a bunch of great guys. Kasey Barnes, Eric Templet, and Eddie jumped on board the Skeeter this morning for a windy day of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) fishing. Started off on the rocks of the MRGO, there were a few fish around but the bite was slow. Decided to run around for a little while to look for fish. Bad idea. Ended up right back where I started and grinding out a great box of fish. We even got lucky and caught this big Trout pushing 4lbs. Special thanks to Captain Kerry for the work and to Mr. Tommy Clapp of united rentals for setting it up. Jakamo South is a charter fishing service out of Shell Beach, La, just 25 miles south of the New Orleans French Quarter. We specialize in Inshore species, such as Speckled Trout, Redfish (Drum, Red), Flounder (Flounder, Southern), and Drum (Drum, Black). All fish were caught on Campo’s live shrimp with 13 Fishing Black Omen Rods and Fins Braid fishing line.

Jakamo-South Fishing Charters
June 28, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY ON THE WATER WITH SOME GREAT FOLKS! We had the pleasure to guide regular Billy Boykin and crew from Terry Services in Jackson, MS. It was a two boat trip with Capt. Zach running the second boat. We left out of Delta Marina in Empire early this morning with the wind calm and a rising tide. The guys fished live Shrimp under popping corks. Both boats had beautiful catches of Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) & Redfish (Drum, Red)! GREAT JOB TODAY BY CAPT. ZACH & DECKHAND HEATHER!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
June 21, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – BEAUTIFUL DAY ON THE WATER! This morning we had the pleasure to guide regulars Steve Waldo, son Alex, and daughter Lauren. We left out of Delta Marina early with the weather looking beautiful. At our first stop we got on a big Speck (Seatrout, Spotted) bite. We were actually using the landing net on every one of these fish. For some reason these big Trout just shut down and it was stick and move the rest of the morning working for our catch of the day. We called it a day at 11:30 am to start making our way back to Delta Marina. The Yeti was filled to the top with 40 fine Speckled Trout, 3 Redfish (Drum, Red), & 3 Puppy Drum. All fish caught on live shrimp under popping corks. WE HAVE A DAY OPEN IN JULY! THATS RIGHT JULY 14 IS OPEN TO FISH WITH US!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
June 14, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather in this area has kept a lot of anglers off the water so far this week. It has been hot and rainy so when the weather is more ideal it may be difficult to find fish if they are schooled up in the deeper, cooler water. We hope to see a break in this pattern by the weekend, but we’ll have to wait and see. It may be a good time for anglers to check out our GPS Hotspots so you can be ready to hit the water when the conditions are a bit more ideal.

JES Tackle
June 9, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – We had the pleasure to guide AJ Mays and sons Jason & Trent. The guys are from Wichita Falls, TX. It is their first time fishing LA and first time with us. It just don’t get any better than that! They are with us for two days with today being day one. WHAT A FIRST DAY THEY HAD! We left out of Delta Marina early this morning with calm wind and no rain near us early on. We made only three moves before hitting a feeding frenzy of Speckled Trout & Redfish (Drum, Red). AJ, Jason & Trent were pulling fish in on every cast fishing live shrimp under a popping cork. I tightlined Matrix Shad Green Hornet and the Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) were on it like gravy on rice. Approximately 150 fish hit our deck this morning! WHAT A BITE! The wind starting building and the rain was a coming! We loaded the boat early and got away from the approaching rain making our way back to Delta Marina for 11:00 am. CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOS! GREAT JOB AJ, JASON & TRENT! GREAT JOB BY DECKHAND HEATHER THIS MORNING! OPEN DAYS IN JULY 14, 18 thru 21, 31. THE RIVER IS RIGHT & THE FISH BITE

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com CaptainJodyDonewar.com
June 1, 2016
New Orleans
INSHORE – A WINDY 10 DAY STRETCH We did the best we could for our anglers this week in very windy conditions. We had the pleasure to guide the LOST SOULS FISHING TEAM for a two day trip once again. The first day we had a break in the wind and SMOKED THE FISH. The second day we worked hard to catch a respectable catch of Redfish (Drum, Red). BIG THANKS TO LOST SOULS TEAM. BIG THANKS TO CAPT. JOHN , CAPT. ZACH & DECKHAND HEATHER FOR DOING THEIR BEST IN VERY WINDY CONDITIONS CALM SEAS AND A BEAUTIFUL CATCH THE OTHER MORNING. We had the pleasure to guide Erin & Mario from New Orleans, LA. We left out early from Delta Marina in Empire, LA. It was the first morning in 10 days that the wind was not howling. WHAT A NICE CHANGE. We fished the west side of the Mississippi River making a few moves before hitting the mother load. Erin and Mario had a great first trip with us catching 50 beautiful Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and one brute Redfish. BIG THANKS TO ERIN & MARIO. WE HAVE AN OPEN FRIDAY IN JULY DUE TO A CANCELLATION. JULY 8 IS OPEN AT THIS TIME.
OFFSHORE – We’re seeing lots of Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) being caught on a variety of baits such as Sardines, Ballyhoo and Pogies. Right from the first bit of deep water on out has been productive as there’s lots of fish around. Check out some of our GPS hotspots to guide you to new water. Pro Angler Team

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com CaptainJodyDonewar.com
May 24, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – This morning we had the pleasure to guide Glenn Clements, Danny Keating, & Aaron Reed. We left out of Delta Marina in Empire, LA early with the wind building out the east. The wind was stiff out the east all day. We had to stick and move several times in a couple places that we had cover from the wind. The guys fished hard using live Shrimp under popping corks. We felt good about our finish with approximately 60 Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the Yeti at noon. It was a lot of laughs and a fun day on the water with the guys today. BIG THANKS GLENN, DANNY & AARON!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com CaptainJodyDonewar.com
May 18, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – This morning we had regulars THE BILLY BOYKIN CREW from TERRY SERVICES in Jackson, MS. It was a two boat trip with Capt. Patrick running the second boat. We left out of Delta Marina in Empire, LA early this morning with the wind stiff out the northwest and building. Capt. Patrick & I found places to get out the wind. Although both boats were in different areas we were both on slow but steady bites. Cell phones are great! The guys on both boats fished live Shrimp under popping corks putting 150 beautiful Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on ice along with a few Redfish (Drum, Red) & Puppy Drum. It was a lot of fun and lots of laughs with these guys as usual. CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOS! GREAT JOB AGAIN BY CAPT. PATRICK & DECKHAND HEATHER! BIG THANKS TO BILLY BOYKIN! SEE YOU IN JUNE!

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com CaptainJodyDonewar.com
May 12, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – This morning we had the pleasure to guide Ryan, Shane, Paul & Sir Stephen. The guys are from Baton Rouge, LA. We left out of the Delta Marina early this morning with the wind light out the north as we headed to the east side of the Mississippi River delta. It was non stop action all morning fishing three stops boating 100 Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) & 12 brute Redfish (Drum, Red)! All fish were caught on live Shrimp under popping corks. BIG THANKS TO RYAN, SHANE, PAUL, & SIR STEPHEN! OPEN DAYS TO FISH WITH US IN JUNE: 1, 5, 12, 15, 18 & 21

Capt. Jody Donewar Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
captainjody@aol.com CaptainJodyDonewar.com
May 6, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – ANOTHER TRULY AMAZING DAY ON THE WATER! We had the pleasure to guide a group of anglers for the Woodland Plantation in Plaquemines Parish. It was a two boat trip with Capt. Clint running the second boat. It was great catches on both boats again today. On my boat it was Craig, Chet, and Chad. The guys are from Huntsville Alabama and it was their first time fishing LA. We left from Delta Marina in Empire, LA heading to the east side of the Mississippi River Delta once again. The wind was breezy out the south as we fished the interior bays. The guys casted live Shrimp under popping corks and I tight lined Matrix Shad soft plastics. One stop was all it took to put 100 Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on ice in the Yeti by 9:00 am. After limiting out on the Specks we drifted the marsh banks putting 7 beautiful Redfish (Drum, Red) on ice before calling a day at noon. BIG THANKS TO CRAIG, CHET, CHAD & WOODLAND PLANTATION!

Capt. Jody Donewar
April 26, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – TREMENDOUS TROUT BITE CONTINUES! This morning we had our regulars from TN. Bill, Wayne, Harry & Harold fish with us several times a year and are a hoot to fish with. The guys are here for three days with today being day one. WHAT A FIRST DAY THEY HAD! It was a two boat trip with Capt. Zach running the second boat with Harry & Harold on board. Bill & Wayne were on my boat. We left out of Delta Marina in Empire, LA early heading out west of the Mississippi River. The weather was looking beautiful with light wind, a bright moon and incoming tide. Just the way we like it. I made one stop this morning and got the fish on a hot bite. I called Capt. Zach over and we SMOKED EM boating 150 Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). The fish were hitting live shrimp and soft plastics as fast as our lines hit the water. We fished the broken marsh on the way back to Delta Marina and picked up a few keeper Redfish (Drum, Red). We caught and released approximately 20 undersized Redfish also. LOTS OF ACTION AGAIN TODAY! CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOS! BIG THANKS TO BILL, HARRY, WAYNE, & HAROLD! GREAT JOB TODAY BY CAPT. ZACH & DECKHAND HEATHER AS ALWAYS! OPEN DAYS TO FISH WITH US: May 8, 22, 24, 29 June 1, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 Capt. Jody Donewar 504-453-1519 www.CaptainJodyDonewar.com

Capt. Jody Donewar
April 20, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – This week the marsh is holding some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) that are moving out into Lake Borgne. They can be caught on a soft plastic or Vudu Shrimp under a popping cork. Work it on the bottom with a quarter oz jighead. This will be the most productive until the Croaker takes off. We expect this to continue into the weekend.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
April 12, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing inside for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) is picking up now. Anglers are catching some good numbers so far and they are scattered throughout from Shell Beach to Venice to Grand Isle. It is starting to turn on. Artificials are the best choice this week. Matrix Shad in Lemonhead or Shrimp Creole, Vudu Shrimp or Topwater mirrolures have produced the greatest results. Puglia’s Sporting Goods has a two month special on all fishing reels and rods as well as tons of new PENN and SHIMANO inventory. There will also be NEW products such as HUK Clothing, Kysek Coolers, and HOSS Filet knives.

Puglia’s Sporting Goods
April 5, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is still fairly hit and miss this week due to the flooding. Most anglers have been fishing the freshwater this week. We hope to see things clear up soon. Anyone gearing up for the Spring bite can check out our GPS Hotspots or Fish feature which provides tips and tricks to help keep your lines tight.

JES Tackle
April 1, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are starting to pick up a bit. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are in the local marshes this week. The bite is consistent and the sizes are varied. Generally live Shrimp is the best bet to hook them however if you can’t get your hands on fresh or live Shrimp, a similar artificial such as a Vudu Shrimp by Egret will do the trick. The fish are beginning to scatter a bit as the water warms up and the Spring pattern sets in so you may have to put some time in to find them as they will not be as schooled up. We hope to see this bite continue into the weekend.

Gus’ Tackle & Nets
March 21, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather conditions have kept most anglers off the water this week. Flooding, rain and wind have made getting on the water impossible so far. We hope to see things clear up for the weekend. Anglers preparing for the Spring pattern can always check out our Fish feature which provides tons of tips and tricks to help keep your lines tight.

JES Tackle
March 16, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has been pretty unfavorable in the past few days. If you can catch a break in the weather you may find some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red). The most productive bite has been the afternoon however that is beginning to change as the water warms up. Vudu Shrimp by Egret, Matrix Shad and Grass Minnows are working best under a cork to hook them. April 13-16th stop in to Chag’s Sporting Goods to check out their great Spring Sale deals!

Chag’s Sporting Goods
March 8, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Near Venice we are seeing some fish being caught in the clear water, as far away from the river as you can. The mid day bite is great for Reds (Drum, Red). Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) has not shown up due to high river levels but we expect to see them turn up next month. The lakes are full of Reds this week, especially around the East side of the lakes. Live Shrimp or Vudu Shrimp by Egret have been working well to hook them. Mirrolures and dead Shrimp have worked as well. There are some great deals on new 2016 fishing gear and accessories, stop into Puglia’s Sporting Goods to check them out.

Puglia’s Sporting Goods
March 2, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fish were pretty lethargic up until recently as the water heats up. The water has also been cleaner so we are seeing some more action. There are some big schools of Drum, Black weighing up to 36 lbs. There are also some 15 lb Reds (Drum, Red). The bite has been consistent so far. There are a lot of Sheepshead around structure as well this week. They have also been found around the shorelines on live bait such as Minnows or Blue Crabs if you can find them. The best colors have been natural colors such as coppers and purple/chartreuse. Check out Uptown Anglers Fly Tying and Casting classes available!

Uptown Angler
February 24, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fish are hot this week. The late day bite has produced great results once the water warms up. We expect this to continue into the weekend. The Redfish (Drum, Red) sizes have been anywhere from 18-25 inches, lots of keepers so far. This bite should stay for the weekend as long as the weather prevails. The water is a bit muddy right now so the Shrimp are going to continue to be the best bait. It’s booking season! Make your reservations before times book up!

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
February 16, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are slow in this area as of late. There are some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) being caught in the surrounding areas such as Delacroix however we are not seeing any of the bite in this area. We do expect they will move back in soon and heat up. Anglers who are determined to hit the water can always check our our Fish Guide which provides additional tips and tricks to keep your line tight.

Gus’ Tackle & Nets
February 10, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The tides are extremely low this week turning the Reds (Drum, Red) on with Shrimp under a popping cork. The Trout bite is a bit scarce this week, but the focus is on the Reds. They are schooled up in the deep canals. The sizes have been varied and the bite is consistent. If you find a good pocket you will find plenty of great fish.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
February 4, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing has been great when the weather allows. The water is warm and the cooler early morning bite has produced deeper fish on the bottom up to 32 ft. Soft plastics are the best way to hook them. When the water warms up mid day the fish are moving to the flats in the marsh where popping corks and soft plastics such as a Vudu Shrimp by Egret are working well. Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are the main focus this week and most are keeper sizes. The incoming tide brings the best sizes so far. We are expecting a big front in this area in the next few days so it may be a while before the water returns to normal. Capt. Ronnie Daniels has multiple boats so there is always room to book your trip!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
January 28, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fish are moving into their winter time patterns so the great bite has started to decrease. Anglers are now looking in the deeper holes in roughly 15 ft of water. They are fishing low and slow to catch the fish. Vudu Shrimp by Egret and matrix shads have been catching the best sizes this week. We expect these results to carry into the weekend.

Chag’s Sporting Goods
January 22, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been slow in this area as of late due to weather and water. The temperatures have cooled, the wind is strong and there’s a lot of freshwater coming in. There are still some Reds (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) being caught in the marshes however the bite is spotty. It’s difficult to determine a best bait this week as the challenge is more to find the fish than it is to feed them. We hope to see things clear up by the weekend.

JES Tackle
January 15, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been fairly slow in this area as of late. Seasonally things are not as hot however there is also a mix of fresh water that has come in now that the spillway is open. Most anglers are fishing the marsh for Reds (Drum, Red) and we have not seen the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite we normally do at this point. Generally Shrimp will be the best bet for catching the Reds.

Rigolets Bait & Seafood
January 15, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been fairly slow in this area as of late. Seasonally things are not as hot however there is also a mix of fresh water that has come in now that the spillway is open. Most anglers are fishing the marsh for Reds (Drum, Red) and we have not seen the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite we normally do at this point. Generally Shrimp will be the best bet for catching the Reds.

Rigolets Bait & Seafood
January 6, 2016
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – So far this week it seems there are no reports coming in as of yet however we expect that the bayou should begin to pick up with both Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) based on the weather and last week’s bite. As usual, a live or dead Shrimp will produce great results under a popping cork.

JES Tackle
December 29, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are some good Reds (Drum, Red) being caught so far this week despite the dirty water. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite has been slow but is expected to pick up by the end of the week when the current front passes through. The temperature has already cooled down a little bit. Shrimp under a popping cork has been the best bet to catch for either fish this week. Alternatively, similar artificials are working just as well.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
December 21, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are still biting well with the mild winter conditions so far this season. The sizes and numbers are great on Matrix Shads as well as the vudu Shrimp. The rig depends on where you go. Most anglers in the marsh use a popping cork whereas in the rivers anglers prefer jigheads. Live bait is not the preference as plastics are working equally as well and last longer. There is a great Red (Drum, Red) bite as well on the same bait. They are mostly swimming the beaches and can be easily caught from the shore.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are running this week however some anglers are choosing the artificial as they are producing quite well. Gift Certificates are available for your favorite anglers this holiday. Stop into Gus’ Tackle & Nets today!

Gus’ Tackle & Nets
December 14, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a whole lot of action reported from the area so far this week. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have had a slow bite along the causeway and the big ones are coming out of the North Shore. Anglers have been trolling for them finding a lot of success on artificial minnows. Purple/White and chartreuse/white have continued to be great colors this week. The weather is still warm so a decent bite can still be found where they are schooled up in the marshes. There has also continued to be a Red (Drum, Red) bite this week from the beaches. The bite is not hot but it’s there for angler who put their time in. Throwing live bait is generally the best bet to hook a Redfish.
BAIT REPORT – There are no bait reported to be running so far this week.

Chag’s Sporting Goods
December 9, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – The weekend provided some great fishing and beautiful weather. Most anglers are hitting Reds (Drum, Red) this week. There are some Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) in the bay but the focus has been on the Reds. Artificial Minnows in purple/white, chartreuse/white are the best bet to catch. White underbelly is the key. They are still schooled up in the marshes and have not made their way to the open water as of yet. They are still in their fall pattern as the temperature has not dropped enough to move them out. Since the weather should continue to be nice, the water will be clean for the weekend which should bring lots of fish right to the surface and easy to catch.
BAIT REPORT – There are both Shrimp and Crab running this week providing great options for live bait.

Uptown Angler
December 3, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The main target so far this week for most anglers is Reds (Drum, Red) and Drum (Drum, Black). The tide has been high so they have been going after the fish schooled up in the marshes and avoiding more open water. The Reds and Drum have not formed into their winter pattern just yet as it has not been cool enough at this point. There are also a few Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the back bay however since there has not been a hard, cold front yet they have not moved out. There should be one moving in Wednesday and the bite is expected to pick up in the bay by the weekend. Black or chartreuse Cocahoes are working extremely well to hook them. Berkley gulp swimming Mullet in Chartreuse is a great alternative.
BAIT REPORT – There are still plenty of small Shrimp running in the marsh this week.

Capt. Nicholas Dinet Get The Net Charters
November 26, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are plenty of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) to go around in this area lately. They have been on fire along with lots of Reds (Drum, Red) swimming in the same areas. Live bait continues to work well and is the fish’s favorite as usual. Anglers are also using an assortment of plastics as there is no particular one doing better than another. The fish have not been overly picky this week. Anglers heading out this weekend can always check out our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch. They can also give Gus’ Tackle & Net a visit for an up to the minute fishing report and know exactly what to expect on the water.
BAIT REPORT – Live Shrimp are running thick this week and working well as an inshore bait.

Gus’ Tackle & Nets
November 20, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – This week has not produced favorable weather for the anglers in this area. High wind and rain have deterred most fishermen from heading both offshore and inshore. There have been no reports at this time due to these conditions, however anglers that decide to head out this weekend can always check out our TIPS feature which provides additional information and suggestions that could help improve the catch.

Capt. Jody Donewar
Donewar’s Saltwater Guide Service
November 10, 2018
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – We left out of Delta Marina in Empire, LA early this morning. The weather was beautiful with light east wind early on. The tide was falling and the water was clear as we stopped on the shallow oyster reefs. Fishing live shrimp under popping corks the guys put a whipping on the Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). At 9:30 am 100 fish were chilling in the Yeti. Picked up 3 good Redfish (Drum, Red) before calling it a day.

Capt. Jody Donewar
October 28, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
Yesterday Saturday October 31 we had the pleasure to guide Joe and John. The guys were two of six anglers staying at the Woodland Plantation here in Plaquemines Parish.
We left out of the Delta Marina early with the wind already stiff with the approaching stormy weather that we are experiencing as I write this report.
The morning started off slow as we made several moves with not much to show for our efforts. Finally we made a move getting on a great bite of both Speckled Trout and Redfish.
Fishing live shrimp under a popping cork Joe and John loaded the Yeti with 50 Speckled Trout and 8 fine Redfish. John also caught and released a 28 lb Redfish. His biggest ever!
![IMG_2401[1] (1)](https://proangler.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_24011-1-300x225.jpg)
Capt. Jody Donewar
October 23, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had Bill, Harry and Wayne on board as we left out of Delta Marina early morning.
One stop! That’s all it took. Harry, Bill, & Wayne fished live shrimp under a popping cork. I tightlined a Hybrid Flurry. The Speckled Trout were coming over the side the boat every cast. Deckhand Heather kept up with us as she shucked fish off hooks, baited hooks and iced fish.
100 Speckled Trout were chilling in the YETI at 9:00 am. WHAT A MORNING!
Capt. Jody Donewar
October 16, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had the pleasure to once again guide Mr. Denzil Cofer 92 years old and his son-in-law Larry Worthy from Georgia. They are here for two days with today being day one. And what a day it was! We left out of the Delta Marina early this morning with the most beautiful weather that I have seen in a long time. The wind was calm and the tide was falling out til mid morning. We fished out in open water over oyster reefs. Mr. Denzil and Larry fished live shrimp under popping corks. I tightlined soft plastics. We steady caught fish all morning and called it a day at noon with a beautiful catch. 70 Speckled Trout, 2 Redfish, and a puppy Drum were chilling in the Yeti as we made our way back to Delta Marina. Mr. Denzil & Larry each caught and released a Bull Redfish.
Capt. Jody Donewar
October 9, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had the pleasure to guide Barry and Mike from Baton Rouge, LA on Monday October 5.
We left out of Delta Marina early with the wind finally settling down a bit.
![IMG_2303[1] (1)](https://proangler.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_23031-1-300x225.jpg)
We fished protected waters using live shrimp under popping corks. The guys had an enjoyable day of fishing catching a mix of Speckled Trout and Redfish.
Capt. Jody Donewar 504-453-1519 CaptainJodyDonewar.com
October 2, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had regulars from TN., Larry, Steve, and John on board this morning. They are with fishing three days with us with today being the first. Their first day was a great day. We left out of the Delta Marina in Empire early this morning. The cool front had came through during the night and the wind was stiff out the north. We set out to fish Redfish staying in protected waters. Using live shrimp under a popping cork the guys fished the marsh grass banks tight. The bite was steady as Larry, Steve and John, caught fish all morning. We called it a day at noon thirty with 20 Redfish, and a few other fish mixed in the box.
Capt. Jody Donewar 504-453-1519 CaptainJodyDonewar.com www.thedeltamarina.com www.seatow.com www.finsfishing.com www.metroboating.com www.mercurymarine.com
September 23, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
Capt. Jody Donewar
September 8, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had the pleasure to guide some really nice folks from Mason, TX. Duane, Shanta, Tim & Meredith were on board as we left out of the Delta Marina early Sunday morning. It was their first trip with us and first time fishing in LA. What a first trip they had! We headed out to Redfish country with the weather looking good, the tide was falling out with the water calm and clear. It did not take long to get hooked up on the Redfish. Fishing shrimp under popping corks, Duane, Shanta, Tim, & Meredith put a whipping on the Redfish. They filled the Yeti and released many more.IT WAS ANOTHER GREAT DAY ON THE WATER WITH LOTS OF ACTION AND LAUGHS!
The Mississippi River stage is getting down to 3 feet. The river is cleaning up and getting pretty. The fantastic Fall Fishing for Speckled Trout and Redfish is just days away. We have a few days still available in September, October & November.
Capt. Jody Donewar
September 1, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had Lance LeCorgne and group down for a two boat trip. We left out of the Delta Marina early heading east of the Mississippi River. Brad, Todd and DJ were on board my boat. Capt. Patrick Dickinson helped out running the second boat. Lance and Robert were on board with Capt. Patrick. We made a couple stops to fish Speckled Trout but the water did not look good. So off we went into Redfish country. We made a couple more moves before hitting the mother load. The guys used shrimp under a popping cork and put a whipping on the Redfish. We boxed 32 Redfish and released many more. Had a few Speckled Trout in the mix too. It was a beautiful day on the water and lots of fun!THANKS AGAIN GUYS!
Capt. Jody Donewar
August 24, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
We had Eddie, Glenn, & Jack on board for day 2 of their 3 day trip with us. AND WHAT A DAY IT WAS!We left out of the Delta Marina in Empire, LA very early with the weather looking beautiful once again. The wind was light out the south, the tide was at its high and getting ready to fall out. We headed to big water to fish big trout.
Arrived at our first spot only to find another boat sitting there. It was a blessing for us as I moved to another spot and it was the stop of the day.
We put the Powerpole and the Stiffy down and never moved. The guys went to work fishing live shrimp under a popping cork. It was a beautiful big Speckled Trout hooked up on almost every cast. We called it a day at 10:00 am with 75 Speckled Trout, 6 Redfish, & 3 fine Flounders on board chilling.
It was a beautiful day on the water and a beautiful catch
Capt. Jody Donewar
August 14, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
WESTERLY WINDS HANDED IT TO US TODAY!We had regulars from TN., Bill, Harry & Wayne. They are with us for two days with today being day one.
We left out of Delta Marina early this morning with rain on the radar all along the coast from Texas to Florida, but not in the direction we were headed. The wind was brisk and building so we targeted Redfish.
We had to stick and move all morning catching a couple here and there and losing a half dozen bruisers after they were hooked. Still don’t know what that was about.
We ended the trip at noon with 20 Redfish and a couple Puppies in the Yeti but we worked for ‘em today.
Capt. Jody Donewar
August 7, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
Great family fishing trip!! Smoked the Redfish in windy conditions.
We the pleasure to guide Jason, Robin, and sons Tyler and Hayden from Shreveport, LA We left out of the Delta Marina in Empire, LA early this morning with the wind stiff out of the southwest again. We made one stop in Redfish Country and SMOKED the Redfish. The family boated 20 Redfish, 7 Puppy Drum along with a few Speckled Trout. It was non stop action and great catch on a windy day.
Thanks Jason, Robin,Tyler, and Hayden!! Great job catching fish!
Capt. Jody Donewar
Inshore- The heat has been the toughest obstacle while fishing Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne. Speckled Trout and Redfish have been readily taking live shrimp and shrimp imitations. Day time fishing conditions will generally be tough as the fish aren’t willing to do much due to temperatures. Early mornings are a great time to fish as the fish will have had the overnight break from the heat.
Gus’ Tackle & Nets
726 Old Spanish Trail
Slidell, LA
July 31, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
I gave our friends over at Gus’ Tackle & Nets a call, and while Gus is on vacation, I did talk to a lady there who told me that the fishing is really slow right now. You are going to have a better time swimming because it is just too darn hot.
Gus’ Tackle & Nets (985) 643-2848
July 23,2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
WHAT A SUMMER WE ARE HAVING!This morning we had Mr. Carl, grandsons Preston & Lee also the boys brought along their friend Christian. We left out of Delta Marina with rain off in the distance as we headed away from it. The wind was stiffer than we had liked as we anchored up on a big trout spot. The crew went to work on the Speckled Trout putting 70 beauties on ice before the wind got bad enough to shut the bite down. It was a great catch in breezy conditions. CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOS!

Capt. Jody Donewar
July 8th, 2015
Slidell / New Orleans Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Most fish being targeted offshore are biting strongly on shrimp. Gus has heard that most people going offshore are targetting Snapper. He has also heard that the trolling is good if you are going to go that far out. If you do go a good ways offshore and see a weedline try trolling for Dolphin.
INSHORE / Lake Pontchartrain – Live shrimp is the king bait right now. Regardless of what you are trying to catch, Trout, Redfish, Drum, Sheepshead, Croaker, all of it eats Shrimp. The shore along Lake Borgne and Lake Catherine is good; try the grass beds and hit the cuts where the current is moving. The lesser fish like Croaker also make good bait for the other fish.
BAIT REPORT – Gus was dodgy about the types of bait that are around – mainly because people that buy bait at a baitshop are also the same kind that don’t fish there own bait. He hasn’t heard much about bait that is close by. If you plan on going out you are most likely to hit bait before you get where you are going though, so keep your eyes open.
Gus’ Tackle & Nets
(985) 643-2848
Captain Ben Boyd
Uptown Angler
504 478 1790
Ben says that if you book a trip between now and October with him you get 50 bucks a day off of your trip if you mention Pro Angler.
Empire / Buras / New Orleans Fishing Report
On Sunday we had John, Mr. John and Claire all from new Orleans onb oard for a day of fishing. We left out of the Delta Marina after being slightly delayed by rain. We got out on the water and it turned out to be a beautiful day. The bite started fof slow with not many fish on ice after fishing an area that has been hot.
I made a big move and we got on the biggest Speckled Trout that we have caught this year. The bite was not fast but well worth the wait as we fished live shrimp under a popping cork.
We called it a day at about noon with approximately 60 beautiful Speckled Trout & Two Flounder on ice.
We have spots open July 10th & 13th, so feel free to shoot me a call.
Captain Jody Donewar
504 453-1519
July 3rd, 2015
New Orleans / Empire / Buras Fishing Report
We had the pleasure to guide Brian, Scott and David from Jackson, MS. The guys had a great time catching a mixed box of Speckled Trout and Redfish! Lots of laughs and fun!
Slidell / New Orleans Fishing Report
Not much of anything. Some Trout being caught on the outside of the marsh. West wind has been terrible. There are fish out there, and don’t get me wrong, if you have a chance to go fishing then go fishing, but it isn’t that great.
OFFSHORE – Doing good out of Venice , catching a lot of little Mahi. Snapper season is closed, Amberjack is closed. Just that time of the year.
June 19th, 2015
New Orleans Fishing Report
INSHORE – The tropical storm that is currently moving through the coast is totally missing Louisiana, Thank God. However, luckily for us the storm is causing the fish for push towards Biloxi Marsh. You should expect a slight increase in Redfish because of it.
LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN – The Lake has been a little slower this week but people are still catching some Trout and Redfish. Most people are using live Shrimp. If you’re more into lures and artificials then give the Matrix Shad a try or use anything in ultraviolet or shrimp creole. Fishing has been a little better near the bridges than anywhere else.
BAIT REPORT – You’ll find some Pogies in the lake!
Captain Ben Boyce still has dates available for Charters so check out his website.
Ben Boyce (Inshore)
Puglia’s Sporting Goods
1925 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA
Since fishing conditions change from minute to minute we try to keep our reports as updated as possible. The United States is a large country, so we try to keep our New Orleans Fishing Report updated once a week. If you would like to contribute to the New Orleans Fishing Report, feel free to email your fishing tips to mike@proangler.us. We rely on even small contributions to inform us that fishing conditions have changed so we can update the New Orleans Fishing Report.
The New Orleans Fishing Report is brought to you by the Pro Angler team and many, many, highly skilled Captains and bait shop owners.

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