Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
April 6, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 30, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 24, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – As anglers wait for Rockfish to open we anticipate that things are heating up nicely. In the meantime, Sanddab (Sanddab, Pacific) and Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) are the main fish to target during this time of year. If you are fishing for them, Bloodworms, Gulp Worms or Lugworms are generally your best bet in shallower, warm areas during the day. We hope to continue to see nice weather until then the Spring bite fires up.

Pro Angler Team
March 17, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Shore based anglers are finding a good bite as the ocean has been nice. The jetties are holding Lingcod, Cabezon, Greenling (Greenling, Kelp) and Black Rockfish (Rockfish, Black). From the beach we are seeing Red Tails (Surfperch, Redtail) in great numbers. Anglers are finding limits of good sized fish from all the beaches. Crabbing is slow at this point in the season. There are still some Rock and Dungeness Crab hanging around.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
March 10, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing has been slow with the exception of Steelhead in the Smith River. The rivers are a bit muddy but we expect anglers can use roe into this week when things clear up. Perch (Surfperch, Redtail) are out in the bay and on the shore however otherwise the reports are quiet. The weather has been a bit blown out as of late however things are beginning to improve as of this week.

Pacific Outfitters
March 3, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of areas or blown out and flooded into this week. The Smith and Chetco River to the North are producing well in terms of Steelhead. Surfperch (Surfperch, Redtail) are turning back on and a handful of Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) are coming out of the jetties when the weather is nice. Surfperch are taking Sandworms, Sand Crabs, Shrimp along with artificial Sand Crabs or Sandworms.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
February 24, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The rivers are pretty dirty however shore anglers are hooking Lingcod and Rockfish along with some Redtail Perch (Surfperch, Redtail) on the beaches.Search the jetties to find the Ling and Rockfish (Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black) Crabbing is slow with the murky water. We suspect there may be Herring towards Crescent City.

Pacific Outfitters
February 17, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The storm system has all but shut the fishing down this week. The rivers are brown and the ocean is stirred up. We hope to see Perch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) along with some Greenling and Lingcod once conditions are more favorable. Stay safe and use your Pro Angler App to plan your next trip on the water!

Bucksport Sporting Goods
February 10, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather continues to be hazardous for anglers this week. Not a lot of people are heading out. The rivers are high as well. If there is a weather window you could head to the jetties to target Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail), Greenling and Lingcod. We suggest anglers stay safely inside and take this time to check out the other great features on the Pro Angler App including Regulations, Recipes and Fish to help plan your next trip on the water.

Pacific Outfitters
February 3, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are still hitting the water to do some crabbing. Steelhead was looking promising prior to the current storm. The Smith River was producing well. We hope to see everything bounce back once things settle down.

Pacific Outfitters
January 27, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The ocean is tough this week. The conditions are not favorable to get on the water or fish from the beach. Surfperch (Surfperch, Redtail) are normally biting at this time of year. Crabbing has been good when anglers can get out. The Delmar Pier and Trinidad Pier are great places to search. The top of the tide is most productive. Everyone is beginning to switch to Steelheading.

Pacific Outfitters
January 20, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Despite the recent weather the Crab fishing has been phenomenal out of Humboldt Bay and in Trinidad when the ocean allows. Soak your pots for a few hours to get limits everyday. Not many anglers are Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred) fishing. Even the jetty is slow. The limiting factor has been the weather this year. Normally we would see Lingcod and Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) from the jetty. Up towards the border the Steelhead rivers are a bit blown out. The Smith River clears out the fastest for the most part. The big push is still coming with the recent storms. There should be more than enough water. We look forward to a great Steelhead run and for the local fishing to improve as the weather clears up.

Pacific Outfitters
January 11, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 5, 2017
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of anglers are crabbing this week. Inside the bay has been productive along with the boats heading outside for the bigger crab and larger harvests offshore. They are dropping pots past 50 ft of water. Otherwise anglers are casting snares and running rings. Steelheading (Trout, Steelhead) is just beginning. Check out Humboldt Steelhead Days for challenges and and more. Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred) are still being caught however the winter swell is pumping dirt into the surf so it may be difficult to find them.

Pacific Outfitters
December 27, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is proposing new saltwater regulatory changes to the Northern Management Area, which runs from Cape Mendocino to the Oregon border for 2017. These changes were established to bring state law into conformance with federal law for groundfish and other federally managed species. The changes, some good, some not so good, will allow more time on the water and open up more territory, but two of the main targeted species will see tighter limits. The season for boat-based anglers will now run from May 1 through Oct. 31 within 180 feet and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 with no depth restrictions. In 2016, the season ran from May 15 through Oct.31, with fishing off limits in water deeper than 120 feet. (20 fathoms) The toughest pill for saltwater anglers to swallow will be the reduction of the sub limit for Black Rockfish from five to three per day. The daily limit for Lingcod will also be reduced, going from three per day to two. Anglers can still keep up to 10 Rockfish per day, which includes a combination of Rockfish, Bocaccio, three Cabezon and greenling. New for 2017, anglers will be allowed one Canary rockfish per day, as federal fishery managers have declared Canaries recovered from depleted levels just a decade ago. Petrale Sole and Starry Flounder will also be allowed year round and at all depths. On Dec. 26 at 12:01 a.m., the commercial Dungeness crab season will open from the Sonoma/Mendocino County line north near Point Arena and from near Shelter Cove to the north jetty of the Humboldt Bay entrance. The opener in this area will be preceded by a 64-hour pre-soak period starting at 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. Steelhead season has started slow on the Smith, with a few being landed by bank anglers plunking last Saturday. The drift boats caught a few fish on Sunday, but it’s been slow since. You can expect the steelhead fishing to pick up as January is traditionally a really good month for the Smith. River levels are predicted to rise a couple feet on Friday, but should be fishable by Saturday. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Kenny Priest Fishing the North Coast
December 22, 2064
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is proposing new saltwater regulatory changes to the Northern Management Area, which runs from Cape Mendocino to the Oregon border for 2017. These changes were established to bring state law into conformance with federal law for groundfish and other federally managed species. The changes, some good, some not so good, will allow more time on the water and open up more territory, but two of the main targeted species will see tighter limits. The season for boat-based anglers will now run from May 1 through Oct. 31 within 180 feet and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 with no depth restrictions. In 2016, the season ran from May 15 through Oct.31, with fishing off limits in water deeper than 120 feet. (20 fathoms) The toughest pill for saltwater anglers to swallow will be the reduction of the sub limit for Black Rockfish from five to three per day. The daily limit for Lingcod will also be reduced, going from three per day to two. Anglers can still keep up to 10 Rockfish per day, which includes a combination of Rockfish, Bocaccio, three Cabezon and greenling. New for 2017, anglers will be allowed one Canary rockfish per day, as federal fishery managers have declared Canaries recovered from depleted levels just a decade ago. Petrale Sole and Starry Flounder will also be allowed year round and at all depths. On Dec. 26 at 12:01 a.m., the commercial Dungeness crab season will open from the Sonoma/Mendocino County line north near Point Arena and from near Shelter Cove to the north jetty of the Humboldt Bay entrance. The opener in this area will be preceded by a 64-hour pre-soak period starting at 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. Steelhead season has started slow on the Smith, with a few being landed by bank anglers plunking last Saturday. The drift boats caught a few fish on Sunday, but it’s been slow since. You can expect the steelhead fishing to pick up as January is traditionally a really good month for the Smith. River levels are predicted to rise a couple feet on Friday, but should be fishable by Saturday. We expect this bite to forecast into the holiday week. The Pro Angler Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017!

Kenny Priest Fishing the North Coast
December 16, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Metalheads, hardheads, steelheads – or whatever you want to call them. This beautiful chrome, sleek, silver bullet sure has a mind of it’s own. All of this bountiful water flowing through our pristine coastal rivers and streams, and yet, you’re nowhere to be found. I guess that’s what makes these sea-run rainbow trout so special. You never know what they’re thinking. Or when they’ll make an appearance. Or maybe we’re all just a little too excited given the fact we’re coming off one heck of a coastal Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season. So as we collectively take a deep breath and enjoy the holidays, let’s all remember the winter steelhead season really gets going after Christmas and is in full swing by the time the New Year rolls around. As the rivers begin to recede to fishable levels in the coming days, I’m willing to bet we’ll see the first wave of winter steelhead make its way into our North Coast rivers. At least that’s the plan. After a couple of extremely wet systems on Wednesday and today, several North Coast rivers are forecasted to reach or exceed monitor stage. The Smith, Klamath, Mad, and Van Duzen rivers are all expected to reach monitor stage today, while the main stem Eel at Fernbridge is forecasted to rise above flood stage sometime this evening. According to Reginald Kennedy of Eureka’s National Weather Service, the rivers will all be on drop by Friday morning, with only scattered showers remaining in the Smith basin.

Kenny Priest
December 9, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The forecast for the next seven days is looking very wet, according to Reginald Kennedy of Eureka’s National Weather Service. The rain will begin to fall Wednesday evening and will likely be with us through Friday. Rainfall totals for Thursday and Friday in the Smith basin could be up to three inches, with up to two inches falling in the Eel and Mad basins. Showers will taper off on Friday evening and Saturday is looking somewhat dry. The rain will return on Sunday, with another half to one inch predicted for the Smith and up to one and a half inches in Humboldt. More rain is forecasted for Monday, and showers are expected on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. It’s a little far out there, but the models are showing a pretty wet system moving in next Thursday, said Kennedy. The weekend forecast for offshore crabbing doesn’t look great. Friday’s forecast is calling for westerly winds of five to 15 knots, with westerly waves of 12 feet at 14 seconds. Saturday is looking slightly better, with winds out of the east at five to 10 knots with northwest waves of 10 feet at 12 seconds. Sunday is looking better, with southeast winds five to 10 knots and northwest waves of eight feet at 11 seconds. Steelhead are beginning to pick up in the river while the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) are becoming scarce.

Fishing the North Coast
December 2, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The local rivers are high and dirty. The ocean has been a bit rough as well. The Crabbing is great when anglers can get out. There has been success in Humboldt Bay which is nice since it’s calmer. The Smith River to the North is holding some Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Steelhead. There are a lot of fish in the systems. Drifting or plunking continues to work best. Egg Patterns in orange, pink or red are still productive.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
December 2, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The local rivers are high and dirty. The ocean has been a bit rough as well. The Crabbing is great when anglers can get out. There has been success in Humboldt Bay which is nice since it’s calmer. The Smith River to the North is holding some Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Steelhead. There are a lot of fish in the systems. Drifting or plunking continues to work best. Egg Patterns in orange, pink or red are still productive.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
November 23, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the bay anglers are fishing for Halibut (Halibut, California), Rays (Ray, Bat) and Sharks (Shark, Leopard). Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Lingcod & Cabezon) are shore based and spear fishing only at this time. Search the jetties to find them. A half ounce to ounce and half Scampi Head or 4 inch Grub Tails to 4.5 inch Big Hammers will work well. Mooching Rigs will also be productive drifted across the jetties. If you are heading to the rivers for something different there are some fish to be caught. Steelhead are in the rivers but are difficult to fish this week due to the levels. Head to the Smiths River and the Upper Trinity for the best water.

Pacific Outfitters
November 19, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The ocean has been a bit rough. We were seeing some Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Starry) and Perch before the conditions set in. Some anglers are heading towards the Smith River to do some catching of migratory fish. Anglers are excited for Crab season to start.

Englund Marine Supply
eureka@englundmarine.com www.englundmarine.com
November 11, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Commercial crab season to set to open Nov. 15 down south The commercial crab will open from Point Reyes south on Nov. 15, but 60 miles of coastline will remain closed due to elevated levels of domoic acid. At the recommendation of state health agencies, the commercial Dungeness crab fishery will remain closed between Point Reyes and the Sonoma/Mendocino county line. This closure will remain in effect until the Director of OEHHA, in consultation with the Director of CDPH, determines that domoic acid levels no longer pose a significant risk to public health and recommends the fisheries be open. Recreational season will remain open under a warning to anglers not to eat the viscera of crab caught in the affected areas. The fishery north of the Sonoma/Mendocino county line is not scheduled to open until Dec. 1. Pre-season crab quality test results According to CDFW Senior Marine Biologist Pete Kalvass, who oversees the Invertebrate Management Project, the recently completed meat yield tests came in above the 25 percent needed, so no further testing is required this season. Here are the results: Crescent City 29 percent, Trinidad 26.3 percent, Eureka 25.4 percent, and Bodega (Point Reyes Area) 25.6 percent Weekend weather and forecast According to Reginald Kennedy of Eureka’s National Weather Service, the next chance of rain will be Friday evening, with showers lingering into Saturday morning. The Smith basin could see up to three-quarters of an inch and Humboldt could see a half. Saturday afternoon and Sunday will be dry, with an unsettled pattern returning on Monday and sticking around through Wednesday. Rainfall totals for the 3 days will be in the neighborhood of three and a half inches in the Smith basin and possibly two and a half inches in the Eel/Mad basins, Kennedy added. The weekend marine forecast is calling for winds 5 to 10 knots out of the N on Saturday, with waves W 12 feet at 16 seconds. Sunday looks much better offshore, with winds out of the E up to 5 knots and S waves 2 feet at 5 seconds and W 8 feet at 13 seconds.
OFFSHORE – Rough seas last weekend spoiled what would have likely been a very successful sport Crab opener. On Monday, the swells relented just enough for Tim Klassen of Reel Steel Sportfishing to quickly dump a half-dozen test pots offshore. After a mere two-hour soak, the pots were pulled with roughly 15 keepers in each. The crabs weren’t jumbo’s, but the meat content was great, said Klassen. Thursday looks to be the next best opportunity to get offshore as the swells are looking a little dicey this weekend. With the ocean not being an option, quite a few pots were dropped in Humboldt Bay over the weekend. From what I heard, the catching was very slow. A few guys did well, but ones and twos per trip was the norm. The combination of large swells and plenty of freshwater from the rains likely kept the crab sitting offshore. Hopefully the weather will calm down and the sport guys can tug on some full pots prior to the start of the commercial season.

Kenny Priest Fishing The North Coast
kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com www.fishingthenorthcoast.wordpress.com
November 4, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – It’s been pretty quiet into this week. Anglers are gearing up for Crab fishing which opens on the weekend. Rockfish (Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper, & Lingcod & Bocaccio) are closed for boats but open for shore anglers. If the ocean is calm enough you can fish the jetties or alternatively around Trinidad area. The beaches are holding Redtail Perch (Surfperch, Redtail) that can be caught on Shrimp or Crab.

Englund Marine
eureka@englundmarine.com www.englundmarine.com
October 28, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The ocean has been slowing down for the most part. Jetties are always hit or miss. We are seeing a few Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Olive) and Lingcod turning up, but not in any great numbers. The bay has been producing a slow Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) bite. Sharks (Shark, Leopard) and Bat Rays (Ray, Bat) can be caught right from shore.

Pacific Outfitters
October 21, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) bite has been hot the past week. Anglers are easily hitting limits of them without a problem. The sizes are varied from each coastal river but the bite is consistent. Sardine has been a great bait to choose into this week. Search the holes and deeper water to find them as the water levels drop. This year, the recreational Dungeness crab season opens statewide on Saturday, November 5. Prior to the upcoming season opener, the CDFW would like to remind crabbers of the new regulations and procedures for crab traps that became effective on August 1, 2016.

Pro Angler Team
October 21, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) bite has been hot the past week. Anglers are easily hitting limits of them without a problem. The sizes are varied from each coastal river but the bite is consistent. Sardine has been a great bait to choose into this week. Search the holes and deeper water to find them as the water levels drop. This year, the recreational Dungeness crab season opens statewide on Saturday, November 5. Prior to the upcoming season opener, the CDFW would like to remind crabbers of the new regulations and procedures for crab traps that became effective on August 1, 2016.

Pro Angler Team
October 14, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Captain Tim Klassen of Reel Steel Sport Fishing has been running trips to the Cape when the weather has allowed. The fishing was excellent on Sunday, we caught some nice Vermilions (Rockfish, Vermillion)and Lingcod. With the weather coming, it might be awhile before we can get back down there, but I do plan to fish through the end of the month.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
October 6, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – After a decent weather day on Tuesday, it looks like we’ll be off the water for a couple days’ reports Tim Klassen of Reel Steel Sport Fishing. On Tuesday, the weather was a little rougher than predicted as we made our way to the Cape, but the fishing was excellent. We boated a good variety of Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion) along with lots of Lingcod. According to Klassen, there’s a batch of warm water sitting about 40 miles west of Eureka that could be holding Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin). We’ll have to see if the warm water is still within striking distance after the next couple days as it looks like the wind is going to blow.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 30, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion) is now the only game in town until the end of Oct. and it’s been a little too rough to venture to the Cape this week according to Tim Klassen of Reel Steel Sport Fishing. Friday and Saturday are looking like fishable days, but it looks like the weather is starting to come up on Sunday.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
www.reelsteelsportfishing.com https://proangler.us/capt/reelsteel.jpg
September 23, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Early in the week we switched things up today and did some Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion) fishing. It was fairly breezy but the fish bit well for us. We ended the day with limits of nice Lingcod and were just a couple of fish short of Rockfish limits with quite a few big Vermilion and Coppers. We also managed one Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) on a jig. Everyone went home with big bags of tasty fillets.. Recently it was an interesting day as we got back out on the ocean for some fishing. We have two days of assisting some marine biologists collect Lingcod for study. The goal was fairly lofty, 100 fish in two days. The fact that their permit allowed us to fish in some areas that are now closed but will reopen next year made it enticing. With two biologists and four anglers we made our way to some grounds that we haven’t fished in years. The conditions were nearly perfect with calm seas and modest current. We were able to compare the effectiveness of our own swimbaits to some store bought scampi type. Well, our swimbaits kicked Lingcod tail. By the end of the day we managed to land 65 Lingcod. It was educational and entertaining. The anglers all did a great job and the biologists worked their tails off.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 16, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Reel Steel Sportfishing reported early in the week What a difference a day can make. The ocean was much friendlier with less swell and not much wind. The fish decided that they were hungry and bit good all morning. We easily had Lingcod limits plus plenty of nice Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion). Recently the hot Halibut (Halibut, California) bite continued with early limits for all on board. Congratulations to Bob Stewart for landing a nice one that went just over 65lbs. It was fairly breezy but with very little swell. The new(ish) boat does great in the wind so we didn’t have any issues with the conditions.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
September 9, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – The water is nice and clear this week and conditions are great for Halibut (Halibut, California) and Rockfish (Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Vermillion & Lingcod). Abalone is still open as well. Anglers are using Big Hammer baits to hook them. The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) bite has dropped off.
BAIT REPORT – There is plenty of bait in the Humboldt bay.

Pacific Outfitters
September 2, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has not been much reported on Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) or Salmon (Salmon, Chinook). Lingcod have been on fire. They are on all the structures and taking jigs. Scampi Tails are the most popular. There are a lot of Sharks (Shark, Thresher) having been hooked and sighted.

Englund Marine Supply
August 26, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Around Eureka for the first time in years, the docks at Woodley Island are actually quiet. With Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) closed until next Thursday, it’s been Cape Mendocino or nothing for the Eureka fleet. Captain Tim Klassen of the Reel Steel Sportfishing was amongst the boats that fished south last weekend and said, the fishing is really good as usual. There’s some really quality Lingcod around, we landed four over 20 pounds on Sunday. There’s been talk of Tuna (Tuna, Bluefin) out of Eureka, but according to Klassen, the water is still about 70 miles southwest of Eureka. With all the fog, it’s been tough to get a good terrafin shot. We’ll need some southerly wind and calm seas before it’s doable. In Trinidad, The Rockfish (Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Brown) have bit really well this week reports Curt Wilson of Wind Rose Charters. He said, It’s been pretty easy to get your 10 Rockfish, with a nice mix of Blacks and Blues. There are also some nice Lings around if you can get on a good drift

Kenny Priest Fishing The North Coast
kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com http://www.myoutdoorbuddy.com
August 19, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) tapered off the last few days, and now it is over until the September opener for five days! We will have Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) the first two weeks of September if you’re interested, and Rockfish Lingcod trips now until the end of October. If we can’t get out due to weather we will make live bait and do some fishing in the bay for California Halibut! Sunny, flat and fun! Delicious fish. We have availability starting Sunday, so give a call if you want to go fishing! Cheers, Matt

Northwind Charters
(707) 616-5803
hookup@northwindcharters.net http://www.northwindcharters.net
August 12, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trifecta of Rockfish, Salmon and Halibut are all open at the same time. The ocean is calm so conditions are great. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) can be caught from the shore and from boats off the jetty and Humboldt Bay. The Halibut (California, Halibut) numbers are slimming as anglers target Salmon. Salmon aren’t quite up to 50 lbs. They are productive in Trinidad as well. Rockfish (Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Yellowtail) are productive down by the cape when the ocean is calm. The Surfperch (Surfperch, Redtail) are running the beach but they are not the main target as the Salmon are so accessible. The harbor entrance is holding California Halibut that can be caught live baiting Anchovy. Salmon will take Anchovy on the troll but the Kayakers are mooching for them. Check out the big fish contest with the grand prize being a $100 gift card. Entree is free, see store for details!

Pacific Outfitters
August 4, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) are open and doing well this week. Although we haven’t had a lot of great weather as of late we have finally had an open window to hit the water. Anglers are getting their limits and even releasing some. The sizes are great so far and we hope to see this continue into the weekend with some nice weather!

Full Throttle Sportfishing
July 27, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – From the jetties we are seeing a consistent Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) bite this week. Salmon are also coming in from the boats in the same area. Mooching isn’t doing any better than trolling, it depends on the water. You can troll if you find the cleaner water. In the bay there are some great Halibut (Halibut, California) being caught. Live bait, including the Anchovy are working well.
BAIT REPORT – There is a ton of bait in the bay. Anglers are using Sabiki rigs from the dock to stock up on Anchovies. They are getting 2-3 at a time.

Englund Marine
July 22, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) have slowed down the past couple days. We are seeing them come up from the jetties. We hope to see them turn back on soon. Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue) and Cabezon are coming off the surf. They are taking Squid, Jerk Shads and Soft plastics such as Big Hammers to find them. Check out the great deals at Pacific Outfitters this week!

Pacific Outfitters
July 15, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Early in the week we headed south to the Lost Coast this morning to try to make life miserable for some Rockfish (Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Black) and Lingcod. The ocean was a little bumpy but very fishable. After a slow start the fish began to come over the rail. We made one very long drift, about a mile and a half long and caught fish almost continuously. Before noon we had limits of Rockfish and Lingcod. Recently It was a battle against a new adversary on the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) grounds today. In spite of getting torn up by Hake (Hake, Pacific) we managed to put three Halibut in the boat. The baits were under constant attack by the voracious Hake and certain other bottom critters. As soon as the lines hit the bottom the rods would start bouncing with more Hake attacks. The crew are regulars and had a great attitude in spite of being the victims of Hake crimes. It looks like rough seas so we are going to take a couple of days off and get ready for the salmon opener on Saturday.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
July 7, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not much has changed around here; the best action is still from the rockfish reports Chris Hegnes of Crescent City’s Englund Marine. He said the ocean’s been a little snotty, so not many boats have been out this week. It looks like we’ll finally have some better conditions the next few days. The Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue) bite is still good, with quite a few Lings (Lingcod) around too. Not much has been happening with Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) due to the weather, but that should change now. The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season, which temporarily closed last Thursday, never did materialize.

Kenny Priest Fishing the North Coast
kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com fishingthenorthcoast.com
June 29, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – The weather and tides had us off the water for a few days but got back out yesterday and got out for a Salmon/bottomfish (Salmon, Chinnok) combo trip. We found the Black Rockfish (Rockfish, Black) chompin real good and found a handful of Lingcod before we shifted to Salmon for the ride home. We tried a few areas before we landed on them and found a small area of ripped up bait that was holding some Salmon. We went 3 for 7 in that area in an hour but we were happy with a little bit of everything for the grill. The ocean was nicer than forecasted but the wind looks to come up for a few days. The boats that are sticking with the Salmon all day are having no trouble getting limits for all on board. June was slow to develop on the Salmon bite but is full steam now. Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) will open July first and Salmon will reopen July 15th until Aug 15th after it closes for June this Thursday. I have room for Salmon and Halibut for july and aug if you still want to get out this summer just give me a call to figure out some days that we can get you out.

Marc Schmidt Coastline Fishing Charters
(707) 601-3474
June 24, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We started back on Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing Thursday and have found action but many silvers and shorts out deep and anywhere from one to limits of keepers in the last 5 days. By Saturday we had great weather to look around and ended up at the Mendocino Canyon and found limits for the guys and even slid in and got 3/4 limits of Lings (Lingcod) and Rockies (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown & Rockfish, Gopher & Rockfish, Olive) in an hour and a half. The inside waters has had a better grade and no plankton on the lines like we have found to be an issue on the water 25 fathoms and deeper and has plenty of action. We ended up with 4 for the 3 guys yesterday but had many more bites that looked good enough to stick but didn’t. The grade landed on the inner waters has been good averaging around 10 lbs but we have seen some bigger ones that haven’t made the net this week. I have room for Salmon next saturday and a combo salmon / rockfish/ lingcod on sunday if you want to get out just call.

Marc Schmidt Coastline Fishing Charters
(707) 601-3474
June 17, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We ran to an area north of town in 35 fathoms today where the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) have been on the chew lately. The current changed since yesterday and they did not bite at first. We waited them out and we prevailed. We had 5 Pacific Halibut for the 5 anglers and could not close the deal on one for the captain today. We had 2 other bites and 2 other first that came unbuttoned after hook up also so we had the bites. The fish were not the bigger grade we had last week but limits of Halibut is always welcome. Today’s fish were up to 24 lbs and bit steady through the day. We had a couple one hundred lbs class Skates to contend with also so we were busy. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) opens in the morning till the end of the month and then Halibut will reopen July 1st. I have room for both if you want to get out just give me a call with some dates in mind and we will go find some biters! Marc 707-601-3474

Marc Schmidt Coastline Fishing Charters
(707) 601-3474
June 17, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We ran to an area north of town in 35 fathoms today where the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) have been on the chew lately. The current changed since yesterday and they did not bite at first. We waited them out and we prevailed. We had 5 Pacific Halibut for the 5 anglers and could not close the deal on one for the captain today. We had 2 other bites and 2 other first that came unbuttoned after hook up also so we had the bites. The fish were not the bigger grade we had last week but limits of Halibut is always welcome. Today’s fish were up to 24 lbs and bit steady through the day. We had a couple one hundred lbs class Skates to contend with also so we were busy. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) opens in the morning till the end of the month and then Halibut will reopen July 1st. I have room for both if you want to get out just give me a call with some dates in mind and we will go find some biters! Marc 707-601-3474

Marc Schmidt Coastline Fishing Charters
(707) 601-3474
June 9, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Rockfishing (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Olive & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper) has been steady up and down the Humboldt coast. The bite has been fairly slow at Trinidad this past week but has started to heat back up. Fishing from Shelter Cove to the Cape has been hot the past few weeks with the wind being the limiting factor for most anglers. Both the North and South Jetties have been producing with a very nice grade of fish. Pacific Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) season opens back up for the next few weeks. It should take anglers a few days to locate the fish but then fishing is expected to be improve. Reports out of Trinidad were of nice sized fish, some were caught closer in 120ft of water and a few were caught out in 250 ft. Dungeness crab fishing has been good but not as hot as the past weeks. Most anglers are still able to acquire their limits and there is plenty of crab around. Surfperch (Surfperch, Sand) fishing along the Humboldt coast is a good option for anglers who are landlocked by stormy weather. The beach across from Stone Lagoon has provided the best action but King Salmon and Samoa Beach have also been producing.

Humboldts Fishing Reports
(707) 845-6109
June 3, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Rockfishing (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Olive) has been steady up and down the Humboldt coast. The bite has been fairly slow at Trinidad this past week but has started to heat back up. Fishing from Shelter Cove to the Cape has been hot the past few weeks with the wind being the limiting factor for most anglers. Both the North and South Jetties have been producing with a very nice grade of fish.

Humboldts Fishing Reports
(707) 845-6109
May 24, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Back on the ocean today out of Eureka after 5 days of wind and rough ocean. The Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) hadn’t moved far from where we found them on opening day but they slid inside about a mile. Once we got located the bite was as hot as it gets with every rod that hit the water getting chewed within minutes. We ended the day with a triple hookup all sliding into the net within seconds of each other. Limits of jumbo Crab rounded out a great day on the water. It looks like we’re finally coming into a nice weather window through the coming week so expect to see some world class Salmon action aboard Shellback in the days ahead.

Capt. Tony Green Water Fishing Charters
(707) 845 9588
May 20, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – It’s salmon time on the North Coast. I’m back from an awesome month of Striped Bass (Bass, Striped) fishing on the Sac and today was our Eureka salmon opener. With a bad weather forecast only 3 boats crossed the Humboldt Bar in the morning but I was anxious to get a look at what was out there. Two miles from the harbor entrance there was great sign and we dropped gear in the water. The first downrigger rod popped the clip a few minutes later and the 2016 season was under way with a shinny king flashing on the surface. Bites came fast and we had double, triple and ever a quadruple hookup. Despite having a lot shake the hook, limits were on the boat before 9 am. King Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) fishing at it’s best! Our season this year is open the last 2 weeks of May, June and July and the first 2 weeks of August. Availability is tight June through August but I still have a fair number of open seats for May. Now’s the time! Let’s go catch ’em while they’re biting.

Capt. Tony Green Water Fishing Charters
(707) 845 9588
May 12, 2016
Cock Robin Island
INSHORE – Two days on the water sure doesn’t make a season, but if the Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) fishing is anything remotely close to the level of the past couple days, we’re in for a helluva season. The opener on Sunday was a bust due to weather, but Monday and Tuesday the fishing was spectacular. On Tuesday, Tim Klassen of Reel Steel Sport Fishing had five limits by 10 a.m. and he wasn’t the only one catching. The fishing started out really good on Monday too, we got two right off the bat before being blown off the water early. Bob Pagliuco of McKinleyville landed this 47-pound Pacific halibut on Tuesday while fishing out of Eureka. Tuesday was off the hook, with most of the boats fishing straight out of the entrance in roughly 300 feet of water, Klassen added. The sport crabbings has also been good, both inside the bay and offshore. According to Klassen, his pots have been loaded the all week and easily averaging 25 per trap. With both the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Rockfish openers right around the corner, let’s hope they also start with a bang. Perch’n on the Peninsula happening Saturday The Samoa Peninsula Fire District’s 7th annual “Perch’n on the Peninsula” a Surfperch Fishing Tournament and Fish Fry Fundraiser, will return to Samoa this Saturday, May 7

Reel Steel Sportfishing
May 6, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Things are beginning to heat up in Eureka this week. We are seeing an excellent Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) bite this week. They are in roughly 275 ft of water which is about 9 miles from the shore. Anglers are easily catching their limits. The Halibut are weighing in from 20-45 lbs. There are many that aren’t even being brought into the boat. The entrance to Eureka is shoaled this week and Capt. Gary Blasi recommends that boaters with limited experience should not attempt to cross the new bar, especially on the outgoing tide. Anglers are also searching for Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Black & Bocaccio & Rockfish, Starry & Rockfish, Greenspotted & Bocaccio) in the upcoming season. Don’t forget that Dungeness Crab are now open for fishing as well!

Full Throttle Sportfishing
www.fullthrottlesportfishing.com gary@fullthrottlesportfishing.com
April 29, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – May 1st is opener for Halibut (Halibut, Pacific) and anglers are excited to begin targeting them. Following this the Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) and bottom fishing including various Rockfish (Rockfish, Vermillion & Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Starry & Bocaccio & Lingcod) will be open as well. We expect a great Spring season coming up. Dungeness Crab is open from Humboldt Bay Jetty and South. They have been great so far and it is about the best thing going on right now. Anglers on the jetty are catching Surfperch (Surfperch, Redtail) on the beach. Sand Crabs have been working best to hook them. There are also a few April Lingcod caught from the bay fishing the rocks as well. Live Bait has been working best. Check out the Salmon and Halibut contests running the entirety of the season at Englund Marine.

Englund Marine
eureka@englundmarine.com www.englundmarine.com
April 22, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We thought that Crab was about ready to open but a bad test for Trinidad has set the clock back again. So I guess that we are still waiting. The salmon season has been officially set. Salmon (Salmon, Chinook) season will open May 16th to May 31st, June 16th to June 30th, July 16th to August 16th and September 1st to September 5th.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
April 15, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The ocean has been a bit rough. The Redtails (Surfperch, Redtail) are hitting off the beach so far. Lings (Lingcod) are coming off the jetty and the rocks at Trinidad. The conditions would be a lot better if the ocean would lie down. Everything is shore based so far this week.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
April 8, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Now that Dungeness are testing at safe levels we hope to see a season open soon. The weather is calming down on the ocean side so anglers are finally heading out to the sea. They are finding some great Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) from the shoreline around Crissey Field up to Gold Beach. They are going after small pieces of Shrimp. Look for them in sandy areas of the shore. The best time to fish them has been the last 2-3 hours of the incoming tide, and the first half hour of the outgoing tide. The Striped Perch will be holding up more towards the jetties and the tide pools. The Lingcod have been the main focus for most anglers. The numbers are off the charts! They are extremely thick and limits are being exceeded and released. The average sizes has been around 8-12 lbs so far. A whole Herring rigged on a mooching rig with a banana sinker is the go to setup. Anyone using artificial can consider a 5-7 inch split tail plastic jerkbait in watermelon on a 2 oz jig head. We expect the great bite to continue into the weekend.

Larry Ellis
April 1, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of the water in this area is just opening so we will see some great reports coming up soon. Perch (Surfperch, Redtail) have been hot this week. They are moving and are the main focus so far this week. Squid and Shrimp have been the best bait to throw. Moving water over sandy beaches is the best place to find them. Look for the break and they will be there! Anglers gearing up for the Spring bite can check out our Fish feature which provides tips and tricks or our GPS Hotspots that will keep your lines tight.

Pacific Outfitters
March 24, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a whole lot going on in the area as of late. From the shore anglers are fishing the jetties for Lingcod and a variety of Rockfish (Rockfish, Black). Anglers are throwing Squid or similar artificials. The weather has mixed up the water and even the freshwater rivers are blown out. We hope to see conditions improve for the weekend. Anyone gearing up for the Spring bite can check out our Fish feature which provides tons of tips and tricks to keeping your lines tight.

Englund Marine
March 18, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Conditions in this area have not changed a whole lot from last week. Anglers continue to see Surfperch (Surfperch, Barred & Surfperch, Redtail) that are coming up on gulp sandworms and other similar artificials. Camo color has been very productive. We have also seen some safe crab testing for this area and are awaiting a possible opening in the next week or two. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the opening of bottom fishing so they can get an early start on Rock fishing. Anglers getting ready for the Spring bite can always take advantage of our Fish feature which provides tons of tips and tricks to keep your lines tight.

Pro Angler Team
March 11, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is very slow in this area due to the closures and unfavorable weather. There were some anglers looking for Surfperch, Barred however they are few and far between. Even the freshwater anglers are having a rough go. Anyone gearing up for the Spring bite can check out our Fish feature which provides additional information to keep you on the fish.

Englund Marine Supply
March 2, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – A lot of the Lingcod are moving in toward the bay this week. Anglers can catch them off the jetties using the big Hammers or Herring and Squid for bait. The nasty weather has kept a lot of anglers inside so far. There are some Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Brown) can be found in the nearshore. The Bass, Calico are scattered and not the focus so far this week.

Pacific Outfitters
February 24, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Savvy saltwater anglers are watching and waiting for the spawning run of Pacific Herring (Herring, Pacific). Sometime in February and March herring will enter bays and estuaries along the Pacific coast.Crab fishermen have reported herring eggs adhering to their crab pots. There is no bag limit on herring for sport fishermen but most take only what they can use. It is legal to use dip nets and throw nets but many fishermen use a Sabiki type rig on a spinning rod. This gang of flies with a weight on the bottom is fished off a dock or boat. The rig is dropped into the water at a depth the school of baitfish is holding and slowly jigged. Hopefully multiple fish are hooked on each drop. The fishing is easy and a lot of fun, especially for new fishermen. Herring can be found in Humboldt Bay and Crescent City Harbor. Last year there was a good run in Crescent City and fish were taken from the docks. In Humboldt Bay there is more water to search so a boat is used to look for signs of fish dimpling the surface or bird activity. Fish finding sonar will help locate schools. Herring are often found by watching the pelicans, terns, seagulls, and harbor seals. Boaters quietly motor into the feeding frenzy and start fishing. It could be the birds are on anchovy or smelt but those are also good baits for salmon.
OFFSHORE – As with any baitfish, Herring can be frozen in trays to protect their fins from breaking off. Some guys cure the Herring in a salt and laundry bluing brine designed to keep the scales shiny. This is likely not important to a big Halibut in 250′ of water but to a finicky salmon it could mean the difference in getting strikes.
BAIT REPORT – Herring have now arrived in the harbor. Anglers are jigging the incoming tide for them. They can be found throughout the mouth of the bay and splitting into smaller schools around docks. They are working well for just about any fish.

Casey Allen
February 18, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather in this area has been less than ideal for most anglers this week. There have been a few guys to get out and do some Perch (Surfperch, Barred) fishing and were quite successful. There were previously swells that were shutting down the mouth of the bay so we hope to see this settle down by mid week. Everyone has been focusing on the now-open crab season however. Anglers are excited to hit the water and stock upon legal sizes.

Lawson’s Landing
February 10, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has prevented a lot of Crab testing the past few days. Anglers are getting anxious as the levels have been dropping but there is no news of an opening at this point. We do not expect to hear anything about a possible open date for the next few weeks at least.

USA Fishing
February 4, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are excited to report that Eureka area has scored a double perfect with both tests in reference to the Dungeness Crab situation. We hope to see a Crab season open up soon in this area. We will keep you posted! Rockfish(Lingcod, Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Black) can still be caught from the jetties by anglers who put their time in. Big Hammers in various colors are the best bet to hook them this week. There is not a lot of bait other than Crab running since no one is allowed to fish them, they are very plentiful.

Lawson’s Landing
January 28, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Crab closure is still in effect this week. Some anglers continue to fish the jetty for the Rockfish (Lingcod, Rockfish, Greenspotted & Rockfish, Black). Big Hammers in various colors are the best bet to hook them this week. There is not a lot of bait other than Crab running since no one is allowed to fish them, they are very plentiful. Check out Steelhead Days at Pacific Outfitters to become more aware of the great initiatives for Steelhead awareness, fishing and care.

Pacific Outfitters
January 22, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Unfortunately the test results for this area have not been preferable for Dungeness Crab this week. The results have only improved slightly which is not promising for an open season any time soon. This is the main focus for most anglers at this time of year as they wait for the opening of Salmon season in March. We hope to see better results soon so anglers can take advantage of the tail end of Crabbing this year.

Reel Steel Sportfishing
January 15, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Now that Rockfish offshore are closed the main focus has been on the inshore. As follows is the most recent Crab update. No tests were updated for the waters off Eureka but I suspect that we will see dropping DA levels here as soon as the next results are released. In a nutshell we are seeing a consistent downward trend line with few crabs testing above the federal action levels. Hopefully we see testing in all ports in the coming week and a continuation of safe results. I’m optimistic that we should see both a sport and commercial opener by February 1st.

USA Fishing
January 6, 2016
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Crab Update – While the Oregon and Washington recreational Dungeness crab seasons have opened and their commercial seasons are set to open on January 4th, we California anglers are still waiting on clean crabs. The good news is that most of the recent results posted are from crabs tested on December 16th and 17th. With calmer weather we are hoping that the CDPH posts results of any samples taken this week as soon as possible. If the trend line of lower DA levels continues we could be dropping pots in January. The conditions in the area are beginning to settle down for most areas and the water will take a little bit to get the fish re-organized. We have not had any reports from this area as of yet. Most anglers are eagerly awaiting the possible opening of crab season.

USA FIshing
December 29, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Crab Update – While the Oregon and Washington recreational Dungeness crab seasons have opened and their commercial seasons are set to open on January 4th, we California anglers are still waiting on clean crabs. The good news is that most of the recent results posted are from crabs tested on December 16th and 17th. With calmer weather we are hoping that the CDPH posts results of any samples taken this week as soon as possible. If the trend line of lower DA levels continues we could be dropping pots in January. The conditions in the area are beginning to settle down for most areas and the water will take a little bit to get the fish re-organized. We have not had any reports from this area as of yet. Most anglers are eagerly awaiting the possible opening of crab season.

USA Fishing
December 21, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Wind has shut just about everything down or closed. It has been too strong for any anglers to get out this week. Offshore and Inshore have been dead. It is just slightly beginning to clear up however the swells and conditions will likely not have the water ready for the weekend even if the weather is nice. The beaches and piers are pretty torn up so far this week. The crab situation seems to be improving but is still not open yet. It’s not easy to tell when that will be. Anglers who head out over the weekend can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
December 18, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Wind has shut just about everything down or closed. It has been too strong for any anglers to get out this week. Offshore and Inshore have been dead. It is just slightly beginning to clear up however the swells and conditions will likely not have the water ready for the weekend even if the weather is nice. The beaches and piers are pretty torn up so far this week. The crab situation seems to be improving but is still not open yet. It’s not easy to tell when that will be. Anglers who head out over the weekend can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.

Pacific Outfitters
December 11, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is fairly close to shore this week. Anglers are catching Stripers (Bass, Striped) and Halibut, Pacific closer to the shore from roughly 60-80 ft of water. Bounce balling is the best technique reported so far this week. There have also been reports of Sharks and Stingray, Round hitting a bit farther out this week.
OFFSHORE – Rockfish (Rockfish, Copper & Rockfish, Vermillion) are continuing to turn up this week. The Sheepshead bite is less frequent but still present. The Tuna, Yellowfin bite has died down a bit however are still fairly hot from 10-20 miles. They are mostly going after Anchovies on small hooks so far. Look for kelp patties for the best sizes.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
December 3, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Most anglers are fishing from the jetties this week for Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper & Lingcod). They are both doing well and coming up in solid numbers and sizes. The weather and swells have dirtied up the water however this has not hindered the bite. Soft plastics by big hammer are working very effectively, especially for the Lings. Some anglers are still using Scampie tails as well. Best colors of the week are dark, purple or black.
OFFSHORE – Since boat based fishing is close most anglers are staying on the shore this week. Those who have gone out are targeting Sandab, Pacific although there have not been too many reports. To much disappointment, Crab is still closed at this time however there is talk that it may be open by the end of the month. Our sources have informed us that once the season opens the Crab will be perfectly fine as the toxins in them are natural and typically bleed out before open. The unseasonably warm weather has prevented this so far.
BAIT REPORT – So far this week there are no reports of bait swimming. Most anglers are switching to artificials as they are more productive with the spotty weather.

Pacific Outfitters
November 26, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Rockfish (Rockfish, Black & Rockfish, Blue & Rockfish, Copper) are doing well along with Greenling, Kelp and Lingcod. The North and South jetties have been the key spots to find them. Our sources are using hand tied buckhair jigs or super flukes on a quarter oz. jighead and finding it to be extremely productive. There have been some Stingray, round in the bay as well. The Surfperch, Barred are beginning to slow down with the temperature drop along with most of the ocean fish in general. Anchovies and live Mackerel are also swimming in the shallow water this week and are a great live bait.
OFFSHORE – There is not a whole lot of action happening offshore this week since Rockfish from the boats is now closed. Salmon, coho have been doing well around the estuaries. Anglers have been using cut plugs to hook them. There are no more Tuna left in this area and most boaters are heading down South to find them at this point. The weather looks to be not too bad for the holiday weekend and anglers who head out can always check out our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to help improve the catch.
BAIT REPORT – Anchovies and Mackerel are both running this week and working well for inshore fish.

Bucksport Sporting Goods
November 20, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – The wind and rain has made fishing both inshore and offshore difficult in this area. Due to the Crab closure there is not much going on either. Anglers are anxiously awaiting the open however until then are staying inside for the most part. Should anglers decide to head out this week they can always check out our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions to improve the catch. Alternatively anglers can also stop into Englund Marine for an up to the minute report.

Englund Marine
November 13, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – As most of the rivers are closed at this point, fishing has been slow. Anglers are awaiting more rain coming in the next few weeks to create better conditions. Those who do get out have reported a decent Rockfish (Rockfish, Black) and Lingcod bite around the rocks and jetties. They have been using Squid on jigs to hook them. Due to unseasonable weather, warm water temperatures and species restrictions there is not much going on in this area. There have been no reports of anglers making their way out this week. Algal Bloom, possibly caused by El Nino, have created a high level of toxin known as domoic acid in Crab . This has caused the California Fish and Game Commission to postpone opening the season in this area. Ingesting crabs can cause major illness and can even be lethal. If you are looking to hit the water this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information and suggestions on your favorite fish. In addition you can head to Pacific Outfitters for an up to the minute report.
Bucksport Sporting Goods
November 6, 2015
Cock Robin Island Fishing Report
INSHORE – Due to unseasonable weather, warm water temperatures and species restrictions there is not much going on in this area. There have been no reports of anglers making their way out this week. Algal Bloom, possibly caused by El Nino, have created a high level of toxin known as domoic acid in Crab . This has caused the California Fish and Game Commission to postpone opening the season in this area. Ingesting crabs can cause major illness and can even be lethal. If you are looking to hit the water this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information and suggestions on your favorite fish. In addition you can head to Pacific Outfitters for an up to the minute report.
OFFSHORE – Due to unseasonable weather, warm water temperatures and species restrictions there is not much going on in this area. There have been no reports of anglers making their way out this week. Algal Bloom, possibly caused by El Nino, have created a high level of toxin known as domoic acid in Crab . This has caused the California Fish and Game Commission to postpone opening the season in this area. Ingesting crabs can cause major illness and can even be lethal. If you are looking to hit the water this weekend you can always consult our Tips feature which provides more information and suggestions on your favorite fish. In addition you can head to Pacific Outfitters for an up to the minute report.
Pacific Outfitters

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