Chokoloskee Fishing Report
April 7, 2017
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Capt. Jim of Caught Lookin Charters & Capt Pete Andreason of Full Moon Charters! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!
Things are a bit hit or miss with the weather being the way it is as of late. Fishing the rivers and the Cape towards Flamingo has produced Tarpon however they are not consistent by any means. The backcountry has been the better area to fish. The usual Trout and Snook haven’t been too affected by the conditions. They aren’t as frequent as when the weather is nice, but they are there for anglers hitting the water. Search the passes and the points for the best bite.

Pro Angler Team
This Feature Report has been brought to you from the Flamingo and Chokoloskee Region. View your local report, loads of Hot Spots and other great features when you subscribe to the Pro Angler App on your iOS or Android device!
INSHORE – The last week has been interesting I have either fished North Biscayne Bay, Government Cut or Holiday Park for Bass. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) fishing has been really good for bigger Trout in the 22 to 25 inch range. The Tarpon are around and they seemed to bite late the one night I was out. The Cut always produces something if you drop a Shrimp to the bottom. Mangrove Snappers, Yellowtails, Hog Snappers, Mutton Snappers, Spanish Hogfish and Groupers (Grouper, Gag & Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Yellowtail & Snapper, Mutton & Hogfish) are the by catch while waiting on Tarpon.

Capt. Jim Hobales Caught Lookin Charters
captjimhobales@gmail.com www.caughtlookincharters.com
March 24, 2017
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
INSHORE – There hasn’t been a whole lot of action from the area this week. That being said, there are still plenty of your typical early Spring fish biting. Redfish, Trout and Snook have all been caught as they move back into their Winter patterns with the dropping temperature. If you are heading out with live bait, Shrimp has been the key for all of them. Alternatively, Topwaters are working well for Snook and Gray Fluke Lures are best for Reds. We hope to see this heat up.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Capt. Jim Hobales of Caught Lookin Charters and Everglades Bait & Tackle! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!

Pro Angler Team
March 17, 2017
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been a lot of windy days this month so it’s a good thing the Everglades have lots of places to hide. Outgoing tides have been nice enough to get the Tarpon biting around passes on live Mullet. The Snook bite has been hot out of Chokoloskee on both live bait and artificials. Oyster bars, snags and bays have been good spots for not only Snook, but Redfish and some Drum too. Shrimp and Pilchards are good baits to have with you are fishing from Flamingo up to Everglades City. Trout fishing has been productive from Pavillion South to Lostmans river on Shrimp under a cork or free-lined Pilchards.
OFFSHORE – There were quite a few windy days that made work out of the fishing. King Mackerel were most consistently caught offshore in the Gulf. Bottom structures are producing Cobia and Amberjack along with a variety of Snappers. Off of Chokoloskee, heavy chumming will help with the Yellowtail and Mangrove Snapper. Nearshore structures have continued to produce Sheepshead while Tripletail are still caught on the Crab buoys. If you can make it too far out, you can also pick up some mixed Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel and Jack Crevalle. There’s even some Blacktip and Sandbar sharks in the Gulf.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Capt. Jim Hobales of Caught Lookin Charters and Capt Pete Andreason of Full Moon Charters! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!

Pro Angler Team
March 10, 2017
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore fishing in the Glades is still producing in sheltered areas. We are seeing a good mix of Snook, Redfish and Trout throughout Flamingo to Everglades City. Snook have been sticking closer to shore this week although they can also be found in the backcountry. A variety of sizes have turned up however there are plenty of keepers, especially in creeks containing warmer water. Redfish are a bit more selective this week. The morning rising tide is holding the best fish, otherwise they seem a bit scattered. Trout on the other hand seem to be just about everywhere. Anglers are even finding them in the grass beds about a mile offshore. With all the recent wind it has been a bit tough to hit the water but when you can find a calm weather window they’ll be there waiting.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors -Capt. Jim Hobales of Caught Lookin Charters & Outdoor Resorts of Chokoloskee! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!

Pro Angler Team
March 3, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Snook chewed pretty well for anglers using Pilchards Threadfins or even Shrimp in backcountry. Chumming is key in the afternoon as the fish have had a chance to feed all day and need a little enticing. Oyster bars and tree snags are definitely spots to fish over the next few weeks. You’ll also get yourself into some Redfish this way too.
The Trout bite in the grass flats has been shaping up nicely South of Pavilion Key, feed ’em some Shrimp, or even small Pilchards under a cork. If you manage to catch a good amount of pilchards for bait, you can also catch some Ladyfish and Jack Crevalle.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Capt. Jim Hobales of Caught Lookin Charters & Capt Pete Andreason of Full Moon Charters! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!
OFFSHORE – If you were wanting to catch Amberjack on wrecks or Snapper this past week, you better have been chumming. Heavy chumming helped get a lot of Amberjack to the boats in the Gulf this week. Most common baits used were Threadfins and Pilchards. Some of the Ajs caught were up to 60 pounds. Cobia were a little scattered in waters off of Chokoloskee. The closer wrecks fished well for Sheepshead using frozen shrimp or fiddler crabs. Don’t be surprised if you see a few Bull Sharks, Blue Runners and Jack Crevalle out there too.

Pro Angler Team
February 24, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Mother nature has thrown quite the mix of weather at us this week. From wind to rain to sun we have had anglers fishing in just about everything. Targets this week have included Snook, Tarpon, Redfish and Trout. Fish seem to be taking both live and artificials depending on the weather. Snook are the easiest to load up on when you can find a break in the weather. The sizes have been great so far. Trout aren’t far behind. Both Trout and Redfish are scattered throughout the backcountry.
If you are targeting Tarpon specifically they have been more consistent in the backcountry. They are just beginning to fire up but are providing a decent bite for anglers. Tripletail are also making an appearance on structure nearshore.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Capt. Jim Hobales of Caught Lookin Charters and Outdoor Resorts of Chokoloskee ! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!

Pro Angler Team
February 17, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been a decent Trout bite on the flats off of Chokoloskee and Everglade City. A lot of Tarpon are showing up around Flamingo and to the West. When fishing in the Glades there has been good catch and release Snook, decent sized Redfish as well as some Black Drum. There are Pilchards and Threadfins around for inshore bait.
OFFSHORE – Nearshore structures in the gulf off of Chokoloskee have been producing a steady bite of Sheepshead, Jack Crevalle, Bluefish and a pile of Bluerunners. There has also been good catches of Spanish Mackerel and King Mackerel having been hooked above the same structure. There has been a few reports of Cobia caught West of Flamingo as you enter the gulf. There has also been a good bite of Mangrove Snapper as well.
For more fish slamming info download the Pro Angler App for hundreds of locations that provide you with more of thousands of GPS Hot Spots, local Pro Reports, What’s Biting, Tide & Weather data along with many more amazing Pro Angler features.
A big THANK YOU to this week’s Pro Report contributors – Bud N Mary’s Marina & Capt Pete Andreason of Full Moon Charters! Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App!

Pro Angler Team
February 9, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sheepshead and Black Drum (Drum, Black) have been hooked around the oyster bars this week. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are holding up on the grass flats. Catching them on Shrimp under a popping cork has been the most productive setup. A few Redfish (Drum, Red) and small Snook (Snook, Common) were caught along the outside points and oyster bars. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below to reveal tons of information and tips to catch!
OFFSHORE – Sheepshead were the main target this week and were being caught on fresh and frozen Shrimp. Also, Fiddler Crabs are productive when you can find them. The Sheepshead are usually holding up on structure throughout the nearshore waters. Most of these fish are 3 to 5 lbs although some are reaching 7 lbs. Drum (Drum, Black) to 10 lbs were caught off the same structures. Lots of Blue runners and Jack Crevalle (Jack, Crevalle) have been caught as well.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp and Shrimp under a popping cork are the best setups to use this week. Bluerunners are swimming offshore.

Captain Pete Andreasen Full Moon Charters
fish10000islands@gmail.com www.fish10000islands.com
February 1, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather is finally improving in the area and the water seems to be clearing up a bit. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) has fired back up and is providing the main bite for most anglers. Shrimp is working well to hook them. You can rig them on jighead. Frozen, live or dead Shrimp are all a good to throw this week. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

Everglades Bait and Tackle
February 1, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather is finally improving in the area and the water seems to be clearing up a bit. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) has fired back up and is providing the main bite for most anglers. Shrimp is working well to hook them. You can rig them on jighead. Frozen, live or dead Shrimp are all a good to throw this week. We hope to see this continue into the weekend.

Everglades Bait and Tackle
January 26, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sheepshead are gathering around the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Use Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs. A 32 lb Permit was caught off a nearshore wreck on a free lined Shrimp. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 21 inches were being caught on the grass flats South of Seminole point. Shrimp or small Pilchards suspended under a popping cork. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and a few Redfish (Drum, Red) being caught around the oyster bars and snags using Shrimp. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below to reveal tons of information and tips to catch!
OFFSHORE – Cobia were off the charts last week on the wrecks and hard bottom structures 38 to 55 miles off of Pavilion Key. There were a lot of barely legal fish but some bigger fish to 35 lbs mixed in. Most fish were caught on live baits (Pilchards, Pigfish, Pinfish, and Threadfin). If the bite is slow on the live bait try a white jig. Also plenty of Amberjacks (Jack, Amberjack Greater) around these wrecks along with Yellowtail and Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Yellowtail). Kingfish (Mackerel, King) are also prowling the perimeter so have a free lined Pilchards and Threadfin with a short piece of wire leader out the back. Lots of Blue Runners and Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) to add to the mix.
BAIT REPORT – Pilchards , Threadfins , Pins and pig fish have been awesome for offshore baits. Not much eating the inshore but shrimp have been working well.

Captain Pete Andreasen Full Moon Charters
fish10000islands@gmail.com www.fish10000islands.com
January 11, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 5, 2017
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sheepshead to 20 inches are starting to show on the nearshore wrecks. The bigger ones were being caught on live Fiddler Crabs. Shrimp and frozen Shrimp were also a good bait but it’s hard to keep the Bluefish and small Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) off of it. Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) were cruising the perimeter and bottom. Catch these on spoons and small live baits with a light wire. Black Drum (Drum, Black) to 25lbs were being caught on Shrimp suspended from a popping cork from the snags and oyster bars along the outside shorelines south of Pavilion Key. Lots of Drum in the five pound range (good eating size). Redfish and small Snook being caught from the same areas along with Sheepshead, Jacks and Bluefish. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) were biting well on shrimp and small pilchards on the grass flats south of Pavilion. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below to reveal tons of information and tips to catch! OFFSHORE – Kingfish (Mackerel, King) continue to be hot in 60ft. of water SW out of Chokoloskee pass. Free line a Threadfin while bottom fishing for Grouper (Grouper, Black & Grouper, Red) and Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Yellowtail & Snapper, Mutton) and hang on. These fish range anywhere from 12 to 30lbs. Red grouper were also biting well on Pinfish and Grunts. Big baits equaled big fish. Lots of fish over the 20 inch minimum. Grey Snapper and Yellowtail with an occasional Mutton were also in the same area. Snapper were hitting smaller white baits (Pilchards) but so were the small Red grouper. No cobia this week. BAIT REPORT – Shrimp on a popping cork has been working real well for all kinds of species. Big live baits when fishing offshore!
December 30, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bite is on fire! Snook (Snook, Common), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Redfish (Drum, Red), Drum (Drum, Black), Sheepshead and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) have all turned up on the inside this week. Everyone is using live Shrimp. It’s the hot ticket to catching since the water temperatures have dropped. Thanks for another great year anglers! Pro Angler is looking forward to seeing all of your great catches in 2017!
December 22, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Lots of small Bluefish, Blue Runners, Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Ladyfish on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. A few Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Sheepshead mixed in. Tripletail around the crab buoys have been on the small side. Seatrout on the grass flats south of Pavilion Key were hitting a variety a live baits and artificials. Drift the flats with baits suspended from popping corks or throw artificial such as monte jigs or plastics until a decent school is located. Mark the spot and continue drifting the area. Small Pilchards are still working but Shrimp has been the ticket. Some Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook (Snook, Common) are still hitting live baits along the inside oyster bars and tree snags anywhere from Bird Key to Highlands beach. Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from the Pro Angler Team! OFFSHORE – Kingfish (Mackerel, King) to 30 lbs were hitting free-lined Threadfins in 52 feet of water at the beginning of the week. These smokers were working a hard bottom area that we were fishing for Red Grouper (Grouper, Red). Red Grouper to 12lbs were hitting Pinfish, Croakers, Grunts and large Threads. Some Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray) and Yellowtails (Snapper, Yellowtail) were caught on small Pilchards on the same bottom areas. Drifting seemed to work the best BAIT REPORT – Shrimp on a popping cork has been working real well for all kinds of species. Plenty of Pilchards and Threadfins along the park boundary markers and finger Mullet are schooling along the beaches.
December 15, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 24 inches have been biting Shrimp suspended from a popping cork on the grass flats from Pavilion Key to Highlands beach. Redfish (Drum, Red) and a few Snook (Snook, Common) hitting shrimp and small white baits along the outside snags and oyster bars PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Red Grouper (Grouper, Red), Mutton Snapper (Snapper, Mutton) and Kingfish (Mackerel, King) have been the ticket since the cold front came thru last week. Winds laid down enough to reach wrecks in the 50 mile range. Catching the Grouper on Pilchards, Grunts (Grunt, White) and Pinkish. The bigger the better! Lots of undersized Grouper (Grouper, Gag) so take lots of bait. Kingfish (Mackerel, King) were caught on Pilchards and Threadfins free lined with a short piece of wire and a 5/0 circle hook. Nearshore there are not as many Cobia this week as there were earlier in the month but still managed to land a few in the 30lb range. Sheepshead are scarce but plenty of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish, Grunts and small Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray) to keep busy. Shrimp and small white baits have been working well.
December 9, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – A few Redfish (Drum, Red) have been hitting shrimp along the edges south of Pavilion Key to Lostmans River. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 24 inches were being caught on the grass flats using Shrimp and small white baits under a popping cork. Drift the flats until you locate fish, anchor, catch and keep moving. Lots of small Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Ladyfish to keep the kids interest up. Pompano (Pompano, Florida) on the same flats bitting small jigs tipped with Shrimp.Schools of Tarpon were harassing Finger Mullet and Ladyfish pouring out of the river mouths at Ponce De Leon Bay. Try working these fish on an outgoing tide. Trout, Reds and a few small Snook (Snook, Common) were caught using Shrimp along the oyster bars and current edges in the backcountry. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Big Cobia to 45 lbs were caught last week on the offshore wrecks 35 miles west of Chokoloskee pass. These big bruisers were hitting large Threadfins, Pilchards and Pinfish. Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) were hitting the same baits on hardbottom in 40ft of water. Also plenty of Lane and Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Lane) to keep everyone busy. Use a chum line to fire the Snapper up. Kingfish (Mackerel, King) were hitting free lined Threadfins. Nearshore Cobia were also being caught on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Same baits and same techniques as offshore. Small Gags (Grouper, Gag), Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Grunts (Grunt, White), Ladyfish and a few Sheepshead were hitting fresh and frozen shrimp. BAIT REPORT – Lots of Pilchards and Threadfins hugging structure and the park boundary markers. Look for pelicans and Terns diving to locate them. Finger Mullet have been schooling along the beaches and shallow areas at the river mouths. Shrimp catches everything!
December 2, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bite is fair into this week for Redfish (Drum, Red). They are scattered through the islands around oyster bars. They are also being caught in the backcountry. The morning, rising tide is your best time to fish. Snook (Snook, Common) have been biting as well. They are mostly up to 28 inches. They are catch and release. You can find them in the backcountry as well. Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) have moved in. Through this month they will be coming in from offshore to the backcountry. The bigger fish will arrive. Fish the grass beds to find them. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
November 23, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The water is chilling a bit and the winter fish are moving in. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and Sheepshead are migrating in from offshore into the deeper holes. You can also fish them in front of the shoreline. Snapper (Snapper, Gray) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) can be found too. Snook (Snook, Common) and Redfish (Drum, Red) will move into the back. The most recent cold front has made fishing tough when the temperature fluctuates and the fish don’t want to eat. Most fish are taking artificials as there is so much live bait they might not give baits a second look. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Grouper (Grouper, Gag) has been tough. Anglers are heading out about 15 miles fishing in about 25-40 ft of water. Search structure for them. There are some nice slot sizes but you have to put the whole day in to find them. Squid, Octopus, live Pilchards and Pinfish are working. BAIT REPORT – There are plenty of Pilchards and Threadfin this week.
November 18, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not a lot has changed into this week. Snook (Snook, Common) and Drum (Drum, Red) continue to bite. Shrimp is working well to hook them. We expect that the Snook will be moving offshore soon and the Reds will make their way to the backcountry. Shrimp is working well for the Tarpon bite as well. Tripletail are still on the buoys. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – We continue to see Grouper (Grouper, Gag) around 10-30 miles as well as around the islands. Typically they love Squid on the bottom. Once this weather lies down we expect the bite to improve. BAIT REPORT – If you put some time in you’ll find Mullet on the outside.
November 10, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bite is fair on Snook (Snook, Common) and Redfish (Drum, Red). We are starting to see some nice fish in the backcountry as well. Anglers will be switching to Shrimp for them soon instead of live bait such as Threadfins. Fish down the shoreline and cover some territory to find them. The Snook may be moving offshore soon as the temperature cools. Tarpon have been caught into this week. Tripletail are swimming the buoys and Crab Pots. Toss stripped bait or Shrimp on a hook to catch them. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – There is a bit of a Grouper (Grouper, Gag) bite around the islands. Fish the rocky bottom from 10-30 miles to find them. BAIT REPORT – Bait is beginning to become scarce but there are still some Mullet on the outside.
November 3, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red) have been hitting small live baits and cut bait along the outside points anywhere South of Pavillion Key to Lostman’s River. Cut Pinfish has been exceptional. Snook (Snook, Common) were hitting live baits in the same areas. Plenty of Sharks hitting live and cut baits. Inside oyster bars are heating up with Snook and Reds. Lots of large Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Ladyfish have been caught. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – It’s still too windy to get offshore this week. BAIT REPORT – With the wind blowing 20 to 30 the last two weeks the only reason we would venture a little offshore is to find bait. Pilchards and Threadfin Herring were holding on nearshore structures and the park boundary markers.
October 27, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The last few weeks I have spent most of my time fishing Everglades National Park out of Flamingo and Chokoloskee, but have also squeezed in a few night trips chasing Snook (Snook, Common) and Tarpon in Miami. So far, the New Year has brought us some mild weather in South Florida, which most of the time means a lot of action from our targeted species. Although we are still a couple of cold fronts away from having a good strong Shrimp run in Miami, there has been some Shrimp flowing through Biscayne Bay out to the cuts. The last few weeks I have fished the bridges in Miami with clients that wanted to target tarpon with a fly rod. The tarpon will stack up underneath the bridges waiting for the tide to bring them their next meal. This style of fishing is one of the most exciting ways to fish for tarpon because of the vicious bites and epic battles you can with the lights of downtown Miami in the background. You get to sight fish these tarpon and they will devour anything that looks like a shrimp to them. I like throwing a Schminnow style fly on a 1/0 or 2/10 hook. What a lot of people don’t realize in South Florida is how good the fishing can be in Everglades National Park, which we are lucky enough to have in our own backyard. Flamingo lies about an hour and a half drive from Miami and on certain occasions can be some of the best sight fishing in the world. The northerly wind that we typically have with passing fronts this time of year makes it an ideal situation for sight fishing with a fly rod. After the fronts pass through South Florida, the water in the glades can turn crystal clear, and that makes it easier to hunt fish in very shallow water. This situation has played itself out the last few trips with lots of Redfish and Snook being released. The addicting part of fly fishing Everglades National Park is the plethora of species you can catch on fly in one day. On any given day, you can have shots on Tarpon, Redfish (Drum, Red), snook, Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Tripletail, Black Drum (Drum, Black), and the list goes on. Truly a special place to spend a day! PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
October 20, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Snook (Snook, Common) are biting into this week. These fish are typical of the season. Shrimp on a jig head or something with a rubber tail on a popping float rig will work well. The banging and clanking of the float about 30 inches up the line will be killer. MirrOlures and Long A Bombers will hook them as well. They can be found on the outside of the islands. The back country is turning on as well. We are seeing Redfish in the channels. Most anglers are staying inshore this week. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
October 13, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nearshore Snook (Snook, Common) continue to hold on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Pinfish, Pilchards and Threadfins are working well along with a variety of mirror lures and rattletraps. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) eating everything that’s brought up so crank as fast as you can! It’s rough but worth the effort. Inshore Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting small Pilchards and cut bait on the outgoing tide along the outside islands anywhere south of Pavilion Key to Lostmans river. Fish the deeper edges of the points. Snook were hitting live baits in the same areas. Plenty of Sharks hitting live and cut baits. Sharks averaging four feet. A few Tripletail hitting live Shrimp around the inshore markers. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! BAIT REPORT – Catch your live bait by chumming and sabiki rigs over known structures. Pilchards , pinfish and threadfins were far and few between this week. Shrimp catches everything! Good Luck and Avoid the Stink
October 6, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – We haven’t had anyone out fishing today and the store is closed in preparation for the storm coming in. We hope everyone stays safe and we’ll see you when the weather passes. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
September 29, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is biting however it is sporadic. Snook (Snook, Common), Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are all swimming but you’ll have to put some time in to find them. The Bull Reds have finally moved in and plenty of over slots are being caught. They are moving constantly. They have been anywhere from Marco to Flamingo around the outer islands. Oversized and slot Snook have been caught as well. Everything is outside this week. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks!
September 22, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing has been decent overall. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are both biting well. Fish the outside on the rising tide and the backcountry on the falling tide. Popping cork with Shrimp or Greenies (Pilchards) will work to hook them. Small Snook (Snook, Common) are beginning to bite. Everyone seems to be catching fish. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – There has been some Grouper (Grouper, Gag & Grouper, Goliath) caught in 30 ft. The Goliaths are HUGE and the numbers are great. Sometimes they will eat your catch before you can bring it in. Normally we would see plenty of Permit but we haven’t had any reports just yet. They would normally be found on the wrecks and piles. Despite that there’s been some decent fishing. BAIT REPORT – Greenies (Pilchards) are around and not too hard to see and toss a net on.
September 16, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore there are lots of Redfish (Drum, Red) on the outside points. Catch them on a variety of live baits, artificial and cut baits. Snook (Snook, Common) still going strong on the outside points and oyster bars. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on the grass flats along with plenty of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Ladyfish. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Nearshore the Snook (Snook, Common) and Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) hitting live Pilchards and Threadfins on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) eating anything you drop down to them. BAIT REPORT – Plenty of Threadfins (Herring) and Pilchards outside the park boundary markers. Small Pilchards and Finger Mullet on the beaches and outside points
September 9, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore has been great for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) under a popping cork with Shrimp. Redfish (Drum, Red) are doing well especially to the South with some Trout. Fish the island on the incoming tide for a good bite as well. There are tons of small Snook to 22 inches that are taking live Pilchards and Threadfins. Mangrove Snapper (Snapper, Gray) are great and the sizes are better. Everything will hit Shrimp right now. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Grouper (Grouper, Gag) are on fire about 15-20 miles out on rock bottom. They are taking frozen Sardines and live Pinfish. Big Snook (Snook, Common) are on the wrecks. There are anglers targeting Permit in the same areas. They are using Crab. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins can be found in the usual inshore areas.
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Inshore has been great for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) under a popping cork with Shrimp. Redfish (Drum, Red) are doing well especially to the South with some Trout. Fish the island on the incoming tide for a good bite as well. There are tons of small Snook to 22 inches that are taking live Pilchards and Threadfins. Mangrove Snapper (Snapper, Gray) are great and the sizes are better. Everything will hit Shrimp right now. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish below for additional tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Grouper (Grouper, Gag) are on fire about 15-20 miles out on rock bottom. They are taking frozen Sardines and live Pinfish. Big Snook (Snook, Common) are on the wrecks. There are anglers targeting Permit in the same areas. They are using Crab. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins can be found in the usual inshore areas.
September 1, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Snook (Snook, Common) continue to hold on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Pinfish, Pilchards and Threadfins are working well along with a variety of mirror lures and rattletraps. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) slowed way down this week on the nearshore structures. Still lots of Sharks and Goliaths (Grouper, Goliath) around these structures. For something different, try fishing at night after the afternoon storms for snook and Goliath Groupers smashing live baits on the surface. Large Snook were hitting large Pilchards on the outgoing tide along the outside islands anywhere south of Pavilion Key to Lostmans river. Fish the deeper edges of the points. Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting smaller live baits in the same areas. Slot size to smaller Snook were biting well on the inside oyster bars as the sun was going down. Catch them with small live baits. Plenty of Sharks here too! OFFSHORE – Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) to 12lbs were hitting live Pinfish and Pilchards along the hard bottom in 75 to 90ft of water. Snapper bite was slow but the few we caught were nice size. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Gag) are still anchored up on every wreck or structure we have been fishing and are aggressively eating any live bait lowered to them. Schools of Bonita (Bonito, Little Tunny) are common offshore and can be caught with artificial or live baits. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – With this system pushing through most of Florida, we expect a lot of wind and tough conditions. Most of the fishing from last week should fire back up once the storm passes. Expect to see the rainfall cool off inshore waters. This will help some of the fish that prefer cooler conditions. Stay informed on all the coming weather systems using your Pro Angler App! BAIT REPORT – Catch your live bait by chumming and sabiki rigs over known structures. Pilchards, Pinfish and Threadfins were getting easier to locate this week. Large schools of Threadfins outside of the park boundary markers. Shrimp catches everything!
August 26, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The bigger Snook (Snook, Common) are on the outside islands as part of the spawn. They are out towards the edge of the gulf. Some are in the deeper holes and some are shallower. The best sizes are out farther. Anglers are also starting to fish the backcountry. There are some keeper Snook back there as well. There are some Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) outside in the grass beds in roughly 5 ft of water. This is about a half mile offshore. They are taking small jigheads with small, rubber tails across the bottom. Tarpon are swimming both inshore and on the outside. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – There are some good Permit to 30 lbs offshore. They are swimming the wrecks and taking small, dollar Crabs. There are some Gags (Grouper, Gag) as well.
August 19, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are still some nice Snook (Snook, Common) biting early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the heat. Trout are swimming the nearshore to 10 miles out. Redfish (Drum, Red) are out there too. They are a bit scattered though. Tripletail are South of the key. They are taking Shrimp but will take Pilchards too. They are keeper sized and smaller. A few Tarpon have been caught and Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) are everywhere you go. Sharks (Shark, Bull) are all over the place as well. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
August 11, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Lots of Snook (Snook, Common) and Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also holding on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) seem to be everywhere and can be caught on most live baits used for Snook and Reds (Drum, Red). Snook and Reds hitting live baits on the outside points, inside oyster bars and shorelines. Lots of Blacktip and Bull Sharks (Shark, Blacktip & Shark, Bull) mixed in. Best time to fish has been early in the morning or when the afternoon thunderstorms blow by. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – A few Cobia and Permit biting around the towers west of Pavilion Key this week. Catching the Permit with live crabs and the Cobia with live Pilchards. Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) were hitting live Pinfish and Pilchards along the hard bottom in 40ft of water. Most were undersized this week. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) are making wreck fishing very difficult. Goliaths are eating anything you hook. They are easy to hook if you want an all out battle. BAIT REPORT – Catch your live bait by chumming and sabiki rigs over known structures. Pilchards, Pinfish and Threadfins have been hard to come by. Shrimp catches everything!
August 4, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Lots of large Snook (Snook, Common) and Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also holding on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) seem to be everywhere along with a few Permit and plenty of Sharks (Shark, Blacktip & Shark, Bull). Snook have been hitting pilchards and Threadfins on the outside points, inside oyster bars and shorelines. Redfish (Drum, Red) have also been hitting live baits along the outside edges south of Seminole Point. Best time to fish has been early in the morning or when the afternoon thunderstorms calm down. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – We had a good Cobia and Permit bite fishing the towers west of Turtle Key this week. Catching the Permit with live Crabs and the Cobia with live Pilchards. Chum for a variety of Snappers (Snapper, Gray) but most were on the small size. Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) were hitting live Pinfish and Pilchards along hard bottom anywhere from 35 to 60 ft. of water. Still an abundance of Goliath Grouper (Grouper, Goliath) on the wrecks. Goliaths hitting on just about anything you send down to them. BAIT REPORT – Catch your live bait by chumming and sabiki rigs over known structures. Pilchards, Pinfish and Threadfins have been hard to come by. It’s been hard to get a net on them but Sabiki rigs have been the trick. Shrimp catches everything!
July 28, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are catching some nice Redfish (Drum, Red) this week. Most of them are just under slot and there’s decent amount of slot sized fish. The fishing has been great and they are all over the oyster bars. Shrimp on a jighead with a popping cork will work well. Gulp and gold spoons are great alternatives. Cut bait from time to time is productive. We have Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) that are biting very well. Fish in about 5 ft off the edge of the islands for the best bite. They’ll go offshore when the tide falls so they might be up to a mile offshore. When the tide rises they’ll come in to the outer islands. They are mostly on the outside this week. We have great Snook (Snook, Common) fishing this week as well. They are hitting lures 6-8 inches long. They aren’t on the bottom, they are in shallow around 4 ft. Finger Mullet are a great bait to use as well. Look for Snook and bait the backcountry creeks, rivers and outside islands. The Tarpon run has been great. Most of the bigger fish are migrating. The smaller fish are sticking around in the rivers year round. Usually this time of year they are on the outside. There are great numbers of Tripletail recently. It may be one of the best years in a long time. They are on shorelines near trees and under anything floating such as debris and buoys. They are around 18 inches. There aren’t too many huge fish just yet. A lot of Mangrove Snapper (Snapper, Gray) and Pompano (Pompano, Florida) are always biting. They are native to the area. Permit are everywhere on the wrecks Southwest of Chokoloskee. They are up to 40 lbs. The Everglades Rock Barge and Barge 2 are hot areas. Sharks (Shark, Bull) and Goliath (Grouper, Goliath) are sometimes biting them off. There hasn’t been much on Cobia this year. A rising tide in the morning on the outside is best and the falling tide in the afternoon throughout the backcountry is best. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks! BAIT REPORT – Threadfin Herring are popular this week. You can cast net for them. Menhaden are turning up as well. A lot of Mullet are swimming and can be caught in a cast net as well.
July 22, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are coming to the end of our Tarpon season in most areas of South Florida and the Keys, with the exception of the Everglades. Another reason why I love fishing the Glades. We are in full swing of our late season Tarpon fishing. A lot of resident fish are around and getting out on the water early is key to having success with these fish. The best part about our late season is you usually have the place to yourself. These fish are less pressured and when you find them they usually jump all over your offerings, whether it be fly or plugs. The Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook (Snook, Common) fishing on Gulf coast has also been pretty good for this time of year. Still a lot of fish around and we are having a lot of luck sight fishing for them in shallow water in the backcountry. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
July 15, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite has been good as of late. The weather has been rainy as of late. The best tides are in the morning. It has been improving since last week however. The tide has shifted to an incoming, high tide so the Trout are a bit better. There are some occasional Snook (Snook, Common) if you are lucky. PRO ANGLER APP USERS – Tap a fish listed below the report for more angling tips and tricks! OFFSHORE – Permit, Cobia and big Snook (Snook, Common) are being caught offshore. Start in about 30 ft roughly 10-15 miles out to find them.
July 7, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The nearshore wrecks and rubble piles are still holding small Cobia and Permit. Hooking them is the easy part but getting them through the Goliaths (Grouper, Goliath) and Bulls (Shark, Bull) can make for a depressing day. Lots of large Snook (Snook, Common) and Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also holding on the nearshore structures. Snook have been hitting pilchards and Threadfins on the outside points, inside oyster bars and shorelines. Redfish (Drum, Red) have also been hitting live baits along the outside edges south of Pavillion Key. Beware of sharks when releasing your fish. OFFSHORE – A few Cobia and lots of Permit were being caught near the offshore springs and wrecks. Catching the Permit with live crabs and the Cobia with live Pilchards. Lots of Ajs (Jack, Amberjack Greater) to 30lbs and a variety of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish, and Blue Runners. Chum for a variety of Snappers, but it has been tough to get them through the Goliath Groupers (Grouper, Goliath). Lots of big sharks around also. An African Pompano (Pompano, African) was caught on a live pilchard this week on a wreck 70 miles out of Chokoloskee pass
June 29, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fish are biting off the point in the early morning. We are seeing Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), Reds (Drum, Red) and Snook (Snook, Common). The sizes are varied so far. We hope to see this bite continue into the long weekend. OFFSHORE – Anglers are finding Permit and a few Cobia offshore this week. They are out on the barges.
June 24, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Redfish (Drum, Red) has improved over the last week. Most anglers are using quarter oz jigheads tipped with Mullet strips or live Mud Minnows. Some anglers are using gulp as well. Shrimp has also worked. They are around the oyster bars and up close to the islands. The better bite is on the incoming tide. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have moved out in front of the islands in 6-12 ft of water. Jigheads with a popping cork or worked off the bottom is productive. There are some Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) mixed in as well. As the water temperature increased the fish move deeper. Cobia inshore are moving around this week. There have been a lot of catch and release Snook (Snook, Common) caught on Redfish bait. A few Flounder (Flounder, Southern) have shown up but they have not turned on yet. Cedar Key Marina II is having 25% off outboard motor service. Check out the 4 of July Cookout for some great food and better company! OFFSHORE – The Red Snapper (Snapper, Red) have been hot this week. They are running thick from 48-60 ft and it doesn’t seem to matter what you put on your hook. Anglers are using cut Sardines and Threadfin Herring. They are from 15-19 inches. The numbers are outstanding. The Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) are still scattered and anglers have to put time in to find them. They are swimming about the same depths. They seem to like cut baits better as well. The Gags (Grouper, Gag) are biting well on live bait. Pinfish is working well. There is not as many keepers but there are plenty of good sizes. Kingfish (Mackerel, King) and Bonita (Bonito, Little Tunny) are still around. Bonito can be caught free lined tipped with bait.
June 17, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nearshore wrecks and rubble piles are still producing Spotted Seatrout to 20 inches along with a good number of smaller cobia riding the backs of large Bull Sharks. Get the Cobia to the boat quick or lose them to the sharks. Snook to 24 lbs were also being caught on live bait and crabs. Permit were abundant before the big blow and were being caught using crabs. Large Bull Sharks (Shark, Bull) have been the main problem for not putting fish in the boat. Snook (Snook, Common) have been hitting Pilchards and Threadfins on the outside points, inside oyster bars and shorelines. Live Shrimp was being used to catch Black Drum (Drum, Black) to 19 inches and Redfish (Drum, Red) to 25 inches. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) were also hitting Shrimp under a popping cork on the grass flats south of Pavilion Key. Lots of Sharks cruising the outside points. OFFSHORE – A few Cobia and Permit were being caught near the offshore wrecks with live crabs. Grouper (Grouper, Red) have been running small and Mangrove Snapper (Snapper, Gray) were hard to come by. Keep in mind that the offshore grounds were pretty much un-reachable due to the heavy wind at the beginning of this report. Muddy water made bait hard to locate. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins were very hard to find although some large schools of Herrings were located 10 miles offshore. Cut Ladyfish or Mullet working good under the bushes. Try for Chubs , Tiger Minnows or finger Mullet along the beaches. Shrimp catches everything!
June 9, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has kept us from getting out the last few days. Looks like the forecast is changing and we should have some stable conditions. Fishing should get back to being like your typical June pattern, which means some of the best fishing of the year in the Everglades. Give me a call and lets get out on the water.
June 3, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – This week the fishing has been alright, but not as hot as the offshore. The Snook (Snook, Common) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite has been good. Redfish (Drum, Red) are also being caught but their small numbers are causing anglers to spend a lot time to catch them – if you’re patient enough, they’ll bite. Some baitfish are also in the inshore area. The best time to catch fish inshore is early in the morning or really late in the afternoon when the tide is very low. Anglers have also been successful catching the fish on the incoming tide around 6:00pm. OFFSHORE – Offshore has been excellent this week. Many fish such as Permit and Cobia are being caught. Anglers wanting Permit have had the best results when using crabs for bait. So far there are a lot more Cobia than the Permit right now, but if the Permit are presented with the bait they’ll go for it. Permit can be found about 12 miles offshore and Cobia seem to be concentrating around 6 miles offshore.
May 26, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Monday I had some guests of Frank Haase. We had 3 Captains fishing 6 people and everyone got on Snook (Snook, Common) action today. Capt Ray and Capt Derrick also reported catching good Snook. My guys tore it up with some really nice fish. The big one was a 20 lb. fish that gave a great fight. We also landed a real nice Redfish (Drum, Red) at the end of the day. Winds were light and the fishing was great.
May 20, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nearshore wrecks and rubble piles are producing large numbers of Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 24 inches along with a good number of smaller Cobia. Large schools of Permit are cruising around the wrecks and along the park boundary marker line. Catch them with Crabs and Shrimp. Snook (Snook, Common) and Reds (Drum, Red) have also been caught off the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles on live baits. Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Ladyfish are numerous. Lots of large Bull Sharks (Shark, Bull) have been hanging with the Permit and Cobia so beware of the Man in the Grey suit. Snook have been hitting Pilchards and Threadfins on the outside points, inside oyster bars and shorelines. A few Reds mixed in with the Snook. Spotted Seatrout on the grass flats and outside edges and inside oyster bars. Catch them with live Shrimp or Pilchards and Threadfins under a popping cork. Lots of Sharks and Tarpon were hitting Trout baits on the grass flats south of Pavillion Key. OFFSHORE – A few Cobia were being caught on the deep wrecks.Catch them with live Pilchards and Threadfins. Artificial eels have also been working. Red and Gag Grouper (Grouper, Red & Grouper, Gag), Grey and Mutton Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Mutton) were being caught on wrecks and hard bottom. Keep a crab close for cruising Permit. Lots of Bluerunners, Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Grunts (Grunt, White) to keep everyone busy. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins are still available. Look for diving birds to help you locate them. Finger Mullet along the beaches. Cut Ladyfish or Mullet and Shrimp have also been working well.
May 6, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Spotted Sea Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on the grass flats and outside edges and inside oyster bars. Catching them on live Shrimp or Pilchards or Threadfins under a popping cork. Snook (Snook, Common) were hitting live Pilchards just about anywhere you drop a bait. Lots of Sharks and Tarpon were hitting live baits at the river mouths and in front of the beaches along the coast south of Pavilion Key. Sharks have been stealing Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook and small Groupers around the bushes and river mouths so get your fish to the boat as soon as possible and watch your fingers. OFFSHORE – Kingfish (Mackerel, King), Cobia, and large Jack Crevalle (Jack, Crevalle) were hitting big Threadfins on the offshore springs and wrecks. Look for permit also and use Crabs to catch them. Nearshore wrecks and rubble piles are continuing to hold Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 24 inches along with plenty of Goliath Groupers (Grouper, Goliath), Jack Crevalle and Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray). Big sea Snook (Snook, Common) are also being caught. Catch them with Pilchards, Threadfins, and Shrimp. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins are available just about anywhere you go. Look for diving birds to help you locate them. Catch Finger Mullet along the beaches, cut Mullet or Ladyfish or live Shrimp were also producing well.
April 27, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nearshore wrecks and rubble piles are holding Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 24 inches along with plenty of Goliath Groupers (Grouper, Goliath), Bluefish, Jack Crevalle (Jack, Crevalle) and Grey Snapper (Snapper, Gray). Catch them with Pilchards, Threadfins, and Shrimp. Catch the Goliaths on Whitebaits and Jacks. Spotted Seatrout on the grass flats and outside edges and inside oyster bars. We are catching them on live shrimp or Pilchards or Threadfins under a popping cork. Snook (Snook, Common) to 17lbs were pounding live Pilchards on the outside oyster bars and mangrove edges in the mouths of the rivers. Black Drum (Drum, Black) and a few Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting live Shrimp and Pilchards along the outside snags and oyster bars. Slot size snook and lots of smaller ones were hitting live pilchards in the back country. Catch them free lining or under a popping cork. Try a slip sinker to keep your baits down if the birds are bad. OFFSHORE – Didn’t get offshore this week but the winds are finally starting to calm down. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins are available when you can reach them. Wind has been making conditions difficult just to throw the net.Catch Finger mullet along the beaches , cut mullet or ladyfish or live shrimp were also producing well.
April 22, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – I have had some really good days this week fishing Whitewater Bay and north to Ponce Bay. The reason for fishing Whitewater Bay is because the winds have been very strong at 20 mph or more and I’ve been on a really good patter. I have had my customers throwing Rapala Twitch n Raps and Shadow Raps and eventually using finger mullet and pilchards. This pattern has produced a lot of Snook (Snook, Common), Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), and a few Redfish (Drum, Red) while looking for or fishing for Tarpon.
April 14, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – We were able to get out one-day last week and if you like catching Sharks (Shark, Bull & Shark, Blacktip & Shark, Bonnethead) of all sizes, try the nearshore wrecks. Lots of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish and Ladyfish to keep everyone busy. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) starting to show up also with an occasional Permit. Spotted Sea trout on the grass flats and outside edges and inside oyster bars. Catching them on live Shrimp or Pilchards or Threadfins under a popping cork. Snook were continuing to hit live Pilchards at the inside oyster bars and mangrove edges in the mouths of the rivers. Black Drum (Drum, Black) were hitting live shrimp in the same areas. Lots of small Snook (Snook, Common) along the mangrove banks and oyster bars in the backcountry. Catch them with live white baits or shrimp under a popping cork. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins were a little easier to find this week but the wind continues to howl making conditions difficult to locate or catch. Catch Finger Mullet along the beaches, cut Mullet or Ladyfish or live Shrimp was producing well.
April 7, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Ranging in size from about 5 to 35 pounds, baby Tarpon are sought after for the chance to try a super light tackle or even fly fishing. These types of Tarpon are most abundant in the Fall and are mostly found up the Florida Keys. This means that you will have to make an advanced booking with us so we can make the necessary arrangements to take you to Sugarloaf Key to enjoy fishing for baby Tarpon. Tarpon Fly Fishing Rising Tide Charters can provide you the ultimate fly fishing experience of all time aboard our yellowfin bay boat or our Beaver tail flats fishing skiff. Tarpon fly fishing is best experienced from the 1st of May until the last day of June.
March 30, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the nearshore small Blacktip and Sand Sharks (Shark, Blacktip & Shark, Sandbar) were plentiful on every structure we hit along with a variety of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish and Bluerunners. Catch these with Pilchards and Threadfins or a variety of artificials. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) starting to show up on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles and they were also hitting live Pilchards. Throughout the inshore Spotted Seatrout on the grass flats and outside edges. Catch them on Shrimp with a popping cork, artificial and small white baits. Snook (Snook, Common) and Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting on the outside and inside oyster edges. Plenty of Ladyfish and Jacks also on these bars. Catch them with live white baits or Shrimp under a popping cork OFFSHORE – Lots of Cobia and Kingfish (Mackerel, King) this week on wrecks 45 miles out of Chokoloskee Pass. Cobia were ranging from 45 to 25 lbs with lots of fish coming up from the bottom and circling the boat. Kingfish went as high as 40 lbs. Both were caught on live Pilchards and Threadfins. Snapper (Snapper, Gray) fishing was slower than it had been, but a few were still caught on cut baits and live Pilchards. Chum heavy! BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins on the park boundary markers or look for the birds to show you where to find them a little further offshore. Good luck and Avoid the Stink!
March 24, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the nearshore Sheepshead season is winding down on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. The ones caught were on the small side of the measuring stick. Small Blacktip and Sand Sharks (Shark, Sandbar & Shark, Blacktip) were plentiful on every structure we hit along with a variety of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish and Bluerunners. Lots of fun catching small Sharks on live Pilchards and Threadfins! Permit and Large Bull Sharks (Shark, Bull) starting to show up on the nearshore wrecks. Throughout the inshore Spotted Sea Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on the grass flats and outside edges. Catch them on Shrimp with a popping cork , artificial and small white baits. Snook (Snook, Common) and Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting on the outside snags and oyster edges. Small Cobia were hitting at the river mouths south of Chatham River on an outgoing tide along with lots of Ladyfish, Jacks, and Spanish Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish). Catching them on live Pilchards. OFFSHORE – Offshore Grey and Lane Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Lane) to 5lbs and plenty of throw backs (Bluerunners & Jack, Crevelle & small Bluefish) seem to be the ticket last week offshore. We were only able to get offshore one time but the areas we worked were scarce of Cobia and Kingfish (Mackerel, King). Small Red Grouper (Grouper, Red) with an occasional keeper mixed in were biting well on hard bottom 38 miles out of Rabbit Key Pass. Catch them on live Pilchards and Threadfins. BAIT REPORT – Look for the birds to show you where to find Pilchards and Threadfins (Herring). Bait was scattered and much harder to find this week due to spring break and a lot of boats on the water last week (That’s my theory on it). Shrimp catches everything!
March 17, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are a bit slow due to the weather as of late however anglers are still catching fish. There are some fish around the Shark River area. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook, Common are turning up on plugs. They are the main bite so far this week. There are even a couple big Snapper, Gray in this area as well. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are in the bay as well. There is a bit of freshwater mix though. There are no giant fish this week however there are plenty of them. Anglers are also chumming and finding Tarpon. We have also had a Flounder (Flounder, Southern) which is uncommon in this area turn up.
March 9, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Strong winds this week have limited anglers to inshore. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) to five pounds were hitting live Pilchards and live Shrimp suspended from a popping cork around outside oyster bars and grass flats. We had our best bite on an incoming tide. Snook, Common and Redfish (Drum, Red) were scarce for me this week but the ones we did manage to catch were quality fish. A 32 inch Snook was caught and released in the Harney River area on Saturday. He hit a live Pilchard under a cork on a dead low tide. Sheepshead were still biting well but are starting to get much smaller as the spawn starts to wind down. Catch them using live or frozen Shrimp , or Fiddler crabs if you can find them. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins can be found on the marker line and shrimp catches everything! Good luck and Avoid the Stink!
March 3, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) on the grass flats, Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook, Common on the oyster bars and outside snags. Catch the Trout on live Shrimp under a popping cork and the Reds were hitting shrimp and Snook were hitting pilchards. Sheepshead are still available on most of the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles along with a variety of Grunts, Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), and Ladyfish. Catch them with live or frozen Shrimp. OFFSHORE – Cobia to 54 lbs were hitting on live Pilchards in 70 ft of water along with plenty of Snapper, Gray to 8 lbs, Snapper, Mutton, Snapper, Yellowtail and lots of undersized AJs (Jack, Amberjack Greater). Chumming only brought in large schools of Blue Runners, so most of the Snapper were caught off the bottom (I still would recommend chumming). Snapper were hitting anything from cut bait to live Pilchards and Shrimp. Kingfish (Mackerel, King) and Bonita (Bonit, Little Tunny) cruising the same areas. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and live shrimp seem to be working the best Good luck and Avoid the Stink!
February 24, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Snook (Snook, Common) and Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting Pilchards and Shrimp before the front came through on Wednesday. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) were pounding Shrimp under a cork on most grass flats we were working. Clean water was the key. Look for Sheepshead and Black Drum (Drum, Black) in the rivers along with Spotted Seatrout. BAIT REPORT – Blue Runners can caught on Sabikis over nearshore structure. OFFSHORE – Nearshore – Sheepshead, Snapper (Snapper, Gray), Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Grunts (Grunt, White) and Blue Runners were continuing to be caught as long as the wind gives you a break to get out there. Catch them with Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs (For the Sheepshead). Live Pilchards have been attracting Gag and Red Grouper (Grouper, Gag & Grouper, Red) fishing the same area for Sheepshead. A client from Vermont also landed a 120 lb Tarpon this week fishing for Grouper. Goliaths (Grouper, Goliath) are still working the nearshore wrecks.
February 18, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – It has been a pretty good week of fishing despite some not so ideal weather. This time of year is so unpredictable and the weather changes sometimes hour to hour. The fishing still remains solid in both Miami and the Everglades. The water temps are low and the fish sometimes stack up in certain areas. This cold weather is exactly what we need to push the fish deep into the backcountry. The fishing should only get better with the Everglades early Tarpon season right around the corner. The tarpon fishing in Miami is just getting started with a good amount of fish starting to move in to feed on shrimp. Not only is the fishing great in the Glades, but this time of year the birding is as good as it gets. The amount of wildlife in the Glades right now is incredible. Another reason to spend some time in the Everglades.
February 10, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been slow in this area as of late. Things were great until the last cold front. We are still seeing some Reds (Drum, Red) and the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) were on fire. The backcountry has a lot of freshwater mix so the Snook, Common bite that is normally there will not be until the water clears up. It’s beginning to get saltier in the front however the back is still messy so Reds and Trout are the main target for most anglers at this point.
February 4, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sheepshead fishing has been off the chart at the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Catch them with pieces of Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs. We have been using anywhere from a half ounce to a one ounce lead depending on the current and number 2 to 2/0 hooks.These fish are averaging 5 to 8 lbs with a few larger ones mixed in. Small Permit and Pompano, Florida were also caught using pieces of Shrimp intended for Sheepshead. Spotted Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) continue to dominate the grass flats. Look for the clearest water you can find and catch them with Shrimp on a popping cork. Sheepshead and Black Drum (Drum, Black) and a few Redfish (Drum, Red) and Snook, Common around the oyster bars and mangrove shorelines.
January 28, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – The water has been very muddy due to all the wind we had on Saturday but the Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) were a strong bite on the grass flats south of Pavillion Key. Look for clearer water on the flat and use a shrimp under a popping cork. Sheepshead didn’t seem to mind the dirty water and were hitting shrimp around oyster bars and the deeper holes in the rivers. Good luck and avoid the stink! OFFSHORE – Sheepshead were biting well at most of the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Use shrimp and fiddler crabs to catch these tricky bait stealers. A few Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Bluefish were in the same neighborhood.
January 22, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nice size Sheepshead were biting well on Fiddler Crabs and Shrimp on the nearshore wrecks and rubble piles. Between the rain, wind and wild weather we did manage to get out one time last week. Water temperature has cooled down and clouded up considerably up to 40 miles offshore. Cobia, Grouper, Red and a variety of Snapper (Snapper, Gray) were mostly on the short side of the measuring stick. These fish were hitting Threadfins, Pilchards and Shrimp along with cut bait.
January 15, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Snook, Common and Redfish (Drum, Red) were still going strong before the cold front around oyster bars and shore structure. Sheepshead were hitting Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs in the deeper holes of the rivers. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been the ticket on the grass flats from Pavillion Key to Lostmans River. Catch them with Shrimp or small Whitebaits under a popping cork. Drum, Black have also been plentiful , catch them with Shrimp or Crab pieces. OFFSHORE – Cobia , Grouper, Red , and large Snapper, Lane were biting well before the front on Sunday in 60ft of water. Catch the Cobia with large Threadfins and pilchards, the bigger the better. Grouper and Snapper were hitting cut bait , Pilchards , Pinfish and Shrimp. In the nearshore there are a few Sheepshead and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), but mostly Jacks (Jack, Crevalle)! Grunts and Ladyfish.Catch all these with Shrimp. BAIT REPORT – Threadfins and Pilchards still available on the park boundary markers with a few small schools showing up along the outside shorelines. Mullet of all sizes on the outside points.
January 6, 2016
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Redfish (Drum, Red), Snook (Snook, Common) and Drum (Drum, Black) biting well on the outside snags and oyster bars, along with plenty of Ladyfish, Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and some large Spotted Seatrout. Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) were thick on the grass flats anywhere from Indian Key south to Seminole point. Catch all these species with shrimp on a popping cork or small pilchards. Good Luck and Avoid the Stink OFFSHORE – Cobia to 38lbs fishing a wreck 40 miles out of Chokoloskee Pass. Cobia were biting on large Threadfin, Herrings and, Hogfish. We were using a 5/0 Gamakatsu Octopus Circle 4X hook with 60 and 80 lb leader. Kingfish (Mackerel, King) and Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) were also busting chummers in the same area. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfin Herrings were plentiful before the cold front on Sunday. Shrimp catches everything.
December 29, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are lots of smaller Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) around that you have to pick through to find big ones but the bite is hot. Once the weather cools down the bite and size should pick up. Snook, Common and Reds (Drum, Red) are doing well too, especially on live Shrimp or gulp in New Penny. Shrimp has been the hot bait for Trout as well. There are no signs of Sheepshead yet this week. Lots of new 2016 products have come in to Everglades Bait & Tackle so stop in and check them out!
December 21, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nearshore: Sheepshead were scarce this week around the nearshore wrecks and structure.The ones we did get to bite were hitting Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs. Spanish (Mackerel, Spanish) are everywhere. Catch them on silver spoons or live pilchards with a light wire leader. Lots of bait within ten miles and the mackerel are chasing the bait. Jacks (Jack, Crevalle) and Bluefish are hitting on pilchards and shrimp. Tripletail are still small but plentiful on the crab buoy’s. Catch them with shrimp and small pilchards. Sharks (Shark, Blacktip and Shark, Bull) are available on the wrecks and range from four to nine feet. Plenty of Grouper, Goliath to catch and release on most nearshore structure. Get your fish in fast and use caution when landing. Inshore: Slot sized Snook (Snook, Common) and Reds (Drum, Red) were biting well around the oyster bars and outside snags.Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are also biting well on the grass flats. Schools of large Black Drum (Drum, Black) are showing up south of Pavillion Key. Look for areas of ” Mudding ” and catch them with shrimp , crabs and artificials. Water temp was mid 70’s offshore and up to 83 degrees inshore. This should change with a cold front approaching on Friday. Merry Christmas everybody ! Enjoy the holidays with family and friends. OFFSHORE – Big school of Tarpon roughly 12 miles due west of Pavillion Key. Look for big splashes and free jumpers.They have been hitting large threadfins. These fish are in the 70 to 100lb range. BAIT REPORT – Lots of Pilchards and Threadfins. Plenty of mullet around the beaches and outside points. Shrimp catches everything! Good Luck and “Avoid the Stink!”
December 17, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Sheepshead were starting to show up on the inshore structure. Use shrimp and fiddler crabs on a knocker rig. Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) were everywhere. Catch the Mackerel on silver spoons or live pilchards with a light wire leader. Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish, and Grunts are hitting on pilchards and shrimp. Tripletail are still plentiful on the crab buoy’s from Indian Key Pass to Lostmans River. Lots of undersize fish with a few keepers mixed in. Catch them with shrimp and small pilchards. Small Snook (Snook, Common), slot size Reds (Drum, Red), and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) to 20 inches along with some huge Jack crevalle busting live pilchards around the inside oyster bars and outside snags. Drum (Drum, Black) and Sheephead are biting well in the same areas. OFFSHORE – Cobia and Snapper (Snapper, Gray) are abundant on the deep wrecks. Chum heavy for the snapper. Live bait (Pinfish, Pilchards, Threadfins) is working well for the Cobia along with artificial Eels. BAIT REPORT – Lots of Pilchards and Threadfins available still with the water temp in the mid 70’s. Shrimp catches everything! Good Luck and “Avoid the Stink!”
December 3, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Grouper, Gag were hitting large Pinfish on nearshore structure. Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish, Grunts, and Snapper, Gray are also plentiful. Cobia are also around but were scarce this week. Tripletail are still thick on the Crab buoys from Pavilion Key south to Lostman’s River. Shrimp and small Pilchards seem to work best. Most of these fish are undersized. Reminder that Gag season closed 12-4. Small Snook, Common and Redfish (Drum, Red) were hitting Pilchards around the inshore oyster bars with a few Seatrout, Spotted mixed in. Sheepshead are being caught on shrimp and Fiddler Crabs in the deeper holes in the rivers. OFFSHORE – Strong winds thru Weds made conditions to rough to safely fish offshore. BAIT REPORT – Both Pilchard and Finger Mullet are running this week working well for offshore and inshore bait.
November 26, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Nice Cobia bite before the cold front on the near shore wrecks , with some real bruisers mixed in with plenty of legal size fish. Most structure has plenty of Jacks (Jack, Crevalle), Bluefish , Grunts (Grunt, White) and Mackerel (Mackerel, Spanish) to keep everyone busy. Tripletail are everywhere you look , from outside of Chokoloskee Pass south to Lostmans River on the crab trap markers. Most of these fish are undersize but a few keepers mixed in. Catch them with shrimp and small Pilchards. Lots of fun to catch and it can only improve your casting skills. Lots of small Snook (Snook, Common), Reds (Drum, Red), and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) around the oyster bars. Tarpon are still chasing Mullet on the outgoing tide in the passes. Jacks and Ladyfish have also been biting well. OFFSHORE – Amberjacks (Jack, Amberjack Greater) are plentiful on the offshore wrecks along with plenty of Snapper (Snapper, Gray & Snapper, Yellowtail) if you can get them thru the Goliath Groupers. Have plenty of live bait for the Ajs , big Pinfish , Pilchards or Threadfins work best. Chum heavy for the snapper and have plenty of cut bait ready. Looks like a windy week after the cold front came thru on Sunday so will be looking forward to when the winds calm down. BAIT REPORT – Pilchards and Threadfins are still plentiful along with Mullet and Ladyfish. Shrimp catches everything!
November 20, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – Most people have been sticking to the back country as the wind has deterred a lot of anglers from the open water. There are plenty of Snook, Common biting and about 10 % are keeper sized. The numbers vary per day but most people are catching at least 10. Big Reds (Drum, Red) are also turning up close to 40 inches. The outside island is slow due to the wind conditions as well. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are starting to show up and anglers are finally excited. Surprisingly, Tarpon continue to swim as the weather is still warm. Captain. Mike Merritt reminds anglers to fish the full moon and new moon for best results. OFFSHORE – There have been no reports of offshore fishing lately. Fishermen who decide to head out in the next few days you can always consult our Tips feature that provides more information and suggestions to improve the catch. BAIT REPORT – This has been the best year for Finger Mullet in both quantity and quality. There is no shortage of bait in this area.
November 13, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City
INSHORE – The bite inshore has been slow. There have been few reports from this area in the past few days. The Tripletail bite has been good as well as some Flounder, Southern that were caught in the same spots. Both were caught using live Shrimp. There were some Tarpon, Reds (Drum, Red) and Snook, Common in this area that were all pretty active however there are no reports of them this week. OFFSHORE – There have been no reports of offshore fishing lately. Fishermen who decide to head out in the next few days you can always consult our Tips feature that provides more information and suggestions or give Everglades Bait and Tackle a call for an up to the minute report and to book a trip. BAIT REPORT – There is no shortage of bait here. Schools of Mullet, Whitebait, Pilchards, Herring and Pinfish are everywhere and anglers should have no trouble netting any of these.
November 6, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglades City Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is usually more cold weather at this time of year however it has not shown up yet so fishing is still very good. Tarpon, Reds (Drum, Red) and Snook, Common are all biting right now, and they are the big three. Tarpon are anywhere from 5-100lbs following schools of bait through the everglades. Look for the birds and the fish will be under them. Anglers are using lures and baits to match what is running such as small flies in baitfish patterns. These species are quite picky and won’t bite something that seems out of place. OFFSHORE – There have been no reports of offshore fishing lately. If you do decide to head out in the next few days you can always consult our Tips feature that provides more information and suggestions or give Capt. Jason Sullivan a call for an up to the minute report and to book a trip. BAIT REPORT – There is no shortage of bait here. Schools of Mullet, Whitebait, Pilchards, Herring and Pinfish are everywhere and anglers should have no trouble netting any of these.
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Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Fishing has been spotty offshore. Anglers are making their way out but have had no reports of what, if anything, was caught. If you are planning to make your way out this weekend and take advantage of the nicer weather keep in mind you can always rely on our Tips section of the app where by selecting the fish of your choice you can find suggestions, baits and ‘how to’s.
INSHORE – If you’re in the rivers there are plenty of Trout so you’ll likely hook up if you’re using Live Shrimp. This bait has also been number one for Snook although reports are telling us they are either undersized or oversized. The big guys are really filling up on the different baits that are moving through. If you can catch a keeper you’ve hit the fishing jackpot. Big Redfish are out there as well so if you have any Crabs on hand this is the perfect bait. Tarpon are also biting on Crab in the past few weeks so don’t be surprised if you hook one of these guys. Pinfish are also a great live bait to consider and if you are leaning towards artificial, soft plastics have also been getting munched by Reds and Tarpon. The Fly anglers have been hitting lots of Tarpon on a variety of baitfish imitation flies.
BAIT REPORT – There is a ton of bait running right now so you will have no trouble stocking up. Pilchards, Pinfish and Mullet are all active and easy enough to catch with a net or Sabiki rig.
Everglades Bait and Tackle
101 Buckner Ave
Everglades City, FL
August 28, 2015
Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
The Redfish bite has really picked up in the 10,000 Islands.This week should be good tides if the weather holds. I am watching it closely to decide if I have to cancel my charters. I suggest you do the same. The incoming tide is still the way to go. The low part of the incoming you want to fish the edges of the bars as the tide starts to cover them. You will see fish moving in the shallow waters. After the tide covers the bars, fish closer in as water depth allows. Just follow the fish as they follow the tide. A 1/4oz. jig tipped with Shrimp or with a scented tail is hard to beat. There are still some Tarpon around and you just may hook up in the shallow water while looking for Redfish and Snook. Once that tide floods into the mangroves the action will slow down. This is because the fish have moved into the mangroves to feed and you can’t get to them. When that tide starts to drop you will catch fish again in those same areas. Fishing the artificial lures helps you cover more area and locate the fish. And the jigs will catch them all.Good luck fishing this week!
Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
August 21, 2015
Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
This week in the Ten Thousand Islands you can expect the tides to get weaker as the week progresses. But , the fishing has remained strong! Snook continue to bite and the best place to find them are close to the river mouths. There are a lot of Snook biting that are undersize fish right now but it makes for a great day of action. I had clients catch 30 Snook yesterday. The Redfish bite is getting better as the month progresses also. This is the time of year when you can come across a school of 26-27″ Reds anytime. Typically we are catching a few here and there but the schools are on their way! Offshore wrecks are producing some big Snook and there are still Tarpon around. In all it is a great time to get out. Good Luck Fishing!Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
August 14, 2015
Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing in the Ten Thousand Islands this week will produce some nice Redfish.The new moon is this week and it will bring some strong tides that the Reds love to feed on. Fishing the island shorelines that are lined with oysters on the falling or rising tide will produce. Use a 1/4oz jig tipped with a small piece of shrimp and fish it along the bottom. This same technique will also land you some nice snook. Fish the rivers and river mouths for more snook action. I have been catching the snook on a DOA Baitbuster mullet. There have also been some smaller Tarpon around and they were hitting the same lure as the snook. Keep your eyes open looking for Tripletail while you run. They will take a jig too. Good Luck Fishing.Captain Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
July 31, 2015
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing The Ten Thousands Islands. This week the tides are favorable for catching Snook and Reds. The strong incoming tides will bring the mullet in and the fish will be feeding best on this tide thru the islands. In the rivers you might want to fish the outgoing tide. Trout on the grass flats can be caught on both incoming and outgoing. Look for lots of action once the water starts to flow. Casting a 1/4oz jig will produce all 3 species. Or a white bucktail jig. Tip with shrimp to increase your strikes. Especially for the Redfish. Watch for big Snook laying out off the mangroves in shallow water as far as 100ft. These fish will get active once that water starts to move real good. Tarpon can still be caught along the coast in about 8-10ft of water. Good luck fishing!Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
July 23rd, 2015
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing in the Ten Thousand Islands this week has seen larger Redfish being caught. Fish the outside Islands and oyster bars for best results. Snook fishing is still good around the river mouths.There are plenty of Snook scattered in the islands and on the points too. Trout are still being caught on the grass flats. If I had to choose 1 lure this month it would be a 1/4oz. jig. Color will vary depending on water color. Rootbeer, chartruese,and white covers it all pretty good. If it’s live bait you’re after then finger mullet will work best as they are throughout the islands right now. Good luck fishing!Capt. Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
July 3rd, 2015
Chokoloskee / Everglade City Fishing ReportThe water temperature has been steadily climbing and right now the best bite is late in the evening or early in the morning. Anything in between is slow. Captain Wayne at Fish Hunt Charters has caught some Redfish and Cobia this week – nothing too big but they keep his rod bent.
One of the biggest problems that Captain Wayne has been encountering is the lack of bait. The Finger Mullet are too tiny to cast net without killing right now. All of the guides are losing it right now trying to find some – Wayne hit 5 markers the other day and couldn’t find any. It is possible that there are fish in the water, they just aren’t feeding right now. There could be an algae bloom that is under way right now that is causing this odd behavior but we time will tell.
Captain Wayne has been catching some Ladyfish and then chunking them up and dropping them down at the mouths of the creeks. That has caught him a few Redfish. There are also Cobia biting down on brown bucktail jigs. The Speckled Sea trout are small right now but you can find some decent sized ones if you fish off the deeper sides of the grass flats. Snook are also plentiful right now and like the small bucktail jigs and spoons. Captain Wayne likes to use a Gold Johnson Spoon or #3 Reflecto spoon. The reason why is that you are looking for a reaction strike out of the fish.
239 657 2445
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
This past week the snook fishing remained strong. I had 2 days where my clients caught over 30 snook.There are still a lot of big fish to be caught on the outside islands. Fish the incoming tide with live or cut bait. If you are lure fishing try the DOA Baitbuster. This lure is working good right now because the finger mullet have shown up and the snook are feeding on them. Work this lure very slow and try to work it with the tide not against the tide. Redfish are still being caught so cast a 1/4oz. jig tipped with shrimp. Fish this as slow as you can also as redfish prefer to feed on the bottom. Small trout have filled the grass flats but the larger trout can be caught out on the wrecks in deeper water. Fish early or fish late but try to fish the incoming tide! Good luck fishing.Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
June 26th, 2015
Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing in the Ten Thousand Islands is great in the summer! This week was a great week for snook inshore and redfish were biting too. The best bite has continued to be on the incoming tide. The water temps have been in the high 80’s so it is important to have good water flow. Fishing the outside points and bars will produce both fish. The offshore fishing has also been good with the wrecks holding a lot of Mangrove Snapper. Live shrimp will do the trick for these. Permit can be caught right now you just have to keep your eye out for the schools up on top. If you want to have a real battle then drop a large bait down on the wrecks with heavy gear and hang on. Big Goliath Grouper are everywhere and super aggressive. Big Seatrout are also out near the wrecks but the grasses are full of smaller fish right now. This time of year it is best to fish early and come in early due to the heat and afternoon thunderstorms. Don.t take chances in the lightning. Good Luck fishing!Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
June 19, 2015
Everglades City / Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing the Ten Thousand Islands out of Everglades City has remained steady. Snook, Red’s, and Spotted Sea Trout were our targets this last week as winds were steady 15+ mph out of the south. Live bait was hard to find and almost non existent! Every summer when the South Florida Water Management opens the flood gates in Lake Okeechobee and dumps fresh water into the gulf waters via the Caloosahatchee river water quality goes down! The results were apparent this week as large areas with Red and Green algae blooms were encountered.These areas held no fish, so look for clean water before wetting your lines. Dam it! S.F.W.M. what ever happened to the plan of releasing this water into the everglades grass lands so mother nature can filter it before it gets to the gulf? And while I am venting my anger Big Cypress Preserve get it together on your burn program, your choking the life out of the everglades! Fire is life to the Everglades! Anglers unite and complain about this policy, or some day you might not be able to find clean water!
Captain Wayne Krystopa
Fish Hunt Charters
239 657 2445
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
Fishing this week has remained very strong here in the Ten Thousand Islands! The small trout have moved onto the grass flats in large numbers. You can catch 100 a day if that’s what you want to do. There are keepers mixed in but you will catch 15-20 small fish to every keeper right now. Great action for the kids this summer! Snook fishing is still productive and we are catching a couple of oversize snook along with 10-15 others each day. Redfish can be caught best right now on a live shrimp fished on the bottom. You might catch 15-20 Reds right now and only get 1 or 2 keepers. Of course there are exceptions to these scenarios but you will never know till you get out and try. There are some Flounder being caught and always keep you eyes out for Tripletail. Whatever you decide to try the fishing is great! Good Luck.Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
June 11th, 2015
Everglades City Fishing Report
Summer weather patterns have arrived so plan your fishing day’s for early morning starts. Late afternoon thunderstorms are almost guaranteed! Snook can be found around the outside barrier island points and along the beaches. Live bait; Pilchard’s, Threadfin, Shad, and Finger mullet will all work. If you can’t get live bait try D.O.A. bait busters or a # 3 barracuda spoon. Target Red Fish in the bites and outside creek mouths, cut Ladyfish chunks has been working best for the larger fish. Trout are still around in good numbers but most are just shy of the legal size limit of 15 inches. For the larger keeper Trout move to the outside and deeper water of the grass flats as water temp’s continue to rise. Popping corks with a live shrimp suspended 30 to 36 inches below will get you a limit. Offshore reports of good Red Grouper fishing continue but most are coming off the deeper rock bottoms 30 out to 60 foot. Inshore wrecks are holding good numbers of Cobia and Permit, if you can get them to the boat before the Bull Sharks eat them. Small pass or blue crabs will draw strikes from both. Bring your rain gear the ride home could be a wet one!Captain Wayne Krystopa
Fish Hunt Charters
Home: 239-695-2445
Cell: 239-269-3602
Chokoloskee / Everglade City Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are Trout, Redfish, Tarpon, and Snook all inshore. You can’t keep the Snook because they are out of season right now, so make sure you release any that you catch. Glades Haven Marina recommends using Shrimp and Squid. However, they have a lot of frozen bait like Finger Mullet, Shrimp, Threadfin Herring, and Chum for sale in their store. The Tarpon tend to be aggressive in the morning and then taper off as the sun crests over the horizon. When they are most aggressive in the morning you can sometimes get away get away with a popper. Failing that you can try using some big Shrimp or Crab.
BAIT REPORT – There are some Threadfin Herring and Pilchards around if you are looking to catch your own bait.
Glades Haven Marina
239 695, 2628
Chokoloskee Fishing Report
This week in the Ten Thousand Islands we are continuing to focus on the great Snook fishing! We have continued to catch good fish each day. We are catching a good number of fish in the 30-36″ range with a few that are bigger. If it’s a fish dinner you are looking for then the Sea Trout are still biting. We caught some nice Flounder this week also. Redfish are here but there are a lot of small fish this time of year. Permit are offshore and Cobia too. Sharks are everywhere. You may find yourself trying to avoid sharks just to get your other fish to the boat. Fishing the outside islands is still best for Snook and the grass flats for Trout. Finding moving water will increase your chances for all fish. Good Luck!
Captain Mike Merritt
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service
561 252 4324
Since fishing conditions change from minute to minute we try to keep our reports as updated as possible. Unfortunately, Florida is a large state, so we try to keep our Chokoloskee Fishing Report updated once a week. If you would like to contribute to the Chokoloskee Fishing Report, feel free to email your fishing tips to trevor@proangler.us. We rely on even small contributions to inform us that fishing conditions have changed so we can update the Chokoloskee Fishing Report.
The Chokoloskee Fishing Report is brought to you by the ProAngler team and many, many, highly skilled Captains and bait shop owners.

- Lucky Tackle Box
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- The Best Species of Shark to Catch
- How to Catch a Shark: what equipment do you need?
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