Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
April 7, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) numbers are increasing this week. They are taking artificials and live Shrimp. Matrix Shad about 18-24 inches under an Oddball cork fishing over the shallow oyster reefs in 4-5 feet of water will be best. Fish the clean water as we have had a lot of wind. Lately the bite has been early in the morning before the wind picks up. When the wind picks up anglers are turning their attention to the Reds (Drum, Red) which are hot. Gold Spoons or Matrix 12 inches under a rattle cork is doing well around the mouths of ponds, shallow oyster clumps and the cuts or points. Schools of 50-100 fish are swimming and there are plenty in slot size. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are in the deeper water.

Capt. Mark MOJO Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
March 31, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Water temperatures are increasing and the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite went through the roof. Anglers are limiting out within an hour. The sizes are great and the fish are on, the only tough part will be battling the wind. Search the marsh for the best fish using a popping cork with 2 feet of leader and a matrix shad. 3-6 feet of water over oyster reefs using suspending baits will work too. In between the windy days the water is clear enough to sight fish the Reds (Drum, Red) using Berkley Gulp or Spinner baits. We might begin to see Tripletail within the next month if the weather stays consistent.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
March 23, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The day trip to Biloxi Marsh out of Pass Christian has been great. Things are on the verge of kicking off. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been caught on a popping cork in 5-6 feet of water using a Matrix shad. Hook it 18-20 inches under a cork fishing it slow and letting it roll under the tide. Shrimp is a great bait. The morning low tide had created muddy water situation from the West wind. The water has cleaned up since. The Bull Reds (Drum, Red) are on fire taking a popping cork with a Matrix Shad. The numbers are great. We hope to see this continue into the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bait is moving into the outer edges of the marsh but no Shrimp yet.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
March 23, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are leaving the river and heading to the local reefs. They are on fire all the way to Pascagoula. The morning bite has been a bit better due to the tide range however the afternoon action has also been hot. Topwater first thing in the morning and heading to soft plastics after that is your best strategy over structure and oyster reefs. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp is beginning to come in along with some Finger Mullet.

The Tackle Shop
thetackleshop603@gmail.com www.thetackleshop603.com
March 14, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are starting to see some nice Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) turning up. Reds (Drum, Red) are mixed in. Live bait is working best but it has been difficult to find. Fish the sound for the best bite. Most areas inside the Barrier Islands are fishing well. We hope to see this heat up into the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Live bait is scarce but if you have a cast net you may find some bait.

A & A’s Tackle Box
March 7, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The winds have been strong the past few days however prior to this the inshore action was beginning to pick up as Sheepshead moved back in. Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) numbers are also increasing both in the bay and outside. Search the mouth of the bays along with the marsh over oyster reefs. The latter is providing the best bite. They are schooled up and a bit bigger in size. Redfish (Drum, Red) are still dependable and can be caught schooled up in slot sizes. 3 feet of water or less is a key depth. Out of the mouth of the bayous around oyster shells, clam shells and structures will be a good place to find them stacked up during a falling tide. Live or artificial baits such as Shrimp are working, more recently they are preferring artificials. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – There is still Shrimp around in the water.

Capt. Mark MOJO Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
March 1, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) are turning up on oyster reefs in about 6 ft of water. Shrimp under a popping cork is your best bet to hook them. Biloxi Marsh has been fishing pretty well. Bull Reds are turning up from time to time as well. A good artificial has been the new Matrix Holy Joely. This is clear with blue flake and has been the only color the fish seem to be biting on. Sheepshead are still in full swing on the bridges taking live Shrimp. Biloxi Bridge and St. Louis Bridge are productive using a drop shot rig or Carolina rig with a smaller size J-Hook. Keep that line tight! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
February 21, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are looking good as water temperatures are warm for this time of year. It has been good for fishing. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught and they already have eggs. The Spring bite is coming up! Fish are caught over oyster reefs in 5-6 ft of water. Fish them with a jig over the bottom under a popping cork. The water clairty has been pretty decent. Redfish are schooled up in the ponds and marsh. Trout in the area are taking Vudu Shrimp or Matrix Shad while Reds prefer Berkley Gulps, Spoons or Spinner baits. Sheepshead are forming around the bridges taking live Shrimp on the bottom on a Carolina Rig or Split Shot rig. They should improve and turn up over the next month. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
February 14, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are on all of the outside reefs. Specks and Reds (Drum, Red) are being caught in the rivers. The night bite has picked up big time into this week. We are seeing Sheepshead around the train bridge and at the local piers. The bite on them is consistent. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

The Tackle Shop
thetackleshop603@gmail.com www.thetackleshop603.com
February 8, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are getting geared up for the upcoming boat show! The weather is beginning to straighten out and we should see some steady conditions coming in. The big changes in temperature has kept the fish moving. Over the next week things will level out and the water temperatures should increase and hold. The Sheepshead will begin to stack up along the reefs and coast. They are a great bite for kids to fish as they can offer all day action. Fish the creek pylons or rock piles using live Shrimp on the bottom. You will be able to catch them all throughout the day once things level out. In terms of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), stay on the move as they aren’t stacked up yet. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
January 31, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is a lot of low, dirty water this week. There are still a few fish coming from the bay and and the mouths of the rivers. Redfish (Drum, Red) are doing better than the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). Specks are in limbo with the dropping water temperatures. Once the water comes back and we see sustained temperatures anglers can drift the flats with live or artificial baits for Trout. If you can find clean pockets of water you may be able to sight fish for Reds. Generally when things are a bit mixed up a live Shrimp provides an added scent to attract fish and works well to hook them. We hope to see things clean up for the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
January 25, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There hasn’t been a whole lot going on in the pass due to the rain. The rivers and bays are full of freshwater. This has pushed the fish around and scattered them about. Things are beginning to clear up. The bays and the mouths of the intracoastal river should begin to produce fish again. The strong Northwest wind should push everything out. We should have good, clean, salty water back in soon. Normally we would expect to see both Redfish (Drum, Red) and Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) continue once conditions clear up. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
January 18, 2017
Lakeshore/Clermont Habour/Waveland Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fish are a bit scattered this week and a little tough to catch with all the fresh water. Moving, clean water will be the trick to finding them. Live bait will be your best bet to catch if you can get your hands on some. Shrimp and Minnows are key. We hope to see things pick up into the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

The Tackle Shop
thetackleshop603@gmail.com www.thetackleshop603.com
January 11, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Hey anglers! In order to bring you valuable, up to date content such as regulations, GPS Hotspots, and BRAND NEW features the Pro Angler App Pro Reports will be returning the week of January 16, 2017. Please feel free to take a look at last week’s reports for an idea of what’s biting or give your favorite local bait shop a shout! The Pro Angler App looks forward to bringing you lots of exciting changes as we kick off 2017!

Pro Angler Team
January 3, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Prior to all the recent weather there were Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the front and back. They were providing the best bite for anglers. With all of the torrential rain we expect the water is likely quite mixed up. When you are able to get on the water your best bet is to find some clean, moving water. We hope to see things subside very soon. It may take a day or two for conditions to return to normal. Stay safe out there! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
December 19, 2017
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are in the bay when anglers can get on the water. Troll live Bull Minnows and artificials such as DOA Shrimp. The Bayou and the Tchoutacabouffa River are doing well. The reef is holding White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Ground Mullet. The bite should remain the same into the new year. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017! Stop in to Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop for some great Christmas Specials on tons of great products! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – When anglers can get out we will see Wahoo and Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) around the ledge about 65 miles to the South.

The Tackle Shop
December 19, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are in the bay when anglers can get on the water. Troll live Bull Minnows and artificials such as DOA Shrimp. The Bayou and the Tchoutacabouffa River are doing well. The reef is holding White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and Ground Mullet. The bite should remain the same into the new year. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to bringing you more great reports in 2017! Stop in to Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop for some great Christmas Specials on tons of great products! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – When anglers can get out we will see Wahoo and Tuna (Tuna, Blackfin) around the ledge about 65 miles to the South.

The Tackle Shop
December 15, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Anglers are doing well this week and Shrimp is the best bait. The early afternoon around Bay St. Louis, The Pass, the back and the Jordan are all holding great Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) in 3 ft or less. Fish when the tide is in. They are about 2.5 ft down. Shrimp under a popping cork is a must. This is the best time of year to hook them! Redfish (Drum, Red) and Sheepshead are biting as well. Sheepshead are on the bottom as well. Gulfport Tackle Box is open everyday until 5 pm for all your fishing needs! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Gulfport Tackle Box
December 7, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The past week has been a bit hit or miss as the wind and rain has kept a lot of anglers inside. Conditions haven’t been very safe to get out. Some anglers are heading to the bayous and rivers to fish the falling tide for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in sheltered areas. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
December 1, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing the back bays of Gulfport or Bay St. Louis has been outstanding so far. Anglers are heading out at night. The prior lack of rain has pushed a whole lot of salt and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) into the back. They aren’t big but there are good numbers. Live bait is working better than anything. For live bait, Shrimp is going to be your best bet. A Yo-Zuri Minnow with a sinker is a great alternative. The Bay St. Louis Pass is fishing well too. The bite looks good for the weekend. Gulfport Tackle Box has all the live Shrimp you need to take advantage of the great Trout bite! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Gulfport Tackle Box
November 22, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There isn’t a lot happening in the bay this week due to the recent windy weather. The temperature has cooled a bit and with the holiday coming up anglers haven’t been steady on the water. Trout are moving up the river so far and with the fluctuating temperature they are in and out. We haven’t had enough of a cold snap to keep them in. There are some anglers catching limits. White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are small but everywhere! Specks are scattered. Vudu Shrimp under a float is your best bet to hook them. Reds (Drum, Red) and Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are here and there. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
bob@baymarina.com www.baymarina.com
November 18, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fish are being caught along the backside this week as well as the Gulfport Pier. We are seeing mostly Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) so far. Early in the morning and late at night has produced the best bite. Matrix Ultraviolet and Vudu Shrimp are the best artificials to throw. Generally live or frozen Shrimp will be productive as well. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
November 9, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The massive amounts of rain as of late has slowed the fishing. Despite this, White Trout (Seatrout, Sand), Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) have been caught on the inside. Bait is tough to get so artificials such as Vudu Shrimp and Matrix Shads are working well. The water is quite dirty. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bait is difficult to find this week due to the rain.

A & A’s Tackle Box
November 9, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The massive amounts of rain as of late has slowed the fishing. Despite this, White Trout (Seatrout, Sand), Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) have been caught on the inside. Bait is tough to get so artificials such as Vudu Shrimp and Matrix Shads are working well. The water is quite dirty. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bait is difficult to find this week due to the rain.

A & A’s Tackle Box
November 3, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is on fire. Redfish (Drum, Red) and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are making their migration back into the estuaries. The numbers are great using soft plastics under a cork. Search for the birds. Shrimp are at the top and the water is clear. Fish are back in the bay and inside of the marsh. Look for clean water during a moving tide for the best bite. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp are in the estuaries. Pogies (Menhaden) are also swimming. Look for the birds and points to find the bait. We expect to see Mullet running.

Capt. Tony Mallini Gulf Coast Charters
October 26, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There are plenty of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) swimming however it’s taking a bit longer to hit limits. Popping corks over oyster reefs in 5-6 ft of water using a Matrix Shad has been productive. Redfish (Drum, Red) are turning up on the same method. The Trout are up top feeding on white Shrimp. Look for birds or Shrimp popping to find them. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
www.msfisherman.com fishermanguide@cableone.net
October 19, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are hot this week. They are taking artificials in chartreuse color combos. The upcoming cold front should change the bite however the fishing will be good before and after. Search the flats to find the fish. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
October 12, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are the main bite in the area as the fall bite has picked up. Matrix Shad and Vudu’s in just about any color under a popping cork has been great. Matrix Shad on a double rig with a leadhead worked on the bottom is also productive. Trout are focusing on points during falling and rising tides. We are getting up to 100 Trout per day. It has turned on really nicely, even mid day. The bite is tide dictated at this point. Bull Reds (Drum, Red) seem to have spread out. Slot Reds are beginning to stack up and bite regularly. Anglers are beginning to target them more. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Bait is plentiful in the marsh. There is lots of Shrimp.

Capt. Mark MOJO Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
October 5, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing is excellent this week. White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) are coming out and Seatrout (Seatrout, Spotted) are mixed in with them! The White Trout are up to 16 inches! The day bite has been great. They are loving Shrimp this week. You have to keep moving with the fish as they follow the bait. The bite should improve as fall progresses. Redfish (Drum, Red) are beginning to pick up. Tripletail seem to have begun to move East and out towards the islands and out. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
September 28, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Not a lot has changed in the area. Small Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), lots of Redfish (Drum, Red) and a few Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are showing up. Before things heat up we will need lower temperatures. They will then head up the river towards Pass Christian. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp, Pogies (Menhaden) and Minnows are running.

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
September 21, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing is slow in the bay this week. Anglers are working hard for the bite. The wind and weather lately has mixed up the water a bit. It’s a great time to work on getting boats and gear ready for fall. If you fish off the docks you may find the odd White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) however that is pretty much it. They are fairly small still. If you can get out, it’s still better than a day at work! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
September 14, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – We are fishing for Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) that are beginning to pick up. Fish are working their way towards a Fall transitions. A lot of schoolie Trout are turning up with some keepers mixed in. They can be found in 5-6 ft of water on the bottom taking Matrix Shad on a quarter oz jighead or under a popping cork. Fish the oyster reefs to find them. Redfish (Drum, Red) are about the same as they have been. They are scattered about and aren’t too schooled up. There are plenty of Tripletail being caught as well. They don’t change too much throughout the year. Search markers or any inshore debris. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net www.msfisherman.com
September 6, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The weather has been a bit unfavorable in this area as of late. The bay is very dirty along with the rivers. Anglers are heading towards Gulfport to fish the harbor. Cat Island is also productive. We are seeing a nice bag of Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) turn up. We hope to see this bite increase as conditions revert back to normal. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

The Tackle Shop
thetackleshop603@gmail.com www.thetackleshop603.com
August 31, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Flounder (Flounder, Southern) are biting well out front just off the shore. They are mixed in with Trout (Seatrout, Spotted). Mud Minnows work great for the Flounder as well as Gulp on a jighead. If you’re preferring to just hook Trout, run some shrimp under a popping cork. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
August 24, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite is finally beginning to pick up. Artificials such as the Matrix Shad in Lemon Head has been great. Fishing two feet under a rattle cork is probably your best bet. Live Shrimp are working very well to hook them. Big schools of Bull Reds (Drum, Red) have shown up as well. If you can find a school they will eat just about anything you can throw. The sizes are great. Dead Pogies, Cigar Minnows, Live Croaker and Pinfish are great choices. Cobia has been doing well. They are mostly small around the buoys and floating structure. Tripletail are great on live shrimp under a popping cork about 1 ft down. Most of the bite is early in the day however Tripletail are best two hours before or after the moving tide. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
OFFSHORE – Snapper (Snapper, Gray) are doing well but you need to be ready to move on the shallower reefs inside the 9 mile range. A lot of small fish are biting but there are tons of them.
BAIT REPORT – Shrimp have really started to improve in numbers.

Capt. Mark “MOJO” Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
August 17, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Fishing is a bit slow as of late due to the flooding and weather. The water is a bit messy. Anglers are beginning to hit the water again. We expect White Trout (Seatrout, Sand), Redfish (Drum, Red) and Drum (Drum, Black) to turn up around the rigs and inshore once conditions are a bit more favorable. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
August 9, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The storm has kept us off the water a bit this week. A few Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have turned up early in the morning on topwaters. There are a lot of throwback with some good fish mixed in. The Tripletail continue into this week with easy limits. Bull Redfish (Drum, Red) are still schooling in good numbers around the marsh. Check your Pro Angler App Weather feature to keep an eye on the weather! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
August 3, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are still a bit slow this week. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have slowed down. If you are going to target them make sure to search the deeper water including holes and pockets as they like the cooler water. Anglers are hunting for Tripletail however they are becoming more difficult to find. Due to the warm water temperatures the fish are more lethargic. You can always catch something, you’ll just have to work for it. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
July 27, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Around the pass we are finding Bull Reds (Drum, Red) schooling during their breeding season. Big numbers are coming up around 40 inches. Tripletail has still been insane into this week. We are catching double digits per day. The Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) are hit and miss from day to day. Water temperatures are getting pretty warm so you have to head out early in the morning to get them first thing. Drum (Drum, Black) and Bull Reds are also in the bay. The Specks are hit or miss in this area as well. The recent rain has muddied the water up a bit so look for deep holes and clean water to find them. The man-made reefs right outside the bay has been producing for those using live Shrimp. Fisher-Man Guide Service is running a Tripletail Special for the month of August! Save the Fuel Surcharge and get the best rate, book now!! Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
July 20, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has not been a whole lot of action coming out of this area as of late. The weather is hot and the fish are lazy and scattered. Since the live bait has been difficult to find, so are the fish. The Tripletail bite is still present at the buoys along with a slow Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite. You’ll have to head out early in the morning before it gets too hot to find them. Search the deep holes and pockets where the water will be cooler. Generally live Shrimp is a good bet to hook them. Tripletail are preferring Shrimp as well. If you are heading out at night to avoid the temperatures, Flounder (Flounder, Southern) has been productive. You can find a solid catching jigging for them. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!

A & A’s Tackle Box
July 15, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been a bit slow but are starting to pick back up recently. Charters are still finding fish however recreational anglers are having a tough time due to the heat. The live bait has been scarce. Some Tripletail have been caught along with a few Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) however you will have to hunt for them. Tripletail are on the buoys and the crab traps. They are very pressured lately but you can use those old wooden floats with Shrimp to catch. When dealing with spooky fish, it’s best to ease onto them. The Trout fishing was so good for so long, and when it slowed down anglers switched to Tripletail. Anglers are also jigging Flounder (Flounder, Southern) during the night this week. Pro Angler App Users – Tap a fish below the report for more angling tips and tricks!
BAIT REPORT – Live bait is scarce due to the heat.

A & A’s Tackle Box
July 5, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been some extremely windy weather this week however the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Redfish (Drum, Red) are caught at night. They are swimming in the back bays which provides anglers some shelter from the wind. Shrimp has been the best bet to hook them this week. We hope to see conditions lie down for the weekend. Pro Angler App Users – Keep an eye on the wind with your handy Weather features!

A & A’s Tackle Box
June 28, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things are kind of slow right now. Tripletail and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are still being caught but they are very spooky due to the clear water. The sizes are good and the numbers are decent but you will have to work for them. Live Shrimp has been the best bet to hook the Trout. The Tripletail are taking dark colored Treble Hooks. Anything bright will spook them.

A & A’s Tackle Box
June 21, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite is still on fire and anglers are easily catching limits. Matrix Shads about 2 ft under a popping cork have been productive. Tripletail are showing up but it has been tough to get the bite. They are still a little spooky. There are a few schools of Redfish (Drum, Red) have been reported but they aren’t very active at this time of year. The main focus is the Trout bite.
BAIT REPORT – The area is still loaded with Shrimp and Pogies this week. Glass Minnows should move in soon.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
June 14, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – In the summertime, anglers are focusing in the Sound, right outside the bay. The bay will heat back up in the fall. In the sound we are seeing a good number of 16-20 inch Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) with a lot of smaller sizes mixed in recently. The occasional Flounder (Flounder, Southern) has been caught with lots of small Redfish (Drum, Red). Everything is swimming structures. Live Shrimp and plastics have been the best baits. They seem to rotate depending on the day. We hope to see this carry into the weekend.

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
bob@baymarina.com Baymarina.com
June 9, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing has been great this week. Tripletail in record numbers are turning up. Live Shrimp has been the best bet to catch them.Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are hot as well. They are hitting Shrimp under a popping cork over oyster reefs. From 3-8 ft of water is key. Birds are working above the Shrimp. The Trout are swimming right below so look for the oyster reefs in the morning and the birds in the later morning. They are being caught in great numbers and continue to hit consistently. Redfish (Drum, Red) are hit and miss so far. They are out there for anglers targeting them. The night time Flounder (Flounder, Southern) bite has been on fire. Anglers are jigging them in the shallows by the islands to find them. Check out Capt. Ronnie’s night time charters for great catches of Flounder
BAIT REPORT – Birds are working the Shrimp really hard.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
June 1, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian
INSHORE – This week there are a lot of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) being caught near the harbor. On Taylor Reef, there have been many fish biting and anglers are consistently catching limits. Large Reds (Drum, Red) are continuing to be prominent near piers.

A & A’s Tackle Box
May 24, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are everywhere this week. Anglers are catching limits at Taylor Reef and Cat Island. The Rocks in front of the Bayou are hot as well. Large Reds (Drum, Red) are coming off the piers as well. This should continue well into the summer should the weather allow. Typical afternoon storms shouldn’t hurt the fishing.

The Tackle Shop
thetackleshop603@gmail.com http://www.thetackleshop603.com
May 18, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are spawning at this time of year. They are running thick this week and the sizes are great. Please be careful when catching them and keep in mind to release them help with the spawn. The weather has been hit and miss and the tide has been fairly still. We expect the fishing to pick back up once things start moving again. Bay Marina has tons of live bait, stop in and stock up!

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
bob@baymarina.com Baymarina.com
May 12, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Shrimp, Minnows, porgy, and Mullet have made a big showing in the LA Marsh, and the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) have been right under them. After the painfully slow year we all had last year, this has been a very welcome treat. Honestly though, things have not been right weather wise. The winds have still high most days, and the water in the MS Sound is still murky from the flooded rivers. With the way things are looking now, the sky’s the limit as to how good this year’s Trout fishing may be. Capt Matt and I spent 3 days out at the island earlier this week with the LSU boys. Back for their second time, Mr Bo and his band of merry men were in it to win it. The first afternoon and the last morning were where we did the bulk of the damage. We knocked the snot out of the Trout, just chasing diving birds in 3-5 feet of water. The big jumping Shrimp kinda told you where to cast. The middle day, the winds were up, but out guys did not miss a second of fishing. Matt’s crew was drifting grass beds around the island. My guys were hitting every point, drain and current line we could find. Live Shrimp or Cocahoes under the Boat Monkey Popping corks were the most effective. Some were caught on artificial though. We still had good action, and even added Flounder (Flounder, Southern) and Redfish (Drum, Red) to our fish pile. The last morning, we had to stop fishing. We had maxed out our trip limit. Boat Monkey popping corks, 2 foot leaders and Matrix shads did all the damage. As expected, Chef Frank From the West Bank, The Real Deal McNeil brought his A-Game. We were treated to jumbo boiled Shrimp, corn and crab bisque, plenty of fresh fried Trout, chicken and sausage gumbo and all the finger foods you could imagine. Gotta thank my old buddy Dr Trey Sutton. I ran into him the day before we left for the island. He tightened me up with a big ole chunk of fresh Cobia he had caught the day before. Frank breaded that sucker up and it was out of this world. You da man Dr Trey! My mom (Sissie) sent her usual care package of goodies. We had fresh baked cakes, home made buckeyes. spicy crackers, garlic bread, and a few other goodies. Love you Mom! While we were staying fat and happy out at Cat Island, the boys back on the Day trips were slaughtering the fish. Capt Joey put on a clinic with the Kouba boys, they had some stud Trout. True to form, Capt Darren and the World Famous Doll House Family came in with their limit way early. Darren said a few of them had to sit down and take a breather, the fishing was soo fast. There’s no telling how much damage these boys could have done, if we had a decent deal of cards on the weather Monday. With winds in the 20 mph range, the day trips rescheduled for a better forecast. Tuesday, we had the boys out in full force. Me and Matt joined the ruckus via Cat Island. We had 5 of our 6 boats working in the same little area. Using the wind and the trolling motors, the guides were able to stay with in range of the fish, and not scatter the schools. It is a beautiful thing to be a part of when everyone works together and plays nice Today was not as fast and furious, but all the crews returned with a mess of Trout. Capt Darren has been having the hot hand with the Nash boys. They have filled the boat 2 days in a row! Capt Alex got the first triple tail of the year for Shore Thing! We have seen a couple the last few weeks, but they have been skittish to us. I had Nathan and Billy Guice on board today. We got our Trout over birds and oyster beds. No real big fish, but healthy school trout. On the way home, we saw 4 small triple tails! Only got one to take to a bait, and he spit the hook. The Guice boys are ate up with triple tail fishing, and they will make those fish pay dearly for messing up Billys Birthday trip. Happy Birthday Billy Guice!!! Hopefully the good bite will continue, the fishing should only get better. No one owns these fish or any spot out there. We try to be courteous to other anglers, and we hope everyone will do the same. There are plenty of fish out there for all of us. Join us on a trip or get there on your own boat. Either way, please respect everyone, even the knuckleheads. Just enjoy it, have fun and please be safe. Thanks
BAIT REPORT – The Shrimp, Minnows, Porgy, and Mullet have made a big showing in the LA Marsh

Shore Thing Fishing Charters
May 6, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been a lot of freshwater however the Speck (Seatrout, Spotted) bite is on! Live Shrimp has been the best bait to hook them. Artificials such as the Matrix Shad and Vudu Shrimp are the best lures. The sizes are big this week. The Reds (Drum, Red) are starting to be more predictable and therefore easier to target. Most are slot sizes and there are also a lot of Bulls. Most anglers are fishing with rattle corks and leadheads with a Vudu or Matrix Shad and doing well. Anglers just need to avoid the storms.

Capt. Mark “MOJO” Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
April 26, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Charters are loading up with Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) this week. Artificial bait has been catching them. The best places to search is the Sound where there is open water inside the island. The weather has been a bit rough to go too far past this. We hope to see the conditions clear up for the weekend and the Trout bite continue.

A & A’s Tackle Box
April 20, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There hasn’t been a whole lot of fishing in this area due to the wind. We are seeing some Bull Reds (Drum, Red) and Drum (Drum, Black) turning up on Shrimp. This has been around the St. Louis Bridge and the sanctuary. We expect this to continue into the weekend.

Capt. Ronnie Daniels Fisher-Man Guide Service
fishermanguide@cableone.net http://www.msfisherman.com
April 12, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have slowed down a bit due to the horrific weather in the area that is expected to continue into the weekend. Prior to this we were seeing some nice Reds (Drum, Red) and a few big Specks (Seatrout, Spotted). Most anglers were using live bait for the best results. This is what anglers can look for when conditions subside. We hope to see a Spring pattern move into this area soon.

A & A’s Tackle Box
April 5, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Great time today on the boat for sure, but water is still quite dirty and fresh. You have to run east or south of Pass Christian to find cleaner water. Approx 13 miles south or 10 miles east. I fished the outside marsh islands in pockets of clean water and saw a few fish slicks. I was fishing a rattle cork with a 30 inch Fluorocarbon leader tied directly to a natural color Vudu shrimp. I cast to the leading edges of the slicks and caught a few Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) by a pop, pause, retrieve method. A lot of the fish were undersized throwbacks, but did manage half a dozen keepers. Tide was on a slight rise and bait was scarce. Conditions are improving but it will most likely take about another week of little to no rain to get it right where it needs to be! Remember, the key right now is finding clean / clearer water! Respectfully, Capt. Mark L. Wright

Capt. Mark “MOJO” Wright Legends of the Lower Marsh
lowermarshlegends@hughes.net www.legendsofthelowermarsh.com
March 29, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has been a lot of rain the past few days so it has been a difficult go for anglers in this area. Captains are cancelling some charters due to upcoming weather as well. Prior to this setback we were seeing Redfish (Drum, Red) hitting well. We hope to see this continue when conditions clear up.

A & A’s Tackle Box
March 21, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The piers are producing Sheepshead, Drum (Drum, Black) and Redfish (Drum, Red) on cut bait. At Jean Taylor there have been reports of Specks (Seatrout, Spotted) to past Mary Ann. The morning bite with topwater and the afternoon bite by the bridge on topwater has been the most productive.

The Tackle Shop
March 16, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Speck (Seatrout, Spotted) tournament has harvested some great Trout this week weighing in around 8 lbs! The bite is great and anglers were having no trouble catching them so far. This tournament has been a lot more productive than last year. There has been a wide variety of useful bait and lures this week. Live, soft plastics and mirrolures are all working well as long as you have confidence in what you are throwing. Vudu by Egret and Matrix Shads are very popular. Live Shrimp and Cocahoe minnows are doing well for live bait.

A & A’s Tackle Box
March 8, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been slow in this area as of late. We are seeing some Sheepshead and Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) in the bay. There are a few reports of Redfish (Drum, Red) in the marsh as well.

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
March 2, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fishing has been very slow in this area as of late. The fish are being caught at FreeMasons and the islands. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) are the most prominent bite. There are some Sheepshead around the bridges as well and they are hitting cut Mullet and Shrimp. There are tons of NEW gear at The Tackle Shop, stop in and check it out!

The Tackle Shop
February 24, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There’s a big storm rolling in early this week so things have been pretty slow. There was a bite of Seatrout, Spotted, around the bay and Pass Christian prior to the weather. Once things clear up, you can always check the Pro Angler Fish Guide to learn a few tricks to hunting Trout in MS.

A & A’s Tackle Box
February 16, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a whole lot going on in this area due to the water conditions in this area. The weather has also kept a lot of anglers off the water and they are heading towards Gulfport this week. Should conditions become more favorable anglers can always check out our Fish Guide for more tips and tricks that will keep your lines tight! If you are determined to get some fishing in this week, take a look at our Gulfport area reports to see what’s biting!

The Tackle Shop
February 10, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – It has been pretty rough in this area due to wind as of late. Anglers are fishing off the pier. Anglers in boats are targeting Sheepshead and Drum (Drum, Red) between Point Cadet Marina and Deer Island. There have not been many reports as anglers have had a hard time hitting the water or finding breaks in the weather. We hope to see this lie down for the weekend. There are always some great specials on clothes and outdoor gear at Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop so stop in and check out the great deals!

Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop
February 4, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) bite is all we are hearing from the area this week. Live and frozen Shrimp will be the most productive this week. There were some spotty bites of Flounder (Flounder, Southern & Flounder, Gulf) this week as well. We expect this to continue into the weekend. There are always some great specials on clothes and outdoor gear at Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop so stop in and check out the great deals!

Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop
January 28, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Red Tide has moved out with the cold weather. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are being caught in the rock piles behind Deer Island as well as in the Biloxi bay with sinking Mirr-Olures in the 750 color. The Shrimp have slowed down so most anglers are using artificials or dead Shrimp as an alternative throughout the cold snaps. There are always some great specials on clothes and outdoor gear at Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop so stop in and check out the great deals!
OFFSHORE – Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin & Tuna, Bluefin) and Wahoo are doing extremely well around 80 miles South out around the oil rigs. The Yellowfins are turning up around 80lbs and the Wahoo are up to 50lbs. Chunking has worked well to catch the Tuna while the Wahoo are taking skirted Ballyhoo on the slow troll. Orcas by Shimano is working well as an artificial alternative for the Wahoo.

Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop
January 22, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a lot of action from this area due to recent weather conditions as well as a strong fresh water mix in some areas. There are still reports of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) doing well at the top end of the bay. MirrOlures are working best for them. Some anglers choose to use a popping cork and piece of Shrimp while others are bouncing off the bottom. Number 71 seems to be best color for the MirrOlures.

A & A’s Tackle Box
January 15, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Things have been fairly slow in this area lately. Anglers were catching Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) down by the harbor recently. The bite has been consistent however not yet hot. Once the temperature drops a bit we hope to see them heat up a bit. Anglers have been using various lures and baits to catch as the Trout are not after anything in particular this week.

A & A’s Tackle Box
January 6, 2016
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is still a nice Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite so far this week. Using live bait has been a key factor in catching them, Shrimp especially. As an alternative, anglers are finding quite a bit of success with Mirrolures in 71 color.

A & A’s Tackle Box
December 29, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is still some Red Tide lingering around in the area mixed with the unfavorable weather there have not been many anglers getting out there so far this week. We hope for this front to move the rest of the red tide out and produce great fishing conditions once the weather clears up. We expect the Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) and Reds (Drum, Red) bite will continue in better conditions however we will have to wait and see.

The Tackle Shop
December 21, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The fish are hitting in the bayou this week. Mostly Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are turning up on artificials such as the Vudu Shrimp or DOA Shrimp. There are some live bait to catch down by the harbor as well however they seem to be preferring the plastics this week. Now that the weather has cooled down the bite is not as hot however the sizes are increasing so far. There is also a spotty Red (Drum, Red) bite in the same area although they are not the target. There are no signs of Drum (Drum, Black) or Flounder (Flounder, Southern & Flounder, Gulf) this week.
BAIT REPORT – There are some good sizes of Shrimp running by the harbor and working well for inshore bait.

A & A’s Tackle Box
December 14, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There were some perfect conditions in this area the past few days. The water has been clear the there seemed to be fish everywhere. Reds (Drum, Red) have been swimming right up to boats. They have been coming up in slot size as well a a few spotty Bull Reds. There has also been a solid Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) bite so far this week. Both of these are hitting well in the marshes, are coming up in decent sizes and expected to get bigger when the temperature drops. In the nearshore there are Sheepshead, Drum (Drum, Black), Flounder (Flounder Southern & Flounder, Gulf) swimming along with some Reds too. Most of the fish were fairly small however some of the Sheeps were caught in pretty big sizes. The best fishing has been out of Bayou Caddy so far this week which is producing some big slot Reds.

Pro Angler Team
December 9, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There was a bit of a slow start to the week due to the weather warming back up. There has been slightly less action from the fish so far but it is expected to pick up before the weekend. The fish are fat right now as they are all chasing the number one bait, Shrimp. There have been reports of Speckled Trout (Seatrout, Spotted), White Trout (Seatrout, Sand) and of course there are always Reds (Drum, Red) in the area. The marshes are still full of great sizes so far this week. It is important to try different rigs and setups as the preference can change from day to day, however a Carolina Rig or Split Shot on the bottom seem to be the most productive so far this week.
BAIT REPORT – There are Shrimp running in the area this week and all the fish are chasing them. They are working well as inshore bait as well as helping to locate the fish.

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
December 3, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There has not been a whole lot of action happening on the inshore this week. There have been some nice big Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) catches from the harbor. They have been swimming with Reds (Drum, Red) and a whole lot of Sheepshead. Live Shrimp on a free line have been the key bait for all three species. Anglers can’t seem to go wrong throwing this. As an artificial alternative Vudu Shrimp have been working great. The sizes have varied over the past week but are expected to increase when the temperature drops just a little more.
OFFSHORE – This week the offshore fishing has slowed down as there is not a whole lot of action in this area. The wind has kept anglers from the offshore water however conditions are expected to lie down in the next few days. Anglers heading out can always check out our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions on how to improve the catch. Gulfport Harbor can also provide a great up to the minute fishing report so everyone knows exactly what to expect on the water.
BAIT REPORT – There are no bait reported to be running so far this week.

Gulfport Harbour
November 26, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Everything is biting inshore right now and it is hard for anglers to keep their hook in the water. There are tons and tons of Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) swimming in the marshes and along the shores. Most anglers have been hitting their limits like last week. Of course, Shrimp has been the most productive bait if anglers can get it live or in a similar artificial. Mirrolures and Matrix Shads in Shrimp Creole have continued to do well. Reds (Drum, Red) have also been hitting well. Not too many Flounder, Gulf have turned up yet but that bite is expected to increase, although most fishermen do not target them in this area. As the weather keeps cooling down the fishing should pick up even more.
OFFSHORE – Due to unfavorable conditions there have been very little action offshore. Not many anglers have made it onto the water for reports this week. Once conditions settle we expect to see an increase of reports for this area. Anglers who decide to head out this week can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions that could improve the catch. As another great source, Bay Marina can provide an up to the minute fishing report as well.
BAIT REPORT – Live baiters continue to see some Porgy running this week.

Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
November 17, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – There is not a whole lot of action happening inshore however the Louisiana Marsh has been chalk full of Seatrout, Speckled and most anglers have been hitting their limits the past few days. Mirrolures and Matrix Shads in Shrimp Creole are producing the most success along with almost any color of Mirrodine. As the weather calms and the temperature drops anglers expect to see increased activity in this area from the Trout.
OFFSHORE – Due to unfavorable weather there have been very little action offshore. Not many anglers have made it onto the water for reports this week. Once conditions settle we expect to see an increase of reports for this area. Anglers who decide to head out this week can always consult our Tips feature which provides additional information and suggestions that could improve the catch. Additionally The Tackle Shop can provide an up to the minute fishing report as well.
BAIT REPORT – There is a thick Porgy run occurring and working well with the Trout.

The Tackle Shop
November 10, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – As the weather begins to cool down the inshore fishing is beginning to change. Trout (Seatrout, Spotted) are moving back into the bay along with the Redfish (Drum, Red). With the seasonal changes the bayous are beginning to fish well using artificials. Chartreuse is a “can’t go wrong with” color. Early in the morning some anglers are using various types of live bait however the fish seem to prefer the soft plastics. There have been no reports of Flounder this week however there are still expected to be some swimming for the next little while.
OFFSHORE – The deeper water fishing is producing a solid Tuna (Tuna, Yellowfin) bite. The Tuna are in behind the shrimp boats and Hardtails are working very well as bait. The boats are past the 10 mile mark at this time although continue to move with the Shrimp.
BAIT REPORT – Hardtails (Blue Runner) are sitting on the buoys. They are not difficult to find as they are high in the water column. Sabiki rigs are working well to hook them and anglers are taking them offshore for Tuna. There are also some Shrimp running inshore.

Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop
November 6, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The coastline has been the best it has all season. The Trout (Seatrout, Spotted & Seatrout, Sand) and Reds (Drum, Red) have been phenomenal. Anglers no longer need to run to the Louisiana marsh to catch fish. The rivers and bayous are loaded with Trout and Reds and anglers are hooking them with Live Shrimp or free lining with Menhaden. Matrix shads in lemon head or Vudu Shrimp in natural or brown are great artificials. The best spots are going to be in the mouth of the bays right now as the rain has washed a lot of the salinity out of the water in the rivers and bayous. Anglers should expect 3-4 days after the rain ceases before salinity improves.
OFFSHORE – Cobia have begun their migration into the deeper water towards Florida. Anglers are using hardtails (Bluerunners), eels or large live Menhaden to hook Cobia. The King (Mackerel, King) bite has also been good right outside the islands using hardtails or pulling spoons. Anglers can catch hardtails on Sabiki rigs or via cast net. Some anglers are using Finger Mullet as well which, when clipped, are very reliable.
BAIT REPORT – The back bays are stocked with Shrimp and Menhaden while Finger Mullet is thick on the front beaches and island. Weather is not favorable so they may be a bit mixed but there is plenty in there. Anglers can catch hardtails on Sabiki rigs or cast net by chumming in deeper water although the Sabiki is preferred.

Capt. Mark “MOJO” Wright
October 28, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Due to the terrible weather all offshore trips have been cancelled. If you find improved conditions throughout the week and choose to make your way out on the water you can always consult our Tips feature for more info that could improve your catch. Once the weather calms down we are expecting some very active fishing offshore.
INSHORE – Similar to offshore there has been very little fishing happening. Prior to the storm we began to see some Trout (Trout, Spotted) and lots of Flounder (Flounder, Gulf) along with the Reds (Drum, Red). They are scattered due to the high water levels which are almost three feet above normal. If you are out this week our sources have reported Matrix Creole – a redish glitter Shrimp like lure has been working well. If you can manage to get your hands on some Live Shrimp that would be a great choice as well. Once the weather subsides the Reds, Trout and Flounder should be moving back in for some more active fishing.
BAIT REPORT – All bait are very scattered right now. There was an extremely high amount of Shrimp in the bay before the storm hit, however with the scattered conditions it is difficult to tell whether they will make their way back after things settle down.
Gorenflo’s Tackle Shop
119 Beach Boulevard
Biloxi, MS
October 23, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The marshes are producing huge Speckled Trout, and lots of them. Redfish, White Trout and Flounder are also in Bay St. Louis and the Jordan River. You will want to use live Shrimp, Pogies or Menhaden which are plentiful and easy picking. Beaches are producing swarms of Bull Reds as Menhaden and Mullet are running pretty thick. Redfish are biting any kind of Shrimp as well. Fishing will continue to be steady in the coming weeks and the weather will be the only thing anglers will have to contend with.
BAIT REPORT – Menhaden is abundant with a little bit of Shrimp also around. Mud minnows have been fairly thick when you can find them.
Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
100 Bay Marina Drive
Bay Saint Louis, MS
September 25, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Starting to get a few more Flounder inshore and offshore. The water has been hot so check the deeper holes. Right now you have to have moving water, falling tide works the best. Until the water temperature cools down you won’t see much in the shallows. 9-10 feet deep. The Coast is pretty shallow. Temperatures will drop as we progress into October.
BAIT REPORT – Mud Minnows are really common and easy to catch right now. There are lots of Shrimp around, some are getting too big to use as bait, but those ones are great to eat.
Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
100 Bay Marina Drive
Bay Saint Louis, MS
September 8, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Croaker are staying down. The fish are starting to make their fall migration back into the estuaries. This means the Bull Reds are plentiful. Use live bait, Porgys or Shrimp to catch a nice Bull Red. The Trout are starting to show up too and can be found feeding by the oysters beds. With the Trout, moving water is key. Right now day fishing is getting warm, wait until the evening to catch Flounder.BAIT REPORT – There’s a decent amount of bait around. Shrimp, Croaker, and Menhaden have been fairly easy to net.
September Fishing Special: morning fish until the day gets too hot, and finish off the day with an evening fish catching Flounder and spotting horseshoe crabs, and Stingrays.
Gulf Coast Charters
Captain Tony Mallini
Waveland, MS
(228) 323-3302
September 1, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The Speckled Trout bite has picked up considerably compared to last week. Limits of Speckled Trout are common. Shrimp on a 2-3 foot leader under a popping cork is all you need to catch Speckled Trout and Redfish. 20lb test fluorocarbon leader with a #6 treble hook works fine for the Trout. If there happens to be some Redfish around with the Trout as Slot Redfish and Bull Redfish are in reasonable numbers around pier structures, local harbour, and oyster reefs, you’ll want to run 30-40lb test leader material. The artifical reefs can be found within 1 mile of shore. The live reefs out in the 3-6 mile range are showing some great schools of Redfish as well.BAIT REPORT – Brown Shrimp are very thick in the Pass Christian area. Pogies are starting to get fairly thick as well. As things cool down, expect to see them continue to show up in great numbers.
Report provided by:
Captain Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh Fishing Charters
Pass Christian, MS
August 25, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Bob down at Bay Marina Rv Park says the water has been extremely hot. You absolutely need to find any deep holes you can while fishing inshore. The Redfish have been spotty around certain areas of Pass Christian. The Trout have left for deeper waters. You’ll need to find as deep of a hole inshore as you can. There’s been some Ladyfish around in the shallower waters and if you happen to be an offshore angler then you’re in luck for bait.BAIT REPORT – Shrimp have been spotty. There’s some days that the shrimp are absolutely loaded up inshore and there’s days where you couldn’t find a single one. There’s lots of Mullet around along with Menhaden so baiting up to fish deeper waters should be relatively easy.
Marina Bob
Bay Marina-Rv Park-Lodging
Bay Saint Louis, MS
August 18, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Trout have recently been spotty, but it’s starting to pick up again as the brown shrimp move in. Larger numbers of Trout are starting to show up inshore and up in the bays. Expect this to continue and the trout fishing to keep improving. Flounder are being caught in large number around artificial reefs, structure, bridge pilings and the mouths of bayous on falling or rising tides. Mark says typically the falling tide is best. If you can get Cocahoe minnows they’ll definitely eat them. With the availability of shrimp in the water the Flounder can also be caught with them.BAIT REPORT – Shrimp is starting to show up in large numbers and are easily netted. Most anglers are using shrimp as it’s in good supply and the fish are eating it.
Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh
Pass Christian, MS
August 6th, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Bordages Marina let me know that the Redfish, Flounder, Speckled Trout, and White Trout were all biting. After all, the best time to fish is when you can. Of course the Redfish and Trout are going to dominate what you catch. Regardless of what you are targeting you can’t go wrong with using live Minnows or Shrimp.BAIT REPORT – Bait is definitely around and it shouldn’t be too hard to find Pogies. Early in the morning, the little Mullet come up to the surface, and if you are out on the water you should have no problem dropping a shiny Sabiki Rig or even cast netting them.
Bordages Marina (Bay St. Louis)
July 31, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Venice heavy on swordfish and tuna and snapper and dolphin.
INSHORE – There was a lull in the fishing resulting from the high pressure and west wind. The Trout and Redfishing has picked up recently. Expect to find the usual suspects inshore. For big Speckled Trout you are going to want to fish deeper water like you do during spring time and target between 10-15 feet. Captain Mark Wright recommends using live Croakers carolina rigged on the bottom on the shell reefs. For smaller school Trout though you are still going to want to follow the birds and throw vudu shrimp and matrix shad at them under popping corks rigged about 3 feet down.
BAIT REPORT – Bait has been good, the Menhaden have been picking up more and more lately. They are also getting to a good size (3-4 inches). The Shrimp are still plentiful too.
Captain Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh
228 324 7612
July 22, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Bay Marina Bob spends most of his days cursing the Red Snapper that are so thick you can’t help but catch them. Drop down a bait going for any other structure-loving fish and you are guaranteed to have your bait preoccupied by one of those red monsters. They practically jump into your boat; whether you are throwing cut bait or deep dropping your least favorite politicians campaign promises. That being said, the fishing off of Venice Louisiana is really good – Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo. You are going to want to grab your trolling kit for those.INSHORE – Fishing inshore has been fair to middling. There are a lot of small white Trout and Speckled Trout around. Plenty of Redfish too. What is really holding the fishing back is that it has been so hot out and there isn’t a lot of bait. You need to be fishing on a falling or incoming tide – make sure that water is moving, and make sure it isn’t the middle of the day.
BAIT REPORT – There is not a lot of bait around, if you find some you probably want to skirt around ledges and flats in that area for bigger fish.
Bob, or Bay Marina Bob as his friends call him, or Captain Never Wrong as his wife calls him – runs a full service Marina, boat launch, complete with boat repair, trolling motors, you name it, he does it.
Bay Marina Bob
Bay Marina – RV Park Lodging
(228) 466-4970
July 8, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
OFFSHORE / INSHORE – Captain Tony at Gulf Coast Charters hasn’t had the chance to go offshore right now, partly because the inshore fishing has been so good! There is lots of Speckled Trout right now in the Louisiana Marshes, mainly Biloxi. He has used the occaisonal shrimp under a popping cork, but his favourite is the Matrix Shad. A carolina rig also works great. The Flats and shelves are good for the Trout and the oyster bars are always a safe bet. Pay attention to the birds they will let you know where the fish are.BAIT REPORT – Bait is plentiful. There are Mullet and Pogies and more – but the best bait this time of year is live Croaker and Captain Tony hasn’t seen a ton of them. There is also shrimp everywhere and they are almost as good so a lot of people have been using that.
Open 7 days a week so give him a call.
Captain Tony Mallini
Gulf Coast Charters
(228) 323-3302
July 3rd, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – The inshore bite is pretty good. It’s mostly Speckled trout right now. The Redfish have slowed. The Trout are biting well on Croakers, Live Shrimp and soft plastics like Matrix Shad and Vudu Shrimp. An easy bet this time of year is to find find the laughing gulls actively working on the water. You will know there are fish when you see this. Early in the mornings go to the shell reefs, and work the current lines off the points of islands but later in the day look for the birds. There are still a lot of school fish mixed in.BAIT REPORT – Menhaden, Pinfish and Finger Mullet are getting up to the proper size now. There are a lot of Croakers too. The Croaker will only be good for another couple weeks before it does down and Shrimp picks up.
Captain Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh
228 324 7612
June 26th, 2015
Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian Fishing Report
INSHORE – Master angler Captain Mark Wright has had amazing luck this week fishing the outside of the Louisiana Marsh off Bay St. Louis, targeting Speckled Trout and Red Fish. The trout in particular have been schooling up on oyster reefs and Captain Mark has a very good technique where he uses a white and chartreuse Vudu shrimp tied to a pop cork in about six feet of water. Eyeing the sea birds, Captain Mark will stay upwind and cast close to a nearby flock and hammer fish all day long. Captain Mark also reports that Tripletail have moved into the area and will stick around until October. These fish can be found out off the break islands including Cat Island. There you will also find Cobia that have come to spend the summer in the North part of the Gulf.BAIT REPORT – Captain Mark reports there are lots of Pinfish, Pogies, Mullet, Menhaden and Croakers around and a casting net and a little time will secure all the live bait you need.
Captain Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh
228 324 7612
June 19th, 2015
Lakeshore / Bay St. Louis / Pass Christian Fishing Report
OFFSHORE – Captain Mark Wright prefers to stay within 10 miles and prefers to target fish other than the Red Snapper. He likes to go South of the Barrier Islands. There he likes to troll for King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Bonita, and Redfish. He likes to troll Pet Spoons and Magnum Rattle Traps with a 1 foot trace. With those he is catching Redfish and King and spanish mackerel.INSHORE (Gulf) – Fishing around the structure, marshes, cuts and mouths of the bayou. Right now the Speckled Trout and Redfish are hitting exceptionally well. The rough weather has taken it’s toll on the fishing. Tripletail have started showing up this past month. They are really liking live Shrimp. If you’re more for of a fan of artificials, try using Voodoo Shrimp. In the morning and when the tide is moving well you can try one of the numerous topwater lures like MirrOlure Top dogs and Top Dog Jr.
INSHORE (Bay) – Around Bay St. Louis is about a 7/10 right now and picking up every day. There are lots of Redfish in the bay. There you’ll also find Speckled Trout. Fishing is good around any structure, shell reefs, and edges.
BAIT REPORT – The bait is spread out along the beachfront from the mouth of the river systems to the marsh. There you’ll find Menhaden, Finger Mullet, Glass Minnows and small Croakers. There are also lots of shrimp around.
Captain Mark Wright
Legends of the Lower Marsh

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