Southern, Stringray

Food Quality:

Southern, Stringray

Avg. Length


Avg. Weight


World Record


FL Record


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Scientific Name

Dasyatis americana

Common Names

Stringaree, Raya


The Southern Stingray is a circular shaped ray with spines on top and a long barbed tail used for defence purposes. The coloration is olive green to brown on the top (darker with age) and whitish on the bottom.

Habitat & Behaviour

Southern Stingrays are often found migrating in schools, in pairs or by themselves. They often stop in to ocean cleaning stations run by bluehead wrasses and hogfishes. When they’re not being cleaned they can be found on sandy bottoms, reefs and even lagoons.

Natural Prey

Southern stingrays eat bivalves, worms, small fish and crustaceans. Since their prey is often buried in the sand, they un-bury it by forcing streams of water out their mouth or flapping their fins over the sand. They find their prey using electro-reception and their excellent senses of smell and touch.

Handling Tips

Handle with extreme caution. Recommended to net them, be careful they have spines with barbs on the tail that are poisonous and can cause intense pain or worse. If harvesting, remove sharp spine with pliers. Some small teeth but small mouth – gaff in nose in front of mouth.