Seatrout, Sand

Food Quality:

Seatrout, Sand

Avg. Length


Avg. Weight


World Record

6lbs 2oz

FL Record


View Regulations

Scientific Name

Cynoscion arenarius

Common Names

White trout, Sugar trout, Sand weakfish, White weakfish.


The Sand Seatrout sports a yellow mouth with one or two larger teeth protruding from their upper jaw. They range in coloration from yellow to pale yellow that blends to a silver or white belly. Similar in appearance to Silver Seatrout they can be distinguished by 10 rays on their anal fin.

Habitat & Behaviour

Sand Seatrout can be found in coastal areas, particularly those lacking in saline. Adult fish can be found further offshore.

Natural Prey

The Sand Seatrout makes a diet of small invertebrates and small fish.

Handling Tips

Definitely do not put your fingers in the mouth! Delicate fish. If you’re catching smaller ones try not to handle too much. If you have to handle them with a wet rag so you don’t wipe slime off – that would damage them.