Mullet, Striped

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Scientific Name
Mugil cephalus

Common Names
Jumping mullet, Black mullet, Fatback

Striped Mullet are an elongated fish with a forked tail and often have stripes or bars on their sides. Their coloration ranges from blue or green on their back, fading slowly to slivery white on their belly.

Habitat & Behaviour
The Striped Mullet can be found in schools in nearly any coastal area and even into freshwater areas. Striped Mullet can be spotted in schools leaping from the water as they travel.

Natural Prey
Striped Mullet feed mostly during the day time and subsist on zooplankton and dead organic matter sometimes called detritus.

Handling Tips
Can be handled with ease. Nothing bad on the mullet to watch out for. They have small smooth mouths and a small spine.

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