Flounder, Southern

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Scientific Name
Paralichthys lethostigma

Common Names
Flounder, Doormat, Mud flounder, Halibut, Southern fluke

The Southern Flounder is a rounded medium sized fish with noticeable eyes and a sizeable mouth. Its coloration ranges from light to dark brown on the eye side, occurring occasionally with white markings or splotches. The underside of the fish is white and it has fins that nearly wrap the body.

Habitat & Behaviour
Southern Flounder can be found near under water structures like piers or rocky bottoms; however they are most common in muddy bottomed channels or at the mouths of bays. They lie in prone disguised on the ocean floor waiting for prey to swim by. During spawning season they migrate offshore to spawning grounds.

Natural Prey
Southern Flounder subsist on a diet of fish, as well as crustaceans and other invertebrates.

Handling Tips
Netting them is best. Lots of sharp teeth so don’t put fingers in mouth, grab behind the head, from top down, hold vertical to see top side and bottom side (eyes on top side) - pinch right behind the head to hold.

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