Billfish – Marlin, Blue

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Scientific Name
Makaira nigricans

Common Names
Aguja azul, Pacific blue marlin, Atlantic blue marlin, Billfish, Cuban black marlin, Marlin

The Blue Marlin gathers its name from its dark blue back and blue stripes. It has a high spiny dorsal fin and a broadly forked tail. This fish is equipped with a long upper jaw forming a spear like bill. Rising from this bill is a steeply sloping forehead that rounds off near the beginning of the dorsal fin. The other fins are also pointed, unlike the White Marlin.

Habitat & Behaviour
Blue Marlin can be found in offshore deep water, specifically where underwater features such as drop-offs, canyons, ridges. A solitary fish, Blue Marlin’s often hang around areas that have large supplies of food and occasionally can be found in pairings.

Natural Prey
Blue marlin's primary feed during the daytime and are solo hunters. School activity to feed is quite uncommon. Prey consists mainly of pelagic fish (ie. blackfin tuna and frigate mackerel), squid and octopuses. Although it has been debated they have been said to use the power of their long, sharp bills to injure their prey before feeding.

Handling Tips
Try to keep in the water if releasing or quickly taking it out for the picture. Beware of sharp nose and gill plates. Use gloves to handle. Grabbing the bill and tail rope can also be a great help. Be extremely careful; they are strong and can jump, easily causing injury.

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