If you like places that are on record for having 361 straight days of sunshine, then you are going to like deep sea fishing in Clearwater, Florida. Located on the picturesque and peaceful western coast of the state, this city of 100,000 is not only home to great weather; it is also home to some great fishing. Clearwater, Florida deep sea fishing is renowned for its quality, and the environment that surrounds the area is second to none. Due to its location on the less-frequented side of the state, the rates that you find here are going to be a little fairer than the ones on the east coast for the most part.
The Gulf Coast
The Gulf of Mexico makes up the western coast of Florida, and provides some of the most beautiful, clear, and peaceful waters for your deep sea fishing adventure. The water is teaming with kingfish, barracuda, tuna and more, and the weather for sailing on the open water is as perfect as perfect gets. The advantage here is that the conditions are beautiful all year round, and it doesn’t matter if it is spring, summer, or winter – you can have a great time any time.
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater
Another great advantage of this location is the widespread metropolitan area of Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater. The amount of fishing companies offering everything from four hour to overnight trips is staggering, and the beautiful marinas themselves make for a sight to see. On top of that, you can spend your downtime on the beautiful harbor, check out some of the great beaches, or take in the city centers if that’s what floats your boat. National parks, restaurants, bars, and even a professional sports team are yours to see. Spend a romantic day in Honeymoon Island State Park, or hit the town in downtown Tampa to put the special cap on your next deep sea fishing trip.

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